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US to Hezbollah: Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack
  • I know you think you prices something there but if you were right there wouldn't have been any mass protests with thousands of people demonstrating against how Israel is currently acting.

    I'm pretty sure 150000 people wouldn't be able to demonstrate and publicly say things like "All of the rats in Hamas", “Crime Minister” and “Stop the War” and get away with it unharmed.

    When did you see anything like that against Hamas in Gaza?

    Either Hamas, which were elected to govern in Gaza, represents the Palestinian people or Hamas rules with an iron fist, effectively oppressing the Palestinians right to express their opinions.

    You can't have it both ways.

  • IF Metall drar Tesla till domstol – ska lämna in stämning
  • I kvartalsekonomins värld är detta ändå bara cost of doing business för Tesla.

    Personligen så tycker jag det är bra att facket inte låter sig bli överkörda av arbetsgivare som försöker skaffa sig konkurrensfördelar som bekostas av arbetstagare och i slutändan gör det dyrare för andra skattebetalare.

  • US to Hezbollah: Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack
  • Hezbollah attacked Israel on the 8th of October and supported Hamas attacking and kidnapping civilians on the 7th October.

    Iran is actively supporting conflicts in the Middle East, Europe and Africa. So either we start talking about the religious fanatics or we just accept the USA as the world police and we should just do as they tell us to do.

    I'd personally prefer the former....

  • Gunmen Attack Synagogues and Churches in Russian Republic
  • Leonid Slutsky, a senior lawmaker, claimed that the attacks had “the aim of sowing panic and dividing the people of Russia” and that “the blood of the victims” was also on the hands of the United States.

    Of course it's United States that is to blame.

    Holy crap, not even ChatGPT would be able to make this shit up.

  • The 22nd Mechanized Brigade captured a turtle.
  • Yet another sign of the Russian economy boo...aaah f**k... I can't even...

    At this point it's just depressing how tankies continue to defend Russia, essentially claiming everything's fine and dandy in Russia, when Russia is sending their own people to the front lines in death traps like this.

  • Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • Ok my god. I had an Samsung Omnia 7 and I loved the Metro UI.

    Remote Desktop to a Windows 2008 Server and try to open the Start Menu by clicking a single pixel in the left lower corner... Shoot me.

  • Vladimir Putin issues fresh demands to Ukraine to end war
  • No. That's not what I wrote. To try to get it to that you'd have to perform quite some acrobatics to be able to leave out "South Africa" from the picture.

    South Africa requested not to have to arrest Putin last year. War crimes in Ukraine not the top priority for South Africa then but it seems like they changed their mind about war crimes since last October. Well, not regarding war crimes in Ukraine it seems though...

  • Samyang: Denmark recalls Korean ramen for being too spicy
  • No one seems to bother looking up the origin of this. Fødevarestyrelsen:

    However, the capsaicin content is so high that it can pose a health hazard. In Germany, several children have been hospitalized with poisoning after being challenged to eat strong chili chips.

    -The quantity of hot chili is even higher in the investigated noodles than in chili chips, which have previously led to poisoning injuries among children in Germany. That is why it is important that parents are aware of the extreme noodle varieties and avoid them, says Henrik Dammand Nielsen.

    I grow Carolina Reaper among other chilis and I like really really strong food. However, just because I like eating something doesn't mean it's not dangerous or that kids should eat it.

  • Kremlin's top security officials call on Russians to mobilise to inflict 'maximum harm' on West in response to sanctions
  • One of Russia's top security officials called on Thursday for Russians to mobilise to inflict "maximum harm" on Western societies and infrastructure as payback for increasingly tough sanctions being imposed on Moscow by the U.S. and its allies.

    So... The sanctions are tough? You're saying they are having an effect? Good that we finally get this confirmed.

    "We need to (respond). Not only the authorities, the state, but all our people in general. After all, they - the U.S. and its crappy allies - have declared a war on us without rules!,"

    This is a lie. The rule that Russia broke was "do not invade neighboring countries and don't murder and rape the civilians".

    In his latest comments he spoke of the need to find critical vulnerabilities in Western economies, to target energy, industry, transport, banking and social services, and to stir up social tensions.

    Yet again, why focus on this if the Russian economy is booming and sanctions are toothless?

    While we can discuss how big the effects of the sanctions on Russia and the Russian economy are, we can conclude that the sanctions have a real tangible and a clearly noticable impact.

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