Well sloppy pretty much hit the nail on the head. I’ll chime in to say those were 55 grams when harvested today (wet weight), so about 5.5 dry. That’s about 2 trips for me, or 1 big’un and a smaller chill dose. I mostly microdose though, these will most likely be heading for the mortar & pestle then into capsules!
He doesn’t have to sit around and listen to that hoodwink! My dude clearly got hogwashed good
They’re edible, then comes the visual fun lol. They’re P. Cubensis 8)
I can’t seem to stop saving (hoarding?) little containers that I think would be fun to grow mushrooms in.
Dang nice canopy! And you even had a nice little corner to start harvesting from haha
Here's a link to Wikipedia :)
Good! Still not sure if my math is on the up&up, but it’s great in tea. I think it’s a great way to preserve your yields
Thanks! & I made sure to toss a wedge of the myc in a slant to keep as a master & hopefully enjoy these guys for a while to come :)
I did a grow from MSS a while back, and one fruit popped up and matured basically while all the other pins were still teenytiny. Cloned that puppy to agar, and it’s been one of the most aggressive fruiters I’ve had so far! This is a 90 sec rice bag inoculated with agar wedges. I was munchin’ shrooms before I even went S2B haha
This is so cool, I wish I could do this! If only I didn’t live in a blazing hellscape with no rain lol
It's just frustrating to watch the government bail out failed businesses and forgive their loans time after time while telling citizens to get fucked. A lot of the same people complaining about forgiving student loan debt had no problem taking a PPP loan and not paying it back...
Give it a shot! Once the mushrooms are in the honey they don’t degrade, so it seems like a great way to use up shrooms that pile up after grows :)
Now we know why those Grimace meals were so expensive
I think I used raw honey as well. At least that's what the lady at the roadside stand I bought the honey at said. I've heard about the crystallization woes as well, I guess I'll have to wait and see how this stuff acts over the months! I've also heard raw honey contains enzymes that otherwise get cooked off during the filtering process, so it's better to use. Not sure why haha.
It seems like your ratio of 1g honey to .1 mushroom is pretty close my my ratio too. I'll give it a stir in another month or so and see how it goes!
Tried making some blue honey for the first time yesterday! Just went with a small jar for a test run.
Ok so here’s my math on the weights- 3 fluid ounces = 18 teaspoons. 3 fluid ounces of honey weighs approx. 4.5 ounces, or 127 grams.
I ended up putting 120g honey in that little jar, along with 11.5g ground dried cubensis.
Assuming I indeed have 3 fluid ounces or 18tsp of honey, if I divide 11.5 by 18, that would make approx .64 grams per teaspoon.
So that’s about what I was aiming for, but it looks like a jar of doodoo lol. It was also getting pretty thick when mixing. I’m happy, but it definitely doesn’t look like the pictures I see online! Anyway, has anyone else tried this? What’s your recipe/ratio?
I agree with Indicah, if you're a first timer Uncle Ben's tek is the way to go. You can always move up to sterilizing your own grain. I also recommend making and using a still air box (SAB), it will greatly reduce your risk of introducing contamination and make your growing experience much better. Learn and practice sterile techniques. You can never be too careful with sanitization and sterilization.
If you're a visual learner watch the videos on 90 Second Mycology youtube channel, and PhillyGoldenTeacher is awesome too, link also on the sidebar.
shroomery.org has a metric fuckton of information available, but it can be kinda daunting for beginners. Don't let it intimidate you tho, there's lots of good info there. Use the search bar.
Just know that even though there's plenty of ways a grow can go wrong, most of it can be avoided by using sterile techniques. But you dont need anything fancy, just some spores, UB bags, SAB, couple small clear plastic tubs, and some coco coir. Start simple and grow from there :)
If you have any specific questions, ask us! I've found most online shroom communities are chill and helpful, and I'd like to continue that here on lemmy :)
Nice! Is this the Choda from your other post? I like the little guys with the golden caps haha, but I’d be 👀 that one on the upper left for agar!
I love it! Especially the raspberry lime. There were a lot of flavors to choose from so I just grabbed these two. I'm out of town for work for the weekend, so I hope the store at home has as good (or better!) of a selection.
It’s kinda handy when you have a fuller canopy and you want to harvest at the perfect time! And more importantly, it’s fun lol :)
The more you look at this, the better it gets.
Credit to https://twitter.com/CSpurling