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It's exhausting...
  • Each time a leftist ask me to vote, my answer is "only if you unionize". I don't think we should rely and a political party that defend the bourgeoisie to organize the fight against fascism.

  • Linux in the military
  • I said such things too, but one day I ask myself, could I said it in front of people bombed by my tools ? Our tools are not neutral things, but produce and distribute by social relationship that we could fight. Sorry but we the rise of fascism and ecological disaster we could not afford to give up our power as producer to mass murderer

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • Law do not exist by itself; it's the result of balance of power. How would you know that your State do not use illegally free software ? And if you know it, could you sue it ? Even if it's a classified administration ?

    Apply laws Internationally is even worse. It usually depends of the imperialist relationship between States. For exemple, Facebook rules was illegal in France, but France changes it's laws rather than sue Facebook. A decade later, the whole European Union could forte RGPD upon the GAFAM.

    China have nothing to fear in ignoring those licence, and we shouldn't rely on it to protect our work. However we could strengthen our common defenses, through FOSS for people in the US … and maybe trade unions elsewhere.

  • Is corporatism a question in your territory or organization ?

    As a member of a revolutionary union, we are supposed to organized in industry union. However, industries are not that clear nowadays; our workplace are often linked with many industries. So, we often make inter-professional unions. This is related to our mistrust of corporatism; we analyzed a lot of tensions and treason of other unions as the defense of specific job (i.e teacher, and not whole workers of education)

    But, when people speak of unionized, their first question is related to a union link to their specific job.

    Where you are, is corporatism a thing among the workers ? among their organization ? Do you think this is an issue ? How do you deal with it ?

    Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid
  • French government make electricity price scale on the most expansive one. So with the war in Ukraine, the price of gas plumed up, and so do every electricity bill that was never so expansive, by far.

    The "liberalization of energy market" force everyone to buy electricity from courrier that don't do anything; they do not produce or invest, they just buy and sell electricity. This firms take all the money between the price and the cost. This severely threat the electricity production, that is still made by the former public firm (ex « Électricité de France » ); even if it's electricity is the cheapest, and it's the firm that invest the more in renewable energy.

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • Well, It wold be reassuring if they would say at least "sorry" for giving IP address of eco-activists to the french intelligence. If only they earn money, but they did it for free. It's an improvement, but it's still not enough

  • French election descends into madcap reality TV
  • Yep, in a lot of countries. In France, the fascists has been stopped by the union of left parties, and the union of trades unions, and lead to the most social progress we still rely on (the first paid holidays for example). If we shall not thing that history repeat itself, this period have a big particularity that is not enough told : those social progress where not planned by the political parties, and the reunification of trades unions (like CGT and CGT-U) where not at the initiative of their leaders. Workers took the street and very offensive strike forced them off. Their sure is a lack of initiative of the workers, I think that's why we fail during the retirement movement; and If trade Unions sure have a place, I'm not sure that it's next to political parties in these "Nouvel Union Populaire".

  • Europeans, do you take the train to travel to other countries?
  • Yep, a lot. From Switzerland to Netherland, their is a lot of plain, that made train connections easier. It took some times; those connections where not that common because of borders.

    Their is lot of short connections in those area. Furthermore, each year some big connections are improved. For exemple Paris -> Bruxelles has been reduced to 1h22 recently (270 km), which impact something like Paris -> Amsterdam (4h, 420 km).

    Here we use short connections each week to go shopping, make some sports, or stuff like that. A friend took it every day to work. We use big connections to visit some places on week end, for Alpinism in Switzerland for example, or big cities (Bruxelles, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Copenhaguen, …)

    For those long connections, the main issue is the cost; some times to times their is cheap tickets, but their usually cost hundreds euros.

  • The truth...
  • Okay now we establish who deserved what, maybe we should ask ourselves if this punishment help to prevent this murders to happen again, or will their cause another disaster in the futur.

    We could find the Isralien army more or less virtuous than the Palestinians armed resistance, and throw examples and counter examples, our we think about what cause it, and how to stop it. Having a materialist approach

  • Sex Workers Unite !

    The brand new Sex Workers Section of the CNT union of workers and precarious of Strasbourg (CNT - STP 67) call to mobilization for the International day of the Sex Workers Struggles. This day was chosen since the church occupation of Lyon in 1975; if french laws have changed, discriminations remain.

    In some city, outside any legal frame, cops are chasing sex workers in the street. The french juridiction is supposed to "protect sex workers from pimp. In fact, it sanctions people helping sex workers, including roommates or relatives, where GAFAM and platforms that actually exploit them are not threaten in any way.

    The french situation is one of many incarnation of the discrimination against sex workers internationally. On the contrary of the historical sex workers organization (the STRASS), this section is organized in an inter-professional confederation (CNT) and internationally (CIT)

    Best Graphic card for Linux Gaming

    Are they some graphic card benchmark for linux environment ? From my windows experience, drivers are important, and often underestimate. My linux gaming experience is very bad, lots of my game are unstable, and others use a lot more resources than with windows. However, when I ask people, some of them have no issue at all, even with a similar environment (Debian + Steam). I may consider buy specific graphic card to stay on linux, but I couldn't find any clue to know which one are more adapted.

    Thx for your leads !

    Hardware requirement, selfhosting dedicated gateway

    I host i2p on a rpi 3 in order to use it as a mutualize gateway for my private network. i2p consume so much ressources that I couldn't even curl it's web interfaces. It try to get some info on what are the hardware requirements, but didn't find anything.

    • What are the minimal hardware requirements for the current version of i2p ?
    • Is it a good idea to mutualise a gateway on a private server ?
    • If so, is it a good idea to give access to this gateway through a VPN ?

    Thanks for your answers

    Call for Solidarity with the Garment Workers’ Struggle in Bangladesh

    >The labour struggle for an increase of the minimum wage for garment workers in Bangladesh intensified since October 23rd 2023. Hundreds of thousands of workers went on strike, rallied in the streets, blocked highways and attacked factory property.

    >The Garment Workers’ Trade Union Center (GWTUC), with whom the ICL Working Group Asia has been in touch for years and also successfully collaborated labour struggles together before (check #UnitedAgainstTheDragon), now calls for the globalisation of the ongoing fight of the garment workers.

    International solidarity forever

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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