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What's your favorite music player on Linux?
  • mpd + Emacs frontend. There are dozens of us

  • Winning solitaire Windows 3.1
  • Blew my mind when I was a kid. Love this stuff!

  • Respect to anyone still managing a library of mp3s
  • Long live the Zune! Still use mine today

  • Who cares to touch the grass?
  • I feel like I should frame this graphic. It's beautiful

  • Who cares to touch the grass?
  • ISO-8601. God's own date-time format

  • Windows 3.1 SkiFree (WinSki)
  • That's so cool - I remember that that was the rumor in the schoolyard when I was a kid, but unfortunately none of us were good enough to pull it off

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's awesome! I agree - 5 years should be the minimum

  • Phantom Menace theme for Windows 95/98
  • Absolutely. As far as I'm concerned, this theory is cannon

  • Phantom Menace theme for Windows 95/98
  • Nothing like booting up your beet-red desktop to a giant picture of your favorite character - Jar Jar

  • Wow... what an awesome throwback! There were more that came with that song, weren't there?

  • WinGPT: Native ChatGPT client for Windows 3.1+
  • My god the commitment. Love it

  • Classic mac emulation in your browser
  • I feel we need to bring back the "eeep" sound on modern Macs

  • You will regret this! (SC2000)
  • Dude wasn't joking. You cut back on transit funding and your city would literally fall apart in front of your eyes

  • Lemoa - A Gtk client for Lemmy
  • Awesome!! Will definitely be following this project

  • safe space
  • SDF gang rise up. Love the historical aspect of the platform

  • What do you recommend as a good FOSS private and secure chat app on Android that isn't Signal?
  • Huge fan of Session. I think it really hits the sweet spot of being user-accessible (including iOS, Android, and desktop clients with notifications) with a solid encrypted messaging base using Tor-like onion routing.

    I've been slowly migrating my friends and family over to it (with varying degrees of tech literacy) and have had few issues so far.

  • What FOSS browsers, do you use on a daily basis on both your mobile and computer for privacy and security, and what measures have you taken to further harden your browser (if any).
  • Mull on GrapheneOS on my phone, and hardened Firefox (arkenfox) on my desktop/laptop.

    I find that this is a pretty capable setup that can handle 95% of what I need to do, and for the other 5% of the time I can fall back to ungoogled-chromium to ensure webpage compatibility

  • I've really liked using onenote, but would like a FOSS alternative if there is one that replicates the experience. I don't need any syncing abilities, since I prefer to store locally.
  • I'll throw out there that Emacs org-mode is an incredibly robust solution for this, although it may be a bit overkill for your needs (and may send you down an Emacs rabbit hole).

    At least for me, it's gotten to the point that my entire life can be summarized in a giant pile of *.org files. I highly recommend it

  • What do you all use for password management?
  • While there hasn't been a release in a while, the Android-Password-Store dev seems to be actively working on it (at least per the GitHub page), so hopefully it'll get updated for your phone soon.

    For what it's worth, I currently have it working on GrapheneOS on a Pixel 7 Pro phone, which I figure is pretty modern as phones go

  • What do you all use for password management?
  • Unix pass! Because I have to be different apparently

    If you're into DIY, you can get a very robust system set up with GnuPG, rofi-pass, and git. Plus I can even push passwords to my phone using Android-Password-Store.

  • Any good guides for getting into Gopher or Gemini?

    I've been curious about exploring other non-HTTP minimalist internet protocols such as Gopher or Gemini, but frankly I don't know where to begin. Are there any good tutorials out there for folks looking to get started, or can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

    matogoro matogoro
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    Comments 22