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Nick Crannon
  • Those small bottles aren't that expensive when you consider you will probably be drinking small amounts at a time - it is pretty intense, but in a good way

  • I can't help it
  • xD

  • [South Carolina] State investigation reveals shortcomings in Department of Disability and Special Needs
  • I suppose but that depends on if they actually do anything about it or if this is just performative

  • [South Carolina] State investigation reveals shortcomings in Department of Disability and Special Needs
  • Wow in South Carolina? Who EVER could have seen this being an issue?!

  • I can't help it
  • But I can totally fix him!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I can almost hear the soft crunch of snow here

  • Got a Mouse in Your Apartment? These Scientists Will Take It.
  • How... How do they want you to capture it? How even would you capture it? City mice let alone country mice are smarter than many give them credit for

  • Berry is drinking water in his dream.
  • The white around the whiskers is soooo cute

  • ally rule
  • Egg_irl

  • AaAaa
  • Someone is mad :3

  • Looking for a good queer instances
  • It's just me in my instance lol

  • Wisconsin Senate approves bill banning gender-affirming surgery for minors
  • At least it will be vetoed by evers and it's veto proof on top of that....

  • What are you doing to help Lemmy thrive?
  • I mean how else? I just started a virtual private server up (chose hetzner for this), secured it as best I can, setup cloudflare for it to proxy the IP for security through obscurity, and used the lemmy easy deploy script by ubergeek77 on GitHub; If you want a more detailed guide that will take more time

  • What are you doing to help Lemmy thrive?
  • Running my own instance and commenting a lot

  • Home after bottom surgery.
  • Wow which insurance carrier is that? That sounds like something all of them should do to better care for trans people

  • I made a forums

    Hello all - I made a forums as a backup to this site if anything happens, and for anyone who prefers the traditional forums style of site! Here it is:

    Counter Strike 2 update - Configured SDL to prefer X11 over Wayland on Linux
  • Most likely - honestly Wayland has been in production for so long that it feels like it will never be ready :(

  • marrenia marrenia
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    Comments 48