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🎂 Elk Horn brewery is finally going out of business (sorta) 🎂
  • @letsmakeafriendship Well good. Hopefully he takes that money and fucks off some place where he can't bother homeless people any more

  • Power out in SE Eugene (Edit: It's back)
  • @kescusay Streets north and south of my street in Springfield has power, but not mine :freezePeach:

  • The House of the Dead arcade cabinets
  • @potatobro Last I saw, Round1 at Valley River Center has one of the House of the Dead games

  • Anyone know when the High Street Protected Bikeway might open?
  • @ch0ccyra1n @eugene I think they're replacing the water pipes to eventually turn the fountain near the Park Blocks into a fountain that shoots water from the ground.

  • Anyone know when the High Street Protected Bikeway might open?
  • @ch0ccyra1n @eugene I think the construction near the Whole Foods tearing up the sidewalks and whatnot is holding up the completion of the bike lane.

  • ONA is conducting a letter writing campaign to draw attention to the hospital closure.
  • @bishma @eugene I'm on the other side of the river, but I'll share it out of solidarity.

  • magnetmagician Terfs Have No Friends

    Anarchocommunist and local anime idol nerd based out of so-called Springfield, Oregon. いわゆるスプリングフィルド市オレゴン州の無政府共産主義者アニメアイドルオタクです。よろしくお願いします。 He/him/彼 32

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