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Subterranean Animism


Author: jikokenjiyoku_1

Characters: Hoshiguma Yuugi, Kaenbyou Rin, Kisume, Komeiji Koishi, Komeiji Satori, Kurodani Yamame, Mizuhashi Parsee, Reiuji Utsuho

Supreme Court approval rating falls to one of lowest yet amid Trump cases
  • I hate that the rule of law is being eroded and vanishing before my eyes by these people, like Abbott and similar ilk, is hard to yourself stick to the rule of law, when the other will not. It almost becomes meaningless, ink on a piece of paper and nothing more.

    I cannot think of good alternatives, when things reach that stage. I just hope we still have a way to turn back from all of this. I want to believe the train tracks we're on still fork off in a different direction, somewhere along the line before we slam into the wall at 80MPH.

    The eradication of the rule of law is one of the most dangerous things I think a modern society can have happen. I have ideas about where that goes, and it's some pretty fucking dark places I'd rather we as a nation would not.

  • This alert I just got on my police scanner app. Kentucky, WTF are you doing?
  • Looking across the river into Kentucky from Indiana, is like being a bonobo in one zoo enclosure looking at the enclosure next to yours' full of chimpanzees.

  • Initial Impressions of GrapheneOS
  • Paid $250 for a refurbished Pixel 7 on Amazon. Other than coming in a generic box and having a generic charging brick and cable, from the phone itself you'd never know it was a refurb.

  • Soen - Oscillation
    Aya Shameimaru by brodall_pixel

    Raiko Horikawa by shiri_fusang

    Meta's Threads has had its daily users down 20% since Saturday and user time spent on the platform is down 50% ~ CNBC
  • Instagram I don't believe has it either, and was a major breaking point for me years ago when someone coaxed me into trying it. Their "algorithm" has no place in a followers-only tab, so they will likely never add it.

  • Parsee Mizuhashi

  • I've seen a few of these lately, and need more "Out-Of-Touch-Millenial" Sanae.

  • madcat451 madcat451
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