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I don't have anything to hide, so I don't care
  • That's not going to work. There's no real data privacy breach there, and they'll know that intuitively. People regularly and plainly excuse themselves to the bathroom. Nobody wants to be watched, but everyone knows what's happening in there.

    For someone who "does nothing wrong", they need to be shown that "wrong" is subjective. Everyone knows you pee, but Amazon might fire you over it, so it becomes sensitive information in that context.

  • Who's the MVP of the MPV's?
  • I haven't seen all of Discovery, Enterprise, or DS9 so I'm completely unqualified to participate in this, but I'll make a write-in vote for Original-flavor T'Pring. Biiiiiiiishhhhhhh

    SNW T'Pring though, I love her. She's got actual depth and I can empathize with her.

    Runner-up: TOS T'Pau. Stuck-up xenophobe, plus they gave her that dumb early modern English dialogue of thees and thous that was supposed to convey ancient wisdom or something but they conjugated it all wrong and it's annoying as hell

  • Who's the MVP of the MPV's?
  • I loved Valeris though. She was an important window into how Vulcan "logic" isn't a formal system of maths and proofs but a multiplicity of systems that each try to be internally consistent. I didn't agree with her conclusion, like I wasn't meant to, but I actually thought she was a very courageous person for acting on her own moral conviction.

  • This truly is the year of the linux desktop
  • A reasonable concern but also a shame, because data is data and PornHub has a massive userbase. I trust Backblaze stats for hard drives because they just have a shit-ton of real-world metrics. I'm inclined to trust PornHub stats for the same reason.

  • "Cowabunga" would make a great warp phrase
  • Agreed, none of them would make a fantastic doctor. I was trying to think of what role Mikey could fill, and honestly I don't think he's grown up enough to be any kind of senior officer. Cowabunga, lower deckers!

  • "Cowabunga" would make a great warp phrase
  • This is weird and it's nonsense. Obviously Leonardo is the captain. First Officer would have to be Raphael, arguing with the captain's decisions then giving in. Donatello IS an engineer, so that's clearly his job. And that only leaves Michaelangelo to be the doctor. ...Don't get too injured, guys.

  • UK porn watchers could have faces scanned
  • The first "porn" I saw was in middle school. It was a single bootable floppy disk with a pitiful menu of crude -- almost repulsive -- animations on an Apple II, basically no better than stick figures. The lesson I took away from it? How to program animations on an Apple II. And also that using one-voice beeps and honks over a bitbang speaker to suggest the buildup to an orgasm is hilarious.

  • Coding Addiction: How Programming Affects Your Brain
  • My brain goblins love refactoring. I love taking a rusty pile of shit and making it shine. I want to polish something old, or build something completely new. Adding features to existing code is the part I hate.

  • UK porn watchers could have faces scanned
  • Protect them from what, though? Every single boomer and like half of gen x has the same stale, cherished story of finding their dad's dirty magazine collection or some random magazine in the woods, and only the usual amount of them grew up to become sex offenders.

  • Here is some code to generate UUIDs/GUIDs in QuickBasic

    I couldn't sleep. Also I don't know how to deal with formatting this because of the apostrophes and I don't care that much

    Function CreateUUIDv4$ () ' this routine generates about 23 guids per second at 4.77 MHz

    ``` ' define a UUID string template Dim result As String * 36 result = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ' 123456789012345678901234567890123456

    Dim substring$ Dim index%, offset%

    ' enumerate the indices where we should insert values For index% = 1 To 33 Step 4

    ' skip over the separators If index% = 9 Or index% = 14 Or index% = 19 Or index% = 24 Then index% = index% + 1 End If

    ' generate a value from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF substring$ = Hex$(Int((&HFFFF& - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0))

    ' add an offset that permits leading zeroes if the hex representation ' of the value to insert is less than 4 characters offset% = 4 - Len(substring$)

    ' insert the substring at the specified location Mid$(result, index% + offset%) = substring$ Next

    ' version 4 (random data) Mid$(result, 15) = "4"

    ' variant DCE 1.1, ISO/IEC 11578:1996 (0x1000 - 0x1011) Mid$(result, 20) = Hex$(Int(Rnd * 4 + 8))

    CreateUUIDv4$ = result


    End Function

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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