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  • I do B2B hardware and software projects. I hate sales and advertising but I will post something I'm working on about once a week on my personal LinkedIn. It's amazing how many customers reference that stuff when I have my first meeting.

  • The fediverse Goodreads alternative: Bookwyrm
  • I really wish it was MediaWyrm. I want something where I can share, rate, and track books, movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc

  • Canva buys Affinity
  • Each has their place. I use Pixelmator, Affinity Designer, Sketch, and occasionally Gimp and Photoshop. Canva is really good at doing things like throwing together a flyer. I used to create social media posts for a pre-school and Canva was super easy to create templates that lay folks could edit. Virtually no learning curve.

    Affinity is my vector tool of choice currently but these space seems to be a field with lots of options.

  • Not everything needs an app
  • How much of a delay on the light sensor for the automatic door.

  • Fellow home owners, are you ready for the housing market to crash?
  • I bought at the peak myself to have stable housing while raising kids.

    If house prices just stayed flat until wages caught up and then only increased similar to match wage increases (not inflation) that might be a reasonable compromise between the middle class who have a house and don't. Those who own will still be paying down a mortgage so increasing your equity that way without being decimated if you have to move. Unfortunately at this point, that could take awhile before wages caught up.

  • Fellow home owners, are you ready for the housing market to crash?
  • I'm not arguing in favor for house prices going up but just wanted to point out how a lot of people use the value of their home. You can pull out money from your house and your interest payments don't change when the value of your house goes up.

    I'll give the example of my neighbor. They bought their house 10 years ago at about $250k. Interest rates were around 4.5%. We're in a location that got really hot during the pandemic and the house value jumped to about $700k. At that moment, they had the same payments as 10 years ago. Then interest rates dropped down below 3%. His balance on the original mortgage is probably about $175k and now he refinances the house with a mortgage of $325k, pays off the old loan, and pockets $150k out of the house. But due to the lower interest rates, his payment is the same as it was 10 years ago. He just has $150k in his pocket. Meanwhile, I'm the schmuck who had to buy the identical house at $700k at 5% and pay 3x for the same house.

  • Austin's Peter Pan Mini Golf is doing whatever it can to stay open

    The lease for Peter Pan Mini Golf, which has been in business for 75 years, is currently slated to end in March.

    Austin's Peter Pan Mini Golf is doing whatever it can to stay open
    Calls for Starbucks boycott grow amid aggressive union-busting activities
  • For the same reason there are McDonalds everywhere. They are familiar and convenient despite almost always being inferior.

  • How did indigenous people survive hurricanes in the carribean

    The Winds and flooding can do so much damage with modern construction. Seems like it would wipe out entire villages if they were more primitive.

    An "airport neighbourhood" where people can store their planes in their yard and taxi directly to the runway
  • I lived adjacent to a neighborhood like this. It was much quieter than middle aged neighbors with Harley’s. Little Cessnas and Pipers are not that loud.

  • Calculating Interest on a "Virtual" Savings Account
  • I agree.

    Also check out Greenlight which has a built in parents interest feature.

  • YNAB vs Buckets
  • Yeah. That would be a pain

  • Personal Finance Lumberjacked
    YNAB vs Buckets

    I've been using You Need a Budget for family budgeting and I like it but it is expensive. I've played with Buckets a little bit and looks like a contender. Anyone move from YNAB to Buckets?

    rss feed of daily stoic quotes

    I have a template for a daily journal/note. My template pulls in an rss feed to put a quote for inspiration and reflection. Currently just pulling from a stoic quote bot on Reddit.

    Does anyone know of a good stoic daily quote that has an RSS feed?

    Searching for daily stoic quotes just directs me to The Daily Stoic.

    I am very mildly infuriated by the fact that thinking "I am not a fish" genuinely works to stop Hiccups
  • Hiccups are most likely a demonic possession. Try praying next time.

  • Why is the legal system so expensive?
  • There are not a lot of incentives to make things easier/cheaper. Changing government processes is slow and hard. Take immigration. It is currently a long and hard process to legally immigrate to US unless you fall into certain categories. I’ve heard politicians on both sides say my entire life that we need to improve the process for legal immigration yet little has been done.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think flexibility is key. There are days where I peak my productivity at 4 hours. There are days where I get in the flow and can be productive for 12.

  • What are your best tips to save money?
  • Visible is pretty great. I don't really have any issues with it. I pay $25/month. Spouse has upgraded Visible plan of $45/mo and an Apple Watch $5/mo. My 3 kids have Tello $9 plans which gives the unlimited text/talk and 500MB of data. That's just enough to track their locations, Otherwise they tether for free on our phones. Everyone has an iPhone.

    25+45+5+3x9 = $102 all in. No additional fees or taxes.

  • What are your best tips to save money?
  • I use Visible and Tello for phone lines. Have 5 iPhones and pay less than $100/mo.

    Buy store brands. A lot of times store brand is cheaper than name brand in bulk at Sam’s/costco.

    Buy reliable used cars in cash and learn how to do some auto maintenance yourself.

    There are high end thrift stores where you can find barely used quality clothes. Rich people often where them once or twice and then get rid of them.

    Date nights in the middle of the week. Lots of places have specials.

  • Why do dentists have such a bad reputation compared to other kinds of doctors?
  • Yeah. It’s extremely common. Fluoride treatments, sealants, crown replacements aren’t necessary. And things like veneers, and whiting are pushed pretty hard.

  • What is your favourite budgeting method?
  • I use YNAB which I guess is technically zero based budgeting but we refer to the categories as envelopes. In my mind I’m doing the same thing as when I had cash in envelopes I just don’t have to deal with cash. I group my categories by the 50/30/20.

    So I guess 4 with a bit of 1 and 3?

  • Why do dentists have such a bad reputation compared to other kinds of doctors?
  • My mother in law was an office manager at a dentist. Dentists have sales quotas and have bonuses to everyone in the office for upselling.

    You go in to a medical professional for health care and advice and they try and sell to you.

  • As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • I think that's it. His vision is to try and make a WeChat competitor. As much as I hate it, I fear that if he can string along the investors for long enough he could actually maybe make it successful if he adds everything else to it.

    But the Fediverse is growing too which is better. Let Musk and Zuck have their dick measuring competition and let's build something better over here!

  • Not everything needs an app

    I have an app for programming my chicken coop. My 401k company just created an app for onboarding new participants.

    These should have been mobile friendly webpages.

    Best Strength Programs for Mobility

    Right now I do free weights a couple times of week, a little bit of yoga, and then a fair amount of cardio. Now that I'm in my late 30s I seem to be injuring myself a lot. Little stuff like pulled muscles, tendonitis, joint pain etc. Yoga has definitely help and I've adjusted the cardio I do. Any recommendations for a strength plan that focuses more on mobility, flexibility and not injuring yourself?

    Building over garage. Is it worth it?

    I'm trying to assess if this is worth it before talking to contractors. I've done a lot of DIY remodels and hired out some but never anything of this magnitude. I want to build an addition on top of the garage and connect to the rest of the 2nd floor. Here's some assumptions I have.

    -The slab foundation appears to have same construction as the rest of the house. Let's assume the footings are good for a second floor

    -The joists and walls in the garage do not appear to be structured for a second floor. Will need to reinforce garage walls and add joists.

    -This project would coincide with an already planned new roof and HVAC upgrade. So HVAC could be sized for the new square footage

    Houses are going for about $275 square foot in our area. This will add about 250 square feet to the house. So if this could be done for $60k or less I won't lose equity.

    1. Any success or horror stories with this sort of thing?
    2. Any one tackle something like this as your own GC?
    20 Mechanicl Concepts Combined

    As an electrical/software guy i really appreciated this.

    Is there a way to personalize your feed?

    I would really like the ability to create my own algorithm. For example, I follow communities for my local sportsball team and memes. Memes, I really just want to see what's "hot" for the last day but my sportsball I want to see everything posted for the last week.

    And the real dream would be to tweak this algorithm across fediverse services.

    lumberjacked Lumberjacked

    I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok.

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