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What do you think about my idea to help renters buy their home?
  • Individuals and corporations both rent out houses/apartments to get more money out of it than by selling it again. Your model would absolutely lower the return on renting property out. So increasing the rent would be a logical decision for them. Or if your rules make renting unprofitable, noone will build more houses/apartments than their own. Sure, the house market might see low prices, but at some point it might be more logical to hold the property than to sell for a very big loss, hoping for better times. So a lower limit would be there. Then you have many non-sellable homes sitting around and still many people, who cannot afford to buy but also cannot rent (since nobody rents out anymore).

    One interesting thing in your scenario would also be, how to handle the part ownerships. Lets take a student at the university renting a small room/apartment for the time of their studies. They might make payments towards ownership for a few years, accumulating something like a few percent of ownership. Then their studies are finished, they move and another student comes in. Rinse and repeat. You will get property owned by tens of persons this way, even when not every tenant wants to do the payments. Would be a hell to administer. Nothing would work anymore regarding decisions and work relating the property.

    I think nothing can work around the fact, that we need many and good publicly owned properties for renters, where the rent is no driven by the profit motive and in effect is decided in democratic structures (like city government). Maybe in your scenario you would also want public entities buying homes to then rent without profit.

  • 42 key points of the secret #EUGoingDark surveillance plan for the new EU Commission
  • Yeah, sure, delusional. Until you call a local polititian "so 1 dick" on some online platform, leading to you and also your ex grilfriend getting raided by the police, all electronic devices taken by them as evidence for an undetermined time and the low key threats from the prosecutor about what would happen next. Or until a journalist dares to link to a website, that the state recently criminalized the creators of, though the state itself links to that specific site, too. And depending on how easy the access for the police is: You might wanna refrain from being too popular (like a famous singer or actor) or from being active against climate change or right wing extremism. Your personal data is easily leaked through the police to anyone of their friends.

    You might think, that this is overly specific and won't really happen? Well, it already did. In germany. Sure, most people won't have the states crosshair on their forehead. But nontheless you might easily be one of the exceptions.

  • Families of Uvalde victims sue Activision, say Call of Duty is 'the most prolific and effective marketer of assault weapons in the United States'
  • Other countries also have Call of Duty, but not such a big problem with mass shootings. So I don't think its that easy. I think it is more interesting, what the NRA is doing. Such a big and powerful lobby organization should have way more influence, than a video game series.

  • Verstörend! FDP-Politiker leckt Toiletten ab und malt sich Hitlerbart aus Fäkalien
  • Äh, ate the onion? Was ist denn für ein Verein? Weiß das jemand? Von den Schlagzeilen der Hauptseite hört sich das zwischen Satire und Bullshit an. Sehe erstmal nicht warum ich denen irgendwas glauben sollte. Vlt kann mich ja jemand erhellen.

  • Why data centers want to have their own nuclear reactors
  • What is currently the state of things for nuclear waste in the US? In germany they still search for a place for storing it long term. Gets in the news now and then. Did the US have more success with finding a good site? Or is this again just companies betting to hand over the waste to the public when they are done? As I remember in germany the companies got a cheap buy out for the waste after the closure of nuclear power plants where setup.

  • How does lemmy deal with ban evasion?
  • I think these nations setup the ISPs to look for the packets using a VPN protocol. This protocol is only used between the user and the VPN provider, so the target website doesn't see it. Though I think this can be evaded too with a bit of work (masking the packets as normal web traffic). One reason why repressive regimes also want to control the devices of the user.

  • What's a common occurrence in your hobby that you think shouldn't be?
  • I'm not sure about the weekly limit, but I guess it has also to do with the absorbtion of nitrogen into your blood, which is why you make safety stops after going deep and why there are daily limits.

    Depending on how deep and how long you dive, more nitrogen will get dissolved in your blood due to the increased pressure. It stays there until you get into lower pressure ( ascending to the surface). If you do that too fast, the nitrogen will build up bubbles. And bubbles in the bloodstream is really really bad, hindering the flow of blood. Doing safety stops in lower depths gives some nitrogen the time to leave your body through the lungs while breathing. Not diving for a certain time after your dive sessions will give time to release all additional nitrogen from the blood, preventing a builtup over each dive.

  • Any tips on printing lego parts?
  • I've previously printed custom lego pieces for the Lego League kids, that my wife has at work. I'm using a Creality Ender 3 S1 with 0.4mm nozzle. Though I've not tried smaller parts. They were 8x2 units and 2 or 3 units high. They have the name of the kid on the side. It took some tries to get the tolerances good enough, but now I can print them with normal speed and minimal post processing.

    So I think it depends on what pieces you want to print.

  • Why do people around me tend to increase their responsibility load (i.e. have children, become a manager, do charity, etc.) while I (30M) try to avoid it as much as I can?
  • What people want in life often comes from what they experienced themselves previously. You mentioned charity. I've put 13 years of my life into being a scouts group leader, organizimg weekly meetups, many events and multiple scout camps a year. I'm very passionate about this, since I've got so much out of being a scout since I was 7, growing up with a community, that was meaningful and not harsh and punishing as school. I wanted tp give these experience back to the next scout generation. And during my time as scout group leader I could grew even more, making my own life better through helping others. Soon I will shift my focus away from the scouts (currently its too much together with work; also I want kids soon).

    I'm not saying, that you need to do this. I just wanted to explain where my motivation comes from. I get a sense of fulfilment and I'm proud of what I've done and I'm proud of the kids, that I saw growing up and now being group leaders themselves.

    Finding something, that you are passionate about is very important. It doesn't need to include external responsibilities. Taking responsibility for your own self, like putting in hard work to learn a new skill, can be as fulfilling as the above.

  • Besides tech/social media, what do you think you may have some atypical standards regarding?
  • Alcohol consumption. I don't drink alcohol - ever. Never have and probably never will. And it can be really hard being with people, who find it cool and funny to drink excessive amounts. I volunteer as a scout leader in my country. It is astonisihing, what some of the troop leaders think of ok, when working with youth groups. And often enough even the regulations for underage drinking are broken (which are already relatively low, comparing to the US). They all just don't care as long as they get to drink as they like. You can probably hear how frustrated I am, though I'm over with fighting it. Won't change ever and it is not good for my psychological state to go against society here apart from my own personal decisions.

  • How do you get rid of "wet dog" smell in a dishwasher?
  • Except for my mother in law. She hooked it up to the hot water to save gas (through solar thermal panels). In summer the hot water gets up to 70°C. So we need to shower first to lower the temperature again before she can start her dishwasher XD

  • If money was not an issue, would you move to an entirely different state or country?
  • Where I live in germany there is a saying: "Anderswo is auch scheiße". Literally translates to "Other places are also shit". So I'm currently not considering moving into another country. Though I often ask myself, what I would do if germany goes the nazi route again. The AfD is real scum.

  • homelab lucullus
    Recommendations on first Homelab hardware: NUC or not?


    I need help with my first homelab hardware. Maybe you experts can help me with that. I looked at this tutorial about building your own Openshift one node cluster using an Intel NUC, though I’m unsure, if I really should buy one of these.

    I have set a budget of 1000€ (I’m located in germany). The tutorial suggests the Intel NUC10i7FNK, which I can get for 450€ new here (would buy 64GB RAM and a 2TB M.2 SSD for that). And I would follow the tutorial in getting a dedicated router for my lab environment.

    Can I get more for my money (also in terms of upgradability) with some other product? Or should I just get that suggested NUC? I don’t need it to be that small (can be a tower), but I don’t want real server hardware, since the lab will run in my home office.

    Thanks in advance for your help. My brain hurts from comparing products, searching for their availability, etc.


    I've now decided to buy the NUC10i7FNK. It seems to be a sensible choice and the tutorial says, that it has enough beef for my first goal of building my own Openshift cluster for experimenting.

    Thanks to all of you! You helped me to get to a good decision in this wide field of home lab equipment.

    Internetbergbau; ein kleiner Text

    Ich habe gerade einen Text wiedergefunden, den ich vor etlichen Jahren geschrieben habe, und dachte, ich könnte den mal teilen. Wurde damals durch meinen Vater inspiriert, der als Markscheider im Bergbau tätig und sehr davon begeistert war. Ich hoffe er gefällt euch.

    Einst, vor langer Zeit anno domini XXXXVMCMIIIrömischeZahlenmachenmichverrückt3 da erfanden die Gebrüder Fred und Ingwer Net etwas, das eine große Ära des Wohlstandes auslösen sollte. Und sie erfanden es aus der Not und dem Wunsch heraus, immer wissen zu wollen, wo sich ihr heißgeliebtes zahmes Hausnashorn namens Inter befinde. Zu seinen Ehren nannten sie es das Inter-Net. Ja damals, in einstiger Zeit, als Internetanbieter noch ein ehrbarer Beruf war. Das Erz der wertvollen Bits und Bytes wurde noch per Hand von feinen und arbeitssamen Bergmännern aus den Untiefen der Erde geschürft, ja, das war noch Arbeit für richtige Männer. Oh wie heißt es doch in dem unendlich besungenem Bergmannslied: Glück auf, Glück auf! Der Byte-Mann kommt. Und da tragen sie das Smartphone vor dem Arsch bei der Nacht, ja da tragen sie das Smartphone vor dem Arsch bei der Nacht! Und posten es a--uch und postens auch. Und da hörte es noch nicht auf! Einmal ans Licht des Tages gebracht übernahmen die ehrenwerten Hüttenleute und ihre Arbeit war so anstrengend wie schweißtreibend. In der glühenden Hitze der Flamestorms schmolzen sie den nun glühenden Hass heraus, geboren aus den Teilen der Erde, die nicht für die Erschaffung eines reinen Inter-Netzes geeignet sind, die da wären: Trolle, Nazis, Salafisten und ähnliches Gesocks, dass sich des Nachts in den Bergwerksstollen in den dunkelsten rechten oder religiösen Ecken herumtreibt. Die reinen Bits und Bytes, nun gegossen in stahlharte Pakete, gelangten nun zu ihrer letzten Station, nur noch wenige Schritte von ihrer Vollendung entfernt. Männer, groß wie Kleiderschränke und muskelbepackt wie Eber, schlugen nun auf die Pakete ein, verbanden sie mit den Stoffen http und PHP zu einem harten und doch biegsamen Ganzen und zwangen es durch ihre pure Willenskraft in seine endgültige Form. Die meisten dieser Männer wurden Systemarbeiter genannt, aber nur die härtesten durften sich Administratoren nennen. Und so konnte damals noch ganze Fässer handgemachten Internetzes an die Menschen dieses Landes ausgeliefert werden.

    Doch wo sind wir hingenommen? Heutige Anbieter, die die Verträge aus ihrem Arsch ziehen und sie dir als Gold verkaufen wollen, haben keinen Sinn mehr für die Ästhetik eines ehrenwerten, lohndumping- und überwachungsfreien Internetzes. In diesen Zeiten, in denen durch Massenproduktion in jeder Sekunde mehr Internet an jeden von uns geliefert wird, als früher an einem vollen Tag hergestellt werden konnte, haben wir das Gefühl für den Wert dieser Daten verloren. Wir werfen sie der Welt zu Füßen, stellen unser gesamtes Leben online, weil es bestimmt jemanden interessiert, was ich heute zu essen hatte und welche Konsistenz ich in meinem Stuhlgang festgestellt habe. (Interessanterweise entspricht das auch dem Inhalt der meisten Posts bei Gesichtsbuch und Sofort Bild Abkürzung: Scheiße) Wir kaufen beim Online-Händler, nur damit er uns analysieren kann. Warum gehen die Leute nicht gleich zum Proktologen, wenn sie wollen, dass man ihnen in den Arsch kriecht. Und auch ich bin so jemand. Auch meine Daten sind dort draußen und schippern den Amazonas hinab, weiter getragen vom Corporate Marketing und Big Data. Manchmal, wenn ich abends im Dunkeln ganz allein auf den Wellen des Internet surfe, dann wird mir wehmütig und ich vermisse meine lieben Daten. Sie sind nicht die besten, aber sie sind meine. Und dann gedenke ich ganz im Stillen den starken und ehrenwerten Männern des Internet-Bergbaus. Glück auf!

    Question: How to start with building a timeline interface


    I'm rather new to web development. For my local scouts troop I'm currently trying to build a webapp to show a big browsable timeline of the troops chronicles (We have many big folders of paper showing what the scouts did that year). I've already build the ground structure based on Django for the backend and vue for the frontend. And I can display the individual elements of the chronicles (Writings, articles, pictures; videos and audio for newer entries) in a list.

    Now I want to create a component, that will display a horizontal timeline with the ability to move and zoom, showing elements depending on the zoom level with different level of detail. I want to make it easy to browse the timeline of over 70 years with entries per year (like 30 elements per year).

    I already tried timeline-js, but it doesn't quite behave like I want it to be (zooming, different levels of detail,...). For me it seems, that it cannot really be customized enough to reach my goal (though I might be wrong about that).

    Then I thought about building that timeline component myself, though I don't know where to start in building such a component (how to draw the timeline itself with its markings, how to draw the elements at the correct position,...)

    Can you give me a hint/direction where I should look for a solution? Maybe you know a tutorial for a similar situation (creating your own complex UI components)?

    Thanks in advance for your help! Currently I feel like I don't know enough to ask the correct question to a search engine for a solution.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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