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It's going. I'm alive.
  • It's the suffix that hits hardest:

    ... it's not as shit as other people so I don't have the right.

    ~at least that's what my friend that I'm asking for definitely said~

  • It's going. I'm alive.
  • Where does "Good enough" fit on the scale? Asking for a friend...

  • Fedora 40 boot hangs with kernel 6.8.10
  • I don't think I have any great answers for you, but I have two thoughts:

    1. In my grub screen, I have 6.8.9, 6.8.10, and 6.8.11 available as choices. Does this also not work on 6.8.11 or do you only have Fedora configured to keep one old kernel version some how?
    2. If your system boots into 6.8.9 just fine, can you disable the swap volume and try 6.8.10 again? If it works, you at least know what's wrong...
  • Fedora 40 boot hangs with kernel 6.8.10
  • That reads like it's hanging trying mount a swap volume. Did any hardware change recently? Particularly like hard drive layout or something?

  • 4 June 2024
  • There are competing theories on what instrument the "Jazz Man" was likely to play...

  • Life comes at you fast
  • Because it's the Internet, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, so... It's from Doctor Who.

  • Had me for a while there
  • Technically, Midway is considered uninhabited, so while I wouldn't dream of telling them to fuck off, most census measurements already do...

  • Had me for a while there
  • And American Samoa.

  • geoengineering
  • "But John Galt says we can make a rich person utopia if we want to!"

    Just in case the sarcasm wasn't clear: objectivism dumb.

  • What's your secret ingredient that makes your version of a common dish better than anyone else's?
  • Not to discount your rice idea, but isn't this essentially the directions for Rice-A-Roni?

  • But I am le tired
  • Great news, you still can:

  • Musk slanders innocent man who was falsely accused of assaulting cops.
  • In this particular context, I meant "successful and capable" when I said "good". But I agree with your point generally: people are often less shitty than the stereotypes about them.

  • Musk slanders innocent man who was falsely accused of assaulting cops.
  • Tangential as well, Mark Bankston was one of the prosecuting attorneys in Alex Jones' TX trial for his slander and libel ('cause he definitely did both) of the families of Sandy Hook victims. So on top of dunking on Musk, he's also a good attorney? Seems like a pretty cool dude.

  • Four Horsemen of bad faith discourse
  • It's a reference to the "gamergate" controversy from like...2015?

  • US Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi) thinks in vitro fertilization leads to "animal-human chimeras"
  • This is some straight-up Alex Jones shit... I imagine they have "sad human eyes", too.

  • All you need is Wide Events, not "Metrics, Logs and Traces"
  • Scuba kinda sounds like what Loki and other "modern" log aggregation tools do: A message field and lots of metadata that is efficiently stored so queries are fast. I do understand the poster's frustration with the "three pillars", and agree that Open telemetry feels over-engineered at times (seriously... what's "baggage"?). But the three pillars really do all have a place! While we absolutely can generate stats from logs, the storage improvements alone from leveraging a TSDB are worth it as we scale. And tracing gives incredibly unique insight into the path a request takes through our systems.

  • loweffortname loweffortname


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