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Texas secessionists feel more emboldened than ever
  • The guy in the quote is all-in on sky magic. Look him up.

  • Texas secessionists feel more emboldened than ever
  • The guy the quote in the article is definitely a believer in make-believe fantasy land nonsense. Look up Claver Kamau-Imani.

  • Mike Johnson: ‘Depraved’ America Deserves God’s Wrath
  • We all know the real depravity lies behind the closed doors of moralists.

  • Mike Johnson: 'Depraved' America Deserves God's Wrath
  • They believe "separation" is a misinterpretation or something.

  • Google's New AI Weatherman Will Leave Forecasters in the Dust
  • Just like Spotify's AI "DJ" is blowing away real DJs.

  • Scavengers Reign Gorgeously Animates a Natural Sci-Fi World
  • Not really? Or I don't remember many except maybe one episode. Lots of other goopey biological parts, too, though.

  • Lena Headey's New Show Could Be the Sci-Fi Sleeper Hit of 2023
  • Didn't even know that was a thing.

  • Texas teacher fired for reading Diary of Anne Frank to class.
  • Don't worry, the right is working on replacing them with bible/vocational school.

  • With democracy on the ballot, the mainstream press must change its ways
  • I would like to hear from those that downvoted this: why do you support fascism?

  • Putin on Trump: Criminal charges are politically motivated
  • The "political motivation" was Trump attempting to become dictator of the US.

  • Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods
  • Oh, I'm not offended. So you're saying Pheidippides had heart problems? lol

  • Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods
  • I'm not offended. I also wasn't replying to you. Oopsie?

  • Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods
  • The right to spice isn't enshrined in the Constitution. It should be, maybe. The Spice Must Flow.

  • Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods
  • He ate better than you and exercised more, guaranteed. Also, what's up with your education? Red state?

  • Man who set fire to Planned Parenthood sentenced to 10 years in prison
  • Just stop. We know you just want women to shut up, make your dinner, and be baby makers.

  • [Analysis] Kenneth Chesebro’s Misrepresentation of My Scholarship in His Efforts to Overturn the 2020 Presidential Election Anatomy of a Fraud: Kenneth Chesebro’s Misrepresentation of My Scholarship in His Efforts to Overturn the 2020 Presidential Election

    "A key memorandum drafted by Chesebro -- which might otherwise appear relatively innocuous even in how it is discussed in the indictment -- laid the foundation for the scheme grounded, in part, on misrepresenting my work."

    > > > A key memorandum drafted by Chesebro -- which might otherwise appear relatively innocuous even in how it is discussed in the indictment -- laid the foundation for the scheme grounded, in part, on misrepresenting my work. > >

    [News] He was a top church official who criticized Trump. He says Christianity is in crisis

    Russell Moore criticized Donald Trump and the Southern Baptist Convention's response to a sexual abuse crisis. Then he found himself on the outside.

    /kbin meta lowdownfool
    What can be done about malicious users? There is someone posting quasi-religious antisemitic drivel in m/news. In reaction to getting downvoted and reported they have started downvoting my posts in ot

    What can be done about malicious users? There is someone posting quasi-religious antisemitic drivel in m/news. In reaction to getting downvoted and reported they have started downvoting my posts in other magazines. I'm sure I'm not the only one being targetted. Is there something to do besides block?


    Gaming lowdownfool Baldur's Gate 3 is a 122GB download and you can't preload any of it

    Larian has finally confirmed that preloading won't be available, apparently because of a limitation with Steam.

    Baldur's Gate 3 is a 122GB download and you can't preload any of it
    42 US Capitol rioter who beat officer with flagpole sentenced

    Footage shows Peter Francis Stager assaulting a fallen Capitol police officer with an American flag.

    US Capitol rioter who beat officer with flagpole sentenced
    10 Former pastor arrested in 1975 murder of young girl walking to his church

    The murder of 8-year-old Gretchen Harrington shook Marple Township, Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia. Authorities say the man recently confessed.

    Former pastor arrested in 1975 murder of young girl walking to his church
    Don't Bomb Mexico - The Atlantic

    Republicans who do not speculate about war with Mexico may be perceived as weak.

    lowdownfool lowdownfool
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