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Release 10.9.7 · jellyfin/jellyfin
  • Yeah they delayed the 10.9 release to work on their CI pipeline, and it seems to be paying off beautifully.

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • People who watch Fox must be terrified and angry like all the time lol.

    That's the point.

  • Phone Link is Microsoft's late and closed source alternative to KDE Connect. It requires you sign in to a Microsoft Account for it to work.
  • It works on all platforms, I work on mobile apps so I have quite a few Androids and iPhones, as well as a linux laptop and a Mac mini. It works seamlessly between all of those.

  • Pixel 8a joins the LineageOS 21 build roster
  • How so? The devices page on the wiki lists 171 officially supported devices. I'm writing this comment on a Poco F3 running the official LineageOS 21 release...

  • Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale
  • With an USB-C dock/hub you can plug the deck into your TV and multiple controllers. Lots of wireless controllers are also supported OOTB, including joy cons.

  • Après les trolls russes, les faux militants IA
  • Au point où on en est je parie qu'ils ont rien à faire, les russes se font un plaisir de le faire pour eux...

  • Wayland cursr equivalent
  • Yes that's the case under GNOME, KDE and sway.

  • Members of Britain’s richest family get jail terms for exploiting Indian staff at Swiss mansion | The Straits Times
  • Not trying to erase anything, I just think it's the main issue we're facing right now, and that we'd be better off on many of these other issues if we did something about that one.

  • Members of Britain’s richest family get jail terms for exploiting Indian staff at Swiss mansion | The Straits Times
  • The "wealthy elite" in this case are Indian. Goes on to show that it's not a matter of race/origin but of class, the sooner we collectively realize this the better off we'll be.

  • Choice posting
  • Yeah, in Europe (or in France at least), if you're circumcised you're either Muslim, Jewish or had a medical issue.

  • Simulateur d'Impôts du NFP
  • Hum je vois pas ça en indiquant un couple avec des salaires relativement élevés.

  • « Je leur ai balancé ma grenade dégoupillée dans les jambes » : Emmanuel Macron « ravi » après la dissolution
  • Rien que pour ça ça me ferait tellement plaisir que la gauche l'emporte...

  • As Starfield Steam Reviews Plunge to ‘Mostly Negative,’ Todd Howard Responds to Paid Mods Backlash - IGN
  • Haven't played origins but I'm pissed off just reading your comment lol, glad I haven't bought an EA game in like 10 years

  • Jenkins.
  • And how many devops have been driven to madness trying to configure what should be a simple task.

  • Rogue Austrian minister burns bridges to save EU nature law
  • I'll point to her when people say "I don't vote because all politicians are corrupt assholes".

  • Rogue Austrian minister burns bridges to save EU nature law
  • It is controversial because:

    • "the economy" needs to keep destroying nature. Here in France when the farmers went on strike, all the right talked about was how environmental regulations were the main issue and needed to be curbed.

    • the ecological crisis is fake news pushed by leftists to distract us from the real issue, which is obviously brown people invading the west to replace white people.

  • Screw you guys. I cast what I want.
  • Use \# to prevent formatting.

  • Putin pledges truce if Ukraine exits occupied areas and drops NATO bid, likely a nonstarter for Kyiv
  • I was answering a question which had nothing to do with reclaiming territory?

  • « C’est absurde » : Paris 2024 oblige une petite entreprise du nord à changer de nom
  • C'est courant la méthode du bulldozer, je me souviens d'un resto à Vancouver qui avait dû changer de nom

  • Putin pledges truce if Ukraine exits occupied areas and drops NATO bid, likely a nonstarter for Kyiv
  • The Ukrainian army and equipment supplied by NATO members I guess?

  • Free ticket for Sonic Blast day 10

    Hey, my pal won't be able to make it so I've got a spare ticket for Sonic Blast (Thursday only), anyone up? PM me

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