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Defence Intelligence unit sinks Russian corvette Ivanovets in Crimea – video
  • Because of Russia's vast geography and relatively limited waterway access, it's better to think of their different fleets almost as individual smaller navies.

    Especially in the context of the Black Sea fleet and Turkey's ability to restrict access of military vessels through Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits because of the Montreux Convention.

    So to answer your question under that more narrow scope, I believe it's roughly 20% of the Black Sea fleet has been destroyed.

  • Gazans call for Hamas overthrow, flee through IDF humanitarian corridor
  • That becomes moot when it's war, and the coverage in question is about the internal political situation of the people they are currently fighting. The same applies to any country at war, and their domestic press coverage of their opposing force, or country.

  • Gazans call for Hamas overthrow, flee through IDF humanitarian corridor
  • Does this mean I should use AJ to source credible information on internal Israeli politics? How about Russia Today for reporting on Ukrainian morale?

    Seriously, stop posting wartime propaganda and pretending it's credible journalism.

  • Uganda government disowns judge who voted in favor of Israel at UN court
  • The judge was the literal child of Uganda. Because she displeased his parents (Uganda), they disowned her. They even disinvited her from all upcoming family birthday parties and witch burnings.

    Or maybe they meant distanced,* like it says in article. I don't know, pick whichever version of events you prefer, that's what I always do.

    • Uganda distanced itself Friday from Julia Sebutinde...
  • Alabama condemned for nitrogen gas execution: ‘They intended to torture him’
  • Seeing as these all flow down from my original response, I'm pretty sure it's you who doesn't understand the context of the conversation.

    Also, the torture in question wasn't the execution method. So again, I suggest you re-read the comment thread.

  • Alabama condemned for nitrogen gas execution: ‘They intended to torture him’
  • So if I'm sentenced to 20 years for first degree murder, is the fear and terror I feel over losing my freedom the state torturing me?

    What about if my doctor's office refuses to give me my diagnosis over the phone on a Friday, and tells me I have to wait for an office appointment on Monday. Is that torture? Should I file a legal complaint or try to get charges pressed?

    You're conflating internal agony and anticipatory fear, with actual externally applied methods of torture.

    I understand what point you're trying to make, but words have meaning and if everything is torture, then how bad can torture really be?

  • Alabama condemned for nitrogen gas execution: ‘They intended to torture him’
  • I disagree that a painless execution is torture, even if I understand where you're coming from.

    My objection to capital punishment isn't because I don't believe some people deserve death.

    My objection is simply that innocent people are convicted all the time, but at least unjust incarceration is situation that can be reversed.

  • Alabama condemned for nitrogen gas execution: ‘They intended to torture him’
  • Setting aside the national shame that capital punishment is, regardless of the method used, they strapped his face with a mask. He wasn't in a pod as nitrogen levels rose. He was force fed the gas with a mask that prevented him from "breathing" normally.

  • I love my Gitea. Any tips and tricks?
  • Are you the hacker known as 4Chan? How else could you know my version naming convention?

    Regardless, all will be forgiven if you can remind what folder and file actually contains the final version. So.. which is it?

  • GOP Congressman Stands By Accusation Some Fellow Members Have Been Compromised
  • Unlikely, this is more of the domestic and close ally variety e.g. Epstein's handlers/killers, or of that same caliber. The kind of people who can waive off, or prevent, an FBI counterintelligence operation from getting in the way...

  • Are telescoping allen/hex keys a thing?
  • Might be workable if you settle on combining only 2 to 3 keys (small, medium, large) per hex.

    Or, learn metallurgy and material science to find some new polymer or alloy that would be strong enough.

    But honestly, it sounds like a really expensive endeavor that even if you made it work, isn't practical enough to justify the cost.

    Maybe something like the universal socket wrench style could influence a design that's workable as a multi-hex, and be made cheaply enough.

  • Norway to allow mining waste to be dumped in fjords
  • You're using American verbiage, which is incorrect usage for this situation.

    Conservatives traditionally conserve i.e. conserve traditions, nature, etc.

    This is liberalism, in the classical laissez-faire sense, not the bastardized American usage of the word.

  • Saudi Arabia interested in Israel normalisation deal after war
  • Foreign policy is always about power, end of story.

    America has been trying to remove itself from the ME, or at least significantly shrink it's footprint, without leaving a power vacuum for Iran to fill. The plan was to have KSA and Israel fill that void instead, along with Turkey.

    Morality and principles only directly impact foreign policy decisions if they impact the domestic political calculus. For example, if MBS believed moving forward with the Israeli partnership would result in him losing power.

    This is not reflective of my own feelings or values. It's just a neutral observation and assessment of the situation.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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