Mozilla is already revising its new Firefox terms to clarify how it handles user data 14 0
Fennec on F-Droid, which is Firefox fork
Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic | Mozilla says it deleted promise because "sale of data" is defined broadly 4 0
Isn't it more vulnerable since it's based on older version? Correct me if I'm wrong
Boycott USA Flyer 1 0
I still use Winamp 5.666 but with the Big Bento theme. I still can't find a replacement that would be just as good or better.
Boycott USA Flyer 7 0
Audacity isn't a good replacement at all for those. It has a different purpose. There should be LMMS and Ardour instead
Boycott USA Flyer 5 0
They're working on European search indexer along with Ecosia
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