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  • That's such a suspicious thing to write lmao imagine someone writing "human being of the homo sapiens species" on their twitter bio

  • punching rule
  • Yeah you're right it's ultimately pointless when you take revolutionary politics into consideration. For example, are the anarchist on our left because they are more extreme or are they on our right because idealism is closer to bourgeois politics? That's a pointless question.

    I just wanted to express the fact that some political factions are just so stupid and far from us that it doesn't make sense to spend energy criticising them. Criticism is only useful on people who share a certain ideological proximity.

  • punching rule
  • I'd go even further and say that people who entirely focus on rightwing idiots are grifters. I've got this feeling everytime I see some entertainer endlessly make fun of how American republicans (or any equivalent for outside of America) are stupid. Because that's too easy, and, if you're remotely on the left it's absolutely obvious that those people are beyond saving. You don't learn anything by watching mildly lefty clowns attack the ones who are so far on the right that everyone who's not a fossil fuel lord can get behind.

    Only the ones who punch right on their right do actual political effort because they contribute to the pipeline that lead to revolutionary politics.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 32
  • Hey does anyone know a breakdown of all the "Trump election Russian influence" thing, I read some MSM articles about it and everything seem purposefully confused and lacking any context or analysis

  • Liberal wet dream
  • Can't wait for 2024 just so whoever made this stupid infographic feel ridiculed

  • "Brutal communist repression".
  • How tf are you supposed to coerce someone to become a scientist

  • NSFW
    oH nO tHe HorRrOr
  • Anti-liberals be like "oh yeah this is bs"

  • Wikipedia debubking itself epic style



    Oh yeah the source of that claim is a LA Times article that doesn't mention this blatant contradiction at all

    The REAL Reason Games Aren't Fun Anymore. According To NEUROSCIENCE. (And how to fix it)
  • Have you heard about Battlebit Remastered? I kinda like it right now. I've never played Battlefield but people are saying this is what they wanted Battlefield to be like and its got indie graphics and no cringe campaign filled with propaganda for now. Also 15 bucks and no microtransactions I just had to try

  • Congratulations Lemmycraft! We're finally popular enough to be targetted with griefing!
  • Ah yes, the tankie's favourite anti-west fascist regime of... uh... uh... hmmmm

  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • Very interesting, I will meditate on your answers

  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • Friend groups are more often than not anarchist. Valve (the makers of steam) is designed as an anarchist company where workers freely start and join projects

    Gotta break some myths here because despite Valve making some of my favourite games of all time I can't let you call them anarchist.

    • There is very much a hierarchy between workers since they have a ladder scoring system that gets you fired when you're underperforming
    • They only recruit industry veterans, you can't enter Valve if you are a beginner, they are not inclusive
    • They have a CEO who owns yachts and shit meaning there is still exploitation even if he is a funny dude and not a corporate ghoul
  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • I'd say the most complete answer you can have from one of the biggest names in the people who are being called "tankie" is this video by well-respected youtuber Hakim :

  • How can we answer the question "China is revisionist because of billionaires in the party?"
  • The wierd thing with this argument is that there isn't even a clear contradiction with the very basis of Mao's action and theory. Just look at the flag of the PRC : it is a reference to a speech where Mao defines the four classes of Chinese society that converges towards the Party (hence the four stars pointing at one big star). Those four classes are, obviously the proletariat and peasantry, but also the urban bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie. Note that there is no ambiguity on what bourgeoisie means here, since there is two dedicated stars to include both the intellectual and cultural elite but also the national-level property owners.

    If the national bourgeoisie is represented on the flag of the PRC as a class that is united with the others around the Party then why would they be barred from entering the party like every citizen who's able to pass the test.

    Mao was never about pressing the Communism button and destroying the national bourgeoisie, he was about building the ship that will eventually lead the people to Communism after a long trip where the national bourgeoisie has a role to play.

  • And?
  • Imagine associating this amount of dread with such an insignificant privation. Must be hard living like this honestly

  • Found this while looking into USA history schoolbooks on Revolutionary France
  • Lol hinting that the revolutionary bourgeois cared about the peasantry when all they did was killing them and destroying their regional languages

    Not saying they were not counter-revolutionary though, but contrary to MLs the bourgeois had no plan to make their lives better and only viewed them with disdain

  • Found this while looking into USA history schoolbooks on Revolutionary France
  • Not that I want to rescue him or anything, he remains a deeply bourgeois author, but he wrote Les Miserables when he quit monarchism to adopt liberal republican self-proclaimed "socialist" stance. Saying Les Miserables is royalist propaganda is inaccurate, it's more of a virtue signaling liberal wank

  • do vowshoids still like tito?
  • Market socialism that didn't secure the revolution after the death of its engineer, country ends in fratricide wars 💯✅

    Market socialism that totally outplayed imperialists, maintained revolutionary power for a generation after leader's death, brings hopes of prosperity to exploited countries 🤬❌

  • Weebs and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
  • In the US no actually prison is a highly profitable option, prisons are private and just make a killing by making prisoners work for free. If the prison industry continues lobbying and expanding we will end up with homelessness being literally written as crime in law and completely circle back to antique slave society with extra steps

  • Co-creator of "The Matrix", Lilly Wachowski, speaks with the PSL on the writers strike picket line in Chicago (transcribed in body)
  • Too bad for the socdem typical "middle class" myth but at least we need to salute the genuineness of actually going on a strike picket instead of LARPing on Twitter

  • Video Games lil_tank
    RANT - Diablo IV : consumerism is a manufactured disorder

    This is plain irrational, people are buying this game at a faster pace than ever despite this shit costing 70$, but still charging up to 28$ for one single cosmetic set exclusive to a fucking cash shop, plus a fucking battle-pass. I've never been a fan of the series in fact I never played Diablo III so I can't relate but still, Blizzard got into the brain of their clients with this shit it's just fucked up. It's not rational, consumerism at this level can't just be a trick that is played on their brains by clever marketing teams, it's deeper than that. People are being broken, their wits have been altered. There is something about impulse control that was removed from their abilities. No ableism intended, people with disorders need respect and care. I think that capitalism is responsible for damaging people mentally, those people are victims and need help.

    End of rant.

    Class politics in beauty contest versus pride parade

    I had this reflection when discussing the subject of trans people participating in mass media beauty contest, with in mind the Miss Universe contest. This question is your typical imperial core opinion divider : a useless debate between two tendencies of the bourgeoisie.

    The truth is, there is no question whether or not trans women would be allowed to run because in fact this contest goes against everything the feminist and LGBT+ liberation movement is for.

    Historically, beauty competition were used at the height of society to match the most desirable women (matching body standards, pretty, but also witty and talented, but always docile, just like in the Misses contest) with the most powerful men. There would be "seasons" organised with dances and other events for the young men and women to socialise. When a men desired a young woman he would ask her father if his rank was high enough for him, and if the father thought his daughter might get better he could refuse. The life of the daughter was being gambled for prestige. The daughter was a transactional resource.

    The criterias of desirability haven't changed, objectification by quantifying their quality as individuals, physical and mental, is still the same. The ranking and comparaison, an assignment to an absolute, comparable and fungible value is still there. Miss Universe is in historical continuity of the practice, which explains why culturally no one cares about Mister Universe. Men don't have to be judged and standardized, men objectification exists but as a curiosity, something just for fun. For women it's part of their condition.

    The LGBT+ and feminist liberation movement stand against this standardisation. The beauty contest ought to be replaced by something that actually already exists: the pride parade. The pride parade is massive, inclusive, doesn't rank anyone, it just shows forms of beauty without judgement. The beauty contest is the bourgeois way of celebrating human beauty, by transforming standardized individuals into commodities with an assigned value. The pride parade celebrates beauty in its diversity, and provides intrinsic, non-fungible and incomparable value to individuals while including them in the mass instead of putting them above.

    Therefore the pride parade is proletarian, it is a manifestation of mass, a resistance against bourgeois historical values and practices. It is the proletarian way of celebrating beauty.

    Why is Sri Lanka not considered AES?

    I just realized they are calling themselves a socialist republic, and I've seen parades with communist iconography posted on Lemmygrad. Despite this, the most inclusive list of AES countries I've seen is Cuba China DPRK Vietnam Laos, never including Sri Lanka. Why is that?

    lil_tank lil_tank
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