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How do we feel about Meta joining the Fediverse?
  • Sounds like it is going to be more of a Twitter clone unless I read a shit article. It also sounds like they might not federate with mastodon or other instances to keep everyone in their meta ecosystem.

  • Should I Go Back to Reddit?
  • This is what I would have done had I not been permabanned for shitting on Spez and the admins.

  • Just realized the lie about reddit api pricing
  • He really is a disgusting fuck

  • I'm curious - Do you folks like weight on your body (people, animals, weighted blankets on top of you)
  • Well I certainly wont turn my cat away but I can't sleep either way.

  • Seeing 503 errors on kbin this morning -- but on the positive side, growth has been awesome!
  • Kbin is my favorite but on mobile I use lemmy because the Jerboa app is just by far the best way to browse right now.