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Is there any feedback of the current blackout? Feels like everything will be over soon and it's going on like before.
  • It's so nice of Stevie boy to refer to his userbase as "noise". Proof of how little he values the people who use his corner of the internet. Hopefully this wording of his will show how little he thinks of everyone.

  • why does Reddit want us to use the official app so badly?
  • Tracking. Ads. Selling data etc.

  • What distro(s) do you use?
  • Both great Distros. I personally prefer Fedora, though.

  • Is anyone else upvoting every comment and thread or is it just me?
  • I'm upvoting everything at the moment. I want my fellow users to feel like they matter and are well received, hopefully something that will spur them on to contribute more.

  • So glad to find this community here!
  • Ooooh exciting - I enjoyed the subreddit! Let's hope things work out here :)

  • Jerboa Error
  • AFAIK - Lemmy is having some trouble keeping up with the influx of new users. I've had a smoother time (not perfect) using in Chrome and installing Lemmy as a web app. When you're at in Chrome, tap the three dots on the top right of the Chrome tab, install web app. Apologies if I'm teaching you to suck eggs, you most likely know what I'm on about. See how you get on with the web app.

  • Some interesting data surrounding the Reddit blackout.
  • It's likely - and is already being spoken about over at Reddit - that admins will just push out existing mods of the larger subs. I'm sure they'll find replacement mods. Or maybe just use bots.

  • Some interesting data surrounding the Reddit blackout.
  • I appreciate that, Pumpkin!

  • Some interesting data surrounding the Reddit blackout.

    I didn't realise the sheer scale of protest over at Reddit. I'm using Stealth from F Droid to find out what's going on.

    I hope I'm doing Lemmy right by posting this? Edit; apparently the link won't work for some reason. I've fixed it now. Feels like a pleb.

    Who's watching Le Mans?
  • I usually give it a watch here and there during the 24hrs. My favourite race is the GT Challenge EU Spa 24. The past couple of years, 1st and 2nd place have been finishing within seconds of eachother.

    Edit; it's amazing watching a NASCAR roaring through Le Mans!

  • For everyone new to Lemmy, how are you finding the experience?
  • The Lemmy community are very welcoming. I've been here for a few days now and enjoying things so far.

    It's obviously still early days regarding the whole Reddit fiasco, so there's not a lot of options for more mainstream and streamlined apps. I've been using the Jerboa app from the Play Store, which is good, but not perfected yet. So I decided to login to Lemmy on Chrome and install the web app version which is working for me right now.

    What I'm keen to see is Lemmy grow and to come into its own. While it's both funny and sad watching Reddit kill itself, and is obviously the hot topic at the moment, Lemmy needs to be seen as the Reddit alternative, so when Reddit users come here - they see that there are community's here ready to go with each specific community posting and talking about their on-topic subject / news.

    Lemmy / the fediverse is a little confusing (for myself anyway), as an outsider, I'm still learning the ropes of instance's and how things work specifically. As time goes on, I'll be more comfortable here without looking too much like an idiot, I'm sure.

  • /u/spez finds out
  • I think the writing has been on the wall for a long time. Reddit, in it's stupidity, likely underestimated the response / backlash from its users. Next, I'm guessing spez will step down or get fired.

  • /u/spez finds out
  • Ah well done. Apologies for not linking the article myself. I've been too distracted by the above crapfest.

  • Brace Yourselves
  • RedReader is a fantastic app. I hope the dev works it out.

  • /u/spez finds out
  • I was reading an article from The Verge - they've linked all the juicy parts of the AMA. I don't have a Reddit account anymore since hearing about what their plans were a few weeks ago. It looks like Reddit is facing a very real, self inflicted meltdown.

    Fyi - it looks like the reviews for Reddit on the Google Play Store have been locked as well to prevent review bombing.

  • With the rise of AI, Microsoft probably regrets killing Windows Phone
  • I've got fond memories of Windows Phone. Still salty that they pulled the plug on it.

  • Users from before the current wave of Reddit refugees, how do you feel about the incoming monsoon of refugees?
  • I'm an ex Reddit user. It seems inevitable that the Reddit admins will lock out third party access - I could be wrong but based on recent years, Reddit doesn't like to listen to it's community.

    I hope that the toxicity stays away, but it's likely there will be toxic users at some point. My main gripe with Reddit was the lack of actual reading. Most mainstream subs were just memes / circlejerks / pics. I'd much prefer to learn something or read something of value over "lol-ing" at a pic.

    I'm keen to see how Lemmy grows.

  • lemmy_steve lemmy_steve
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