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[Game, not mine] Help Me Out
  • Pretty.. wonder if roblox does not have sfx or filters as why its unusual. personally feel 3d gives too much away/is too different creatively but going for atmospheric is kind of cool, wonder how it would look for long term... Also can say is similar to game, think its the type of information withholding that makes it...

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • It is true, am playing the graciously included postgame now

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • This week I kept playing Trimps which is nice to get a sense for a long game. It doesn't ask very much of me although i can keep optimizations in mind and go steady with it. Also tried more Shark incremental while feeling warm to some idea of a theme as good enough to not mind replaying the beginning. Think I really have to be careful to not start feeling the game too abstractly though as that was important to my reason in this case..

  • What games aren't incremental?
  • I think every game can be viewed from a incremental lens, but you would have to somehow focus that aspect for it to be relevant in conversation about incrementals.. and even then people may not play it if the other part isn't interesting, ie there is a wide range of interests that can decide to like incrementals while avoiding other aspects of games but still connect with others over the incremental aspect. in essence someone who loves incremental games may not include just one but many interrelated layers of powerups and abilities... it is indeed a pretty popular genera though, i think there is a thread of questionably excluding 'partially' incremental games, which is probably just the result of increased effort needed to involve a game in the historic word 'incremental' that wasn't already made with it in mind. though yes that history is pale in the shadow of just like people in desperate wanting to be recommended games with numbers going up etc, so you can see how a genera was indefatigably defined by upset if a game is not 'easy', etc. and it's not necessarily relevant now... yea hope that helps

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • I know what you mean but if you idle it a bit you can leaven the time pressure to be discrete. I'm not saying it gets better after that point, that part just seemed somehow natural to me since I was so comfortable with the rest of the game.

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • Yes I am very much taken by it, just waiting on the timewall now but what a game I'll be referencing it for a long time. definitely gotta get the others here to play it. not sure what happened where it feels like a small game even though it's over a week long but supposing it's that good at commanding idle am really baffled how it just went and answered all these design questions

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • I've been playing a lot of idle Formulas, super well made game. really strategic while remaining compulsive by giving you lots of types of activities to fit in. Feels like the Dicey dungeons of incrementals with the amount of balanced content.

    Also started Trimps which maybe is still a bit taxing for me, though i like its reset system as a big game vs how they are in smaller ones where it hurts more. also replaying endless Stairwell as it's a favourite, doing it in segments because its totally active but again the variety while changing so little or just numbers is so sweet..

  • PegIdle released on Steam
  • the sensory overload genre of incrementals is kindof epic when i think about it

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • this week, I finished Infinite button simulator feeling unsure about its reset mechanic. maybe would feel better if it was finished, although I also had been playing Louigi's incremetal Fortress and am not sure about the resets in that either. feels like semi optional resets that let you play the game again, but when i built up the game as about picking the lesser of two evils i guess there could be greater care over the resets.. but anyway just wanted to say something

    I also experienced the galaxy 5 games at once incident which is pretty funny. I got into playing Vepro's Idle mine remix since Coloot seem samey quicker, but this one is interesting for creating a exciting flow very seemlessly via the story I guess like ngu. eventually it kindof ran out of mechanics but makes me think what kind of development goes into creating just different walls within the same system. Can wonder about the kind of number system that does that at least, in the extent of similar to the one in InfiniteBS which seemingly is just recursive but still interbalanced a bit - this one has individualized content and choice, from which upgrades you go with for to idling or what.. and IBS has the extent a different strategy has any hope of being idly.. feel like being able to tease out idle and active times from these games is a exciting aspect of these games, i guess people think about building skill and autopiloting in a similar way but it wasn't so clear without this lense... anyway well no need to make things up on the spot for this

    Have been going at Profectus learning and can say that i did get it running! which is great because it feels like the chain is complete to start assembling some efforts. Really all I have to say atm but it was hard, guess it is just getting your head in the game? all the running around from not asking for help on the one hand is all good and on the other is preferable after getting the skill you want vs before.. anyway got there after several days of re reflecting to see how the previous days things were actually easy, so one way or another still did work, so anyway hoping to get farther with that but yes

    Oh yea and i also now picked up Idle formulas in wanting gimmick and yea somehow it seemed clunky when i originally saw it but no its really is a strategy experience, lots of 'i could hold down this button for 10mins to make this reset skip take half instead of all day..! by my calculations...' its pretty great and it's kept simple and with planned balanced, do intend to finish it then will see.

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • Thats demonin's version which is a bit different, will probably end up playing it as well to check. it's not a sequel to this game but actually to his older button simulator which i remember has the dodeca paradigm shift flare. in contrast this game immediately shows it's hand with 'infinite', it is not linear and is speaking to the multiple parallel areas to nurture with interrelated priority kind of thing... I haven't sorted it out and i did get sick clicking so much but you love stakes.

    (edit: okay it is a bit similar, maybe the 'rune' rarity combination system in infinite is just overly fun that's all)

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • Have found Infinite button simulator to be really amazing, it's active but there it gives you so much to try and circumvent it without actually adding strait automation - the infinite nature to achieve that feels similar to ngu. It's a bit brutally simple and I'm not sure if a autoclicker makes it better or worse balance wise... It's exciting to figure out if it's incorporable into daily life, I also played several of Galaxy's games from random but i am still to get more skilled before talking much more. definitely away from burnt out at this point though.

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • More curiosity is very fun- I played it with a mouse, trackpad and mousekeys twice total. There was a mechanic in Dark forest that surprised me although the game is not finished.. Have not played Orb of creation since loosing the plot, I want to look back on incrementals to put together how to play something more complicated like that again. don't really want to say anything critical until I can make it clear what I am relating it to,

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • Yea I've bordered on similar feelings, I'd say its important to know what activities you are familiar with and see if you can do them with the game. Incremental games can be interesting in that you keep considering concessions on what you are prepared to do, in NGU you may enjoy playing actively and babysitting your gear or you might set into a schedule of hour prestiges, or else end up with something else you like or may like to use. I found ngu pretty readable however I like colours and first played with built up patience during recovery from travel. in general people say to just practice, or ask for information, it depends what you use, i tend to think people have a central practice that they are smart using so relating it to that or to other core memories...

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • This week I did dip into several games. It started with the new Idle orbs 4 (3$), owing to it's excellent trailer shock! and the game itself is pretty small and sweet such that I could get reaccustomed, its prestige bonus is pretty weak although there is generous persistence and some bonus features. Reminded me of various things and I felt the excitement about mystery features again.

    Still felt drained from playing yet decided to pick up the promising Multi idle (discord required), search it somewhere else for proper onboarding and id say it seems to be ngu progression featuring classes. so yea I'm going to slowly see how that goes i've still only been playing actively so have still to take off with it, the classes did occur to me as overwhelming but no I can think of them like something as quaint as hammerspace's elements and get over just the visual presentation extent of vagueness. so waiting up with that one but I am up to it yes.

    I think its actually been two weeks where that was the extent of incremental gameplay but now can say recently have started into NES games, i played the dinky rpg Taro's quest(.nes) before realizing some of the menus were just incomplete or not used and the game cuts off and is not finished which is pretty funny from a incremental background. i have not yet decided on a flaw in the beauty of gameyness and so that game was intrinsically motivating to me for reasons i may need to reconcile in my extent of dread to drag in Profectus to involve it. Despite this i did keep playing nes games having warmed up. -now I will lens my experiences as incremental but need to explain that before graphics that show everything were considered good, there was a tradition of secrets that was cut off but is still relevant today. so anyway I started some choice action games like spelunker and solomon's key, these games have a common thread of a hard reset that involves linearly replaying what you understand of the game - if you are doing this and can simplify the rest as 'the secrets' arguably this is a bit incremental. I mostly played Milon's secret castle (nes). that game is hard on the secrets (you have to understand these games basically intend for you to dream about them type ideas required) which i have leaned more towards being able to try your own deadend strategy through its arc of symmetry vs it just not working if you forget about pushing but you can either spoil yourself or have already done so somewhere else and are ready to play this time. once you can avoid getting stuck the level of commitment makes the game unreal, its able to be seamlessly unlike anything seen before exciting while grounded in the gameplay you are able to use. a meta structure like turbo shoot or savestates is often seen but being well rested or a incremental game conceptualiser structure would work just as well.

    should say more but will reign in the worryingly off track direction this writing session has taken and will be okay. don't be afraid to also write such things, this can be counted as game development even without yet being moved on in format.

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • This week I did dip into several games. It started with the new Idle orbs 4, owing to it's excellent trailer shock! and the game itself is pretty small and sweet such that I could get reaccustomed, its prestige bonus is pretty weak although there is generous persistence and some bonus features.

  • How often do you like to reset your progress?
  • Am in principle a big fan of doing the same thing over and over again even in quick succession because any activity i think has at least two simultaneous parts so it doesn't actually have to be the exact same, that being said the content needs to be promising such that i am not trying ways of playing for dead end reason and that they have the authors energy to resonate against the top of my head,

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • Looking at's user playtime page(topright menu> myplaytime> lastplayed) I was able to remember playing Cat clicker which is small and well done and nostalgic for the incrementals that exist on minecraft hypixel housing.. similar to roblox but not sure to recommend there though as they are a preservation nightmare, could probably reconjure a few. also liked the layout

    Also remembered to mention the short game , which full disclosure seems to be kindof a rage game but a pathetic and distracted one to where its also normal fun.

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • NGU is really fun, at least I like what I remember of it yet not sure what to do with that atm.

    someone who's a big fan of Tower of the sorcerer is LAWatson who made I wanna Lockpick, and indeed that is the popular iteration of it in puzzle games atm.. yea not even remotely casual though apart from via love of pure math, lots of paradigm shifts at least.. really I am just in kindof a creative rut, it is actually a great game, begging the question of such greatness as predicated on creativeinspiration, notwithstanding..

  • How does one make content in an incremental game meaningful, and when should one stop making it?
  • I haven't made an incremental game and I haven't quite played out a single one for longer than a month, I could make things up and yet I'll just share a perspective I already have on hand:
    I have seen people enjoy even scratchy action games, who play a lot of action games because they like the language and find actions they can bring over in pretend from other action games. I have found incremental games the same with the exception that 'time' is in someway more nebulous than moving a character around, though the amount of times I actually feel like I am exercising skill in a incremental game honestly is far from 0 and probably pretty similar.

    . Repeating a simpler stage with a later one in mind, being attuned to ups and downs of E notation, reflexively tabbing out and back in, feeling shocked after you closed a game but still try to tab back, projecting to complete a set, deciding to just pile up a resource, deciding at what frequency to prestige, running around and keeping things in mind..

    . Went through various thoughts about progress, - feeling like its the spatial component of a game that keeps you from fully leaving an earlier area, even if it may be a arbitrary way of recalling the memory. not sure many games deliberately try to reconjure a prior point in 'the' experience, can imagine devs may well think to do that but yea not sure how often it lands..

    . Probably a real answer would be you just have to feel it out, giving an answer here would effect your feelings though, and yet oh well. am not sure what creates a particularly memorable moment and certainly wouldn't say the conclusion.. seem to have really strayed from that perspective, like, sure 'whats behind that ??' but 'whats at the end?' I don't feel like many games actually ask that themself but am kindof blind, so anyway, hope this helps for now! my beautiful content..

  • Weekly Incremental Check-in
  • Huh yes just by luck seeing their release posts on the reddit at one point so not much to offer there.. also yes I painted a bit that one potato does abruptly end having upgrades, never fully crashed for me though that's why I said it can be like Infinite prestige and or like just the first region of Pokeclicker, somewhat arbitrary points to make but I like it

  • laleyou laleyou

    cute but with the power of fusion, too complicated and will answer any question, pfp by

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