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Need a replacement for Apple/Google Maps on your phone? Organic Maps is FOSS and the company behind it is Estonian
  • I kinda like HereWeGo, but I still prefer Google Maps for now.

    -The estimated arrival time on google maps is a lot more accurate. But when arrival time is not important, I try using HereWeGo.

    -The map color on HereWeGo is less attractive for me personally, I'd love if they gave an option to customize that...

    -Google reviews is really good imo, don't think HereWeGo even has reviews. Finding businesses seems kinda the same? But haven't used it that much so I don't know how accurate the info on HereWeGo is...

    I do like that HereWeGo also has the option to give me the route for Public Transport, Bike, Hiking etc. Thats pretty cool. Haven't really used those yet tho, so don't know if they are at all accurate.

    I feel that if more people used HereWeGo it would naturally improve, so I try using it whenever possible.

    What are some better options out there?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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