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Immutable Operating Systems: Yay or Nay?
  • I use NixOS, which is kind of a middle thing. The OS is generally immutable, except through one central config. This allows to tweak the OS to exactly the way you want it, whilst preventing any accidental changes and allowing atomic rollbacks.

    Learning Nix configuration syntax is a bit of a bump in the road, but once you've got that it's smooth sailing

  • As a hello to the community: Here's a recent pic a friend took of me and the vroom vroom

    By the way, I have some more pics from that day at if you want to check it out!

    Riding before driving?
  • I've still not got my car license, and I've been riding for a year now. So far it's worked out pretty well, although I'm also in Germany where you have to do a full motorcycle license to be allowed to ride, so it's not far off from what a car license is, just the vehicle is different lol

    I say go for it

  • [HELP] Protecting home IP (privacy reasons) with an ISP that only offers dynamic IP adresses
  • If you are cool with using Cloudflare, you can use Argo Tunnel to expose HTTP(S) services to the internet with DDOS protection and all of Cloudflares features.

    They've made it free some time ago, you just need a pc/server in your network running the cloudflare agent software.

  • NixOS in production?
  • I use it to host one of my self-hosting servers at Hetzner, and I've really enjoyed the experience. Especially having the ability to roll back when i mess up is a life saver.

    In my experience NixOS is really stable which makes it perfect for running on a server.

  • Staatstrojaner: Blankoscheck für Geheimdienst-Überwachung der Presse
  • Der Traum vom gläsernen Bürger...

  • kevin Kevin

    Hi I'm Kevin, a tech enthusiast and motorbiker from northern Germany. | | Mastodon | Moto-Pics

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