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Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: "As long as I gave it my all"
  • A country born by old white men which will die by old white men. Begins with a revolution to sever ties with a monarchy, ends with a coup to bring it back. We are truly coming full circle. 🤡

    Asked if anything could convince him that he was on track to lose to Trump and should step down, Biden responded with a smile: "It depends on if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that, I might do that."

    Sir, the Lord Almighty better come down and take you back with him. Take Trump too, while he's at it.

    After that debate and all the things he's said since, Biden's image is at an all-time low. As ableist and ageist as it is, people think he's a senile old man in the late stages of cognitive decline, with no business running a government. I doubt he or his campaign are going to do what they need to do to overcome that perception, and I doubt the Democratic Party will make the right calls either. "Decades of civil service" and "somewhat better than Trump" etc. are not going to be enough.

  • Donald Trump Says Fake Electors Scheme Was 'Official Act'
  • damn, who could've possibly seen that coming? 🫥

  • We’re all Boba Liberals Now (Don’t Laugh!)

    Asian diaspora reactionaries and liberals sip from the same bog of American Exceptionalism

    We’re all Boba Liberals Now (Don’t Laugh!)
  • saddam hussein is in there twisting my bones. i should be gripping rat

  • Jasmine Crockett gives Marjorie Taylor Greene a lesson in "Engaging in Personalities"
  • Well, to be more frank, I am wary of cryptocurrency and especially the marketing of it as relief for the ills of capitalism. It doesn't help that mining for cryptocurrency is highly energy-intensive (much of that power being sourced from fossil fuels) and e-waste-producing, or that it's simply become a vehicle for high-risk financial speculation as well as run-of-the-mill fraud and scams. In short, to me, cryptocurrency is bad, or at least the negatives outweigh any potential positives.

    If you have trouble with that implication, that's fine, that's your opinion, but I don't like having my view reduced down to "bad bcz crypto lol" just because I didn't sufficiently explain it initially. I don't post or comment in this community just to be nitpicked or belittled.

  • Jasmine Crockett gives Marjorie Taylor Greene a lesson in "Engaging in Personalities"
  • I don't think people there love love her, but something something owning the libs something.

    Many USian voters are entranced with the idea of having a firebrand provocateur on their side, someone who is able to get a rise out of their political opponents (not even totally excluding myself as it can be entertaining sometimes). And others just don't care as long as the other side doesn't win -- to them, keeping the other side out of power is more important than putting a competent person in the seat.

  • Jasmine Crockett gives Marjorie Taylor Greene a lesson in "Engaging in Personalities"
  • When I saw this this morning, I laughed so hard I almost fell out of bed 😭

    Yikes to the fact that Jasmine Crockett received PAC donations from crypto and voted with other Dems to provide military aid to Israel, but at least there's some entertainment in watching her eat up Republicans like MTG whenever they pull some bullshit like that.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • finally getting more time off from work versus the 60-70 hour weeks i was pulling before, so i started participating in a game jam and trying to have a presence on fedi again.

  • GoToSocial is a new ActivityPub social network server for the Fediverse
  • There is no should or shouldn't, they've always had and been entitled to that choice. People who develop and host those platforms can make whatever choice they want.

    ActivityPub/the Fediverse is only a protocol. If you philosophically disagree with how a platform makes use of that protocol, then you can (theoretically) just use another platform.

  • how's your holidays going, Beehaw
  • not so hot because things are tense around my house, but i'm moving out towards the end of the week so hopefully it'll be over soon.

  • Mike Johnson's speakership marks a new phase in the white evangelical-GOP alliance

    cross-posted from:

    > Johnson's election is the latest and perhaps most consequential event to date in the alliance of white evangelical Christians with the Republican Party.

    2 Mitski says she doesn’t feel either fully Asian or American, and fans say they identify with that

    Some Asian American fans say they recognize themselves in the lyrics of Mitski's latest album.

    Mitski says she doesn’t feel either fully Asian or American, and fans say they identify with that

    > Japanese American singer-songwriter Mitski Miyawaki says her identity is made up of “a million selves” that defy categorization — and fans are saying they find inspiration in that. > > “I don’t have a self,” Mitski said on the website for her record label. “I have a million selves, and they’re all me, and I inhabit them, and they all live inside me.” > > “The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We,” Mitski’s newest album, released last week by music label Dead Oceans, explores her multitude of selves, she says. Featuring a choir and orchestral arrangements, the album draws from classic Americana imagery such as freight trains, buffalo stampedes and highway cars. > > With this album, Mitski is trying to “reconcile all my various identities with being American,” she said in an interview with NPR. “I’m Asian American. I’m half white, half Asian. And so I don’t really fit into either community very well. I am an other in America, even though I am American.”

    I'm looking for a new Mastodon instance. I'm not satisfied with the moderation on fosstodon. Does anyone have any recommendations?
  • Yup! If the software supports it, instance admins can usually add relays from their control panel.

  • I'm looking for a new Mastodon instance. I'm not satisfied with the moderation on fosstodon. Does anyone have any recommendations?
  • It does work that way, but Mastodon and some other microblogging software like Firefish (fka Calckey), Pleroma, etc. can also use relays to populate their federated timelines.

  • Serious leak
  • What’re they mad about? 🤔

  • Trump Seeks to Review Classified Evidence at His Own Secure Facility
  • What an audacious request. I hope it’ll be rejected --- this just has “bad idea” written all over it.

  • NSFW
    Pokémon unveils official Wiglett toy
  • Respectfully, how on earth did this design get cleared? 😭

  • Black queer mastodon instance
  • What; if anything; are you doing to prevent the instance from becoming an echo chamber?

    Like the linked post discusses, Black queer people are the recipients of a lot of harm. They're perfectly entitled to a space where they won't be harassed, doesn't matter if that space is an echo chamber or not. The moderation and community of that instance can decide for themselves how they want to be structured --- it's not really anyone else's decision but theirs. If we, as remote users, don't like how they do things, no one's forcing us to use their site, federate with them, etc.

    I’ve noticed a lot of black first instances tend to fall victim to the same traps of racism and hatred that instances that center on other races do.

    What exactly do you mean by the phrase "same traps of racism and hatred"? I've seen few if any instances centering on other races, so I can't really establish that there's any pattern there.

  • Inside the online world of people who think they can change their race

    Practitioners of “race change to another,” or RCTA, purport to be able to manifest physical changes in their appearance and even their genetics to truly become a different race.

    Inside the online world of people who think they can change their race
    On Not Letting DEI Get Coopted and Watered Down
  • Liberals, including some POC, white allies, and white "allies," are quite keen on representation as diversity. At the end of the day, representation can be superficial and only partially satisfies the goals of social justice. Yes, we --- 'we' being people of color, women, queer people, and other marginalized people --- should receive the same opportunities as our privileged counterparts. That's representation.

    But putting us at the helm of oppressive systems doesn't end those systems. The point isn't to have a Black police chief, or a woman CEO, or a queer head of state, etc... I liken this to putting a Pride flag on a nuclear warhead. It's a symbolic action which, alone, isn't entirely subversive of the system's destructive nature. Such representation allows oppressive systems to flourish. We can't obtain freedom by becoming oppressors ourselves. Justice shouldn't be the cession of oppressive power to marginalized hands, but the cessation of such power.

    When people see such simple representation as the means to an end, they show their reverence for oppressive power, that:

    • they still have some measure of respect for it and its legitimacy,
    • dismantling power isn't that important of a mission for them, and
    • they're fine living with an oppressive system as long as they can go on living their life, have their sensibilities appeased, and still benefit from it

    I've gotten a lot of guidance from this quote by Audre Lorde:

    "For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change. And this fact is only threatening to those women who still define the master’s house as their only source of support."

    --- Audre Lorde

    These are just my personal feelings, so others may have conflicting thoughts or may want to provide their own insights. I'm not an authority on this or anything, but the main point for me is that I'm against how DEI as a framework is being appropriated to, as Angela Davis said, "guarantee a more efficient operation of oppressive systems." I see this happening in academia as well as in Hollywood, US politics, and so on, where DEI is being deployed as a smokescreen to give new life to oppression and make it look less harmful.

  • The excellent Arc browser is now available for anyone to download

    Arc is the biggest new thing in browsers in a long time — and the waitlist is finally gone.

    The excellent Arc browser is now available for anyone to download
    Can we please bring back cloaks?
  • Cloaks are really a cool idea and I miss them, not that I was ever alive for them being en vogue haha

    A great look despite the obvious hazard of them getting caught on things

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • omg happy belated birthday!! 🤠🥳

  • Good journals/planners for fountain pens?

    So, I like to write simple notes, journaling, to-do lists, or essays/fiction with a fountain pen whenever possible, and I'm trying to find a good journal or planner to use. My Pilot and Diamine inks feather a lot on the paper I'm currently using, and that's really the main problem I want to address.

    What brands or products would you recommend? What kind of paper do you like best?

    Beeeeeehaw! What do you like about Beehaw?

    What do you enjoy about this website/platform? How've you been liking your experience so far?

    11 Prescription rules for obesity drugs may unfairly exclude non-whites

    The relationship between body-mass index and weight-related ailments varies by race

    Prescription rules for obesity drugs may unfairly exclude non-whites link

    > Potent new anti-obesity drugs can reduce body weight by 15-20%. However, regulation and costs limit who can take them. In America, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved just one of the new drugs, Wegovy, for weight loss—and only for patients with a body-mass index (BMI) above certain thresholds. The cut-off is 27 for people with weight-related illnesses, and 30 otherwise. For someone 1.7 metres (5’7”) tall, these correspond to 78kg (172lb) and 87kg. People with lower BMIs can try to get a prescription anyway. However, insurers rarely cover such “off-label” use of the $1,000-per-month drugs. > > BMIs vary between racial groups. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, run by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Asian-Americans aged 18-75 have an average BMI of 25, compared with 29 for whites, 30 for Hispanics and 31 for black people. As a result, few Asians meet the FDA’s criteria.

    0 Some Black Twitter users hope this app will be a safe space

    Spill, which launched on Apple’s App Store in mid-June, is the latest platform some have said they are turning to following Elon Musk’s continued changes to Twitter.

    Some Black Twitter users hope this app will be a safe space link

    > The social platform, created by ex-Twitter employees Alphonzo “Phonz” Terrell and DeVaris Brown, has garnered online buzz in the last week, with Black celebrities including musician Questlove and actor Keke Palmer counted among its recent members. By Monday, after Musk limited the number of tweets users can see, Spill began to climb the rankings of Apple’s App Store. > > The recent boost in popularity comes amid constant discourse among Black Twitter, an informal digital enclave noted for its meme culture and political activism. Many within the community have voiced concerns about inadequate moderation of hate speech on Twitter, arguing that the app has become an increasingly “toxic” space under Musk’s leadership.

    A new Texas law forces vendors to rate sexual content in schoolbooks. They're not happy about it A new Texas law forces vendors to rate sexual content in schoolbooks. They're not happy about it | CNN Business

    Book vendors selling to Texas public schools, ranging from national sellers like Amazon to local bookstores with eight employees, must now rate the books they sell based on sexual content.

    A new Texas law forces vendors to rate sexual content in schoolbooks. They're not happy about it | CNN Business

    cross-posted from:

    > Book vendors selling to Texas public schools, ranging from national sellers like Amazon to local bookstores with eight employees, must now rate all the books they sell based on sexual content, according to new legislation signed into law on June 12. > > If the book vendor fails to comply with state library standards that will be in place by January 1, 2024, they’d be barred from selling to Texas public schools.

    In the Philippines, a survey shows growing support for gays and lesbians

    Archive link:

    > A sharp majority of Filipinos say they agree that gays and lesbians are trustworthy and contribute to the progress of society, according to a national survey. > > The survey, conducted in March by the nonprofit social research group Social Weather Stations and released in June — Pride Month in many nations — shows a substantial rise in supportive views of gays and lesbians in the socially conservative country in the past decade.

    Advice on how to address lower back pain?

    My lower back has been absolutely killing me today. Does anyone know of any remedies I could try to address it? I'm trying an ice pack and fixing my sitting posture right now, will be sleeping on my side to relieve pressure on it tonight, but is there anything else I could attempt?

    36 Indigenous farmers hope their knowledge of regenerative practices can influence others

    Tribes in the Midwest and Great Plains are embracing and sharing traditional agricultural knowledge with both Native and nonnative farmers to improve the soil and water for everyone.

    Indigenous farmers hope their knowledge of regenerative practices can influence others
    Majority of Americans believe racism adds barriers to people of color’s success

    > * Nearly seven in ten (67%) say it is a serious problem that individuals treat Black, Latino, Asian, and Native Americans worse than white Americans. Two-fifths (39%) say it is a very serious problem. > * Three-fifths (63%) say racism makes it more difficult for people of color to succeed in America. > * Nearly half (49%) of Americans believe that racism is both a problem of how society works and how individuals treat each other. A quarter (26%) say it is mostly a problem of how individuals treat each other. These findings are similar to when asked in June 2020 (48% and 28%, respectively).

    0 on the Fediverse & Meta's Threads Panos Damelos (@panos)

    There is another reason I find the discussion about blocking #Meta's #ActivityPub project #Threads interesting: I've been saying for a while now that the #Fediverse is a new and different beast, and whoever tries to understand it simply as a direct social media replacement misses the whole picture....

    Panos Damelos (@panos)

    For those who don't want to click through, this is the content of the post:

    > There is another reason I find the discussion about blocking #Meta's #ActivityPub project #Threads interesting: > > I've been saying for a while now that the #Fediverse is a new and different beast, and whoever tries to understand it simply as a direct social media replacement misses the whole picture. We're also federated communities, just as much. > > Today we see a lot of concern about "what will the #Fediverse do" with #Meta. Wanna know what we will do? Everything and nothing. Because the Fediverse is not one entity. This is the essence of its decentralized nature - and that's cool. If your server intends to block Meta servers completely - cool. If not, cool again. > > But if you expect a unified response on something like that, you're in for a disappointment. > > This is not a "schism", a "problem", something to "solve". This is just decentralization in practice. We don't need to have the same blocklists, and that's ok. Open protocols are not something you can control, so chill. When the time comes for this subject, choose a server with a policy that you agree with. But if you're worried that we won't all have one unified stance... are you sure you actually like #decentralization?

    Edit: It looks like the post got copied by Lemmy anyway, but I'll leave it for now just in case it doesn't show up on Mlem or Jerboa (or if it gets deleted)

    kalanggam Gil (he/they)

    Texas-based writer and co-admin

    Feel free to follow me at


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