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Google no longer developing Material Web Components
  • What kind of hits? I haven't heard anything.

    In fact, they just released a video a month ago detailing some of the areas they're working on, including dart macros, their new impeller engine, performance updates for the web platform, and more.

  • Google no longer developing Material Web Components
  • I think Flutter (made by Google) is pretty awesome.

  • Google no longer developing Material Web Components
  • I think Flutter (made by Google) is pretty awesome.

  • Steam announces game recording beta.
  • Looks amazing! Can't wait to try it out.

  • [Weekly thread] How are you doing with your communities?
  • One of them, r/startpages, I tried to start a community on, but it really never caught on. Maybe I should have posted more, which might have encouraged others to post. It was actually pretty active on Reddit, with 20k subscribers, but once the API fiasco hit last year, they decided to close down the sub and move to kbin, which obviously didn't catch on, so the whole community died.

  • [Weekly thread] How are you doing with your communities?
  • Honestly, I'd kind of like to create a niche community (or two) but wouldn't really know where to start. I still follow some smaller subs from Reddit, but I feel like there just wouldn't be any user engagement over here (if I tried to start one here), considering how small they are in the first place.

    Anyway, I think it's amazing how fast you were able to grow ! in less than a week!

  • Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • It's a link to an article I found interesting. It basically details why we're still using 64-bit CPUs, just as you mentioned.

  • htmx 2.0.0 has been released! </> htmx ~ htmx 2.0.0 has been released!

    htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext htmx is small (~14k min.gz’d), dependency-free, extendable, IE11 compatible & has reduced code...

    Copied from linked post:

    I'm very happy to announce the release of htmx 2.0. This release ends support for Internet Explorer and tightens up some defaults, but does not change most of the core functionality or the core API of the library.

    Note that we are not marking 2.0 as latest in NPM because we do not want to force-upgrade users who are relying on non-versioned CDN URLs for htmx. Instead, 1.x will remain latest and the 2.0 line will remain next until Jan 1, 2025. The website, however, will reference 2.0.

    Major Changes

    • All extensions have been moved out of the core repository to their own repo and website: They are now all versioned individually and can be developed outside of the normal (slow) htmx release cadence.

      • Most 1.x extensions will work with 2.x, however the SSE extension did have a break and must be upgraded.
      • The older extensions remain in the /dist/ext directory so as to not break the URLs of CDNs like unpkg, but please move to the new extension URLs going forward
    • We removed the deprecated hx-sse and hx-ws attributes in favor of the extensions, which were available and recommended in 1.x.

    • HTTP DELETE requests now use parameters, rather than form encoded bodies, for their payload (This is in accordance w/ the spec.)

    • We now provide specific files in /dist for the various JavaScript module styles:

      • ESM Modules: /dist/htmx.esm.js
      • AMD Modules: /dist/htmx.amd.js
      • CJS Modules: /dist/htmx.cjs.js
      • The /dist/htmx.js file continues to be browser-loadable
    • The hx-on attribute, with its special syntax, has been removed in favor of the less-hacky hx-on: syntax.

    Minor Changes

    • We made some default changes:
      • htmx.config.scrollBehavior was changed to 'instant' from 'smooth'
      • As mentioned previously, DELETE requests now use query parameters, rather than a form-encoded body. This can be reverted by setting htmx.methodsThatUseUrlParams to the value ['get'],
      • htmx.config.selfRequestsOnly now defaults to true rather than false


    Not much, really:

    • The selectAndSwap() internal API method was replaced with the public (and much better) swap() method
    • Web Component support has been improved dramatically
    • And the biggest feature of this release: the website now supports dark mode! (Thanks @pokonski!)

    A complete upgrade guide can be found here:

    htmx 1.x -\> 2.x Migration Guide

    If you require IE compatibility, the 1.x will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future.

    1 down again? Are people moving to mbin instances (,
  • Thanks for the interest. So far, I've only had one (or maybe two) other person(s) ask about iOS support, so I haven't really looked much into it so far.

    I could set up a donation page (like GitHub sponsors), but my guess is that it would receive nowhere near the amount of an Apple Developer account ($100 a year).

    I also don't have an iPhone or Mac. I should be able to get around the Mac by using a VM (I've done it before), but it is a pain.

  • Happy cakeday,!
  • How do you update without any downtime? Is it because you have multiple servers running?

  • only as in free beer
  • Have you tried sterling pdf? It has a ton of PDF tools and it's Foss.

  • Announcing Rust 1.78.0 | Rust Blog

    Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

    Announcing Rust 1.78.0 | Rust Blog
    An update regarding the future of m/AskKbin (where we are headed towards) - AskKbin -
  • I think the spacing for the cards might need to be adjusted anyway, but yeah, some sort of dense layout mode would be good to add.

  • An update regarding the future of m/AskKbin (where we are headed towards) - AskKbin -
  • If you have any feedback for Interstellar (the only Mbin app I know of), please share. I use the app daily, and it works great for my use case, but I don't automatically know what other people would like until they communicate it. (I'm the dev, btw)

  • The future of
  • Mbin does support microblogs. I believe there's a "Microblog" button in the navigation bar for desktop, and the same button found in the side drawer on mobile.

  • The future of
  • The migration to Mbin is complete! Let me know if you run into any issues.

  • The future of
  • Sounds good! Migration probably won't happen today, but maybe tomorrow or the day after if we get lucky. Unfortunately, I ran into a problem while trying to set up Mbin due to one of the mbin/kbin dependencies suddenly disappearing out of the blue (see here).

  • The future of
  • No, we haven't migrated yet. I just decided to fix that first.

  • The future of
  • Ok, I was able to figure out what was wrong. All registration and password reset emails should be working now.

  • The future of
  • Sorry about that, and thanks for letting me know. I had no idea the email system was down. I'll probably try to look into it after the migration to Mbin. I've gone ahead and manually verified each user from the past week, so you should be able to sign in now.

  • /kbin meta jwr1
    The future of

    This post doesn't directly affect users, but it is relevant. It discusses some of the potential pros/cons of Kbin and the pros/cons of Mbin, and also the direction the server is heading.

    Go 1.22.2 released

    > > > go1.22.2 (released 2024-04-03) includes a security fix to the net/http package, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go command, the linker, and the encoding/gob, go/types, net/http, and runtime/trace packages. See the Go 1.22.2 milestone on our issue tracker for details. > >

    1 meta jwr1 federation problems fixed

    Recently, I've noticed federated threads/comments/votes were lagging behind, and it turns out was being spammed (hundreds in a minute, leading to a couple thousand queued messages after only half an hour) by a Lemmy server with the same exact activity pub message. After blocking the server (, federation should now work correctly. If the admins of the server ever fix the issue, I'll be glad to unblock it.

    Edit: turns out, this was probably actually a kbin issue, but at least it's fixed the issues temporarily.

    1 Announcing Rust 1.77.0 | Rust Blog

    Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

    Announcing Rust 1.77.0 | Rust Blog
    /kbin meta jwr1
    Biggest Interstellar update yet: now on Google Play, Lemmy support, user/magazine mentions, and much more

    I don't have a lot to say this time, but here's the biggest Interstellar update we've had so far. This update includes almost full support for Lemmy (notification viewing, direct messages, and post creation don't work yet though), there's a new user/magazine mentions feature, user profile pages now let you view a user's comments and follows, and even more listed below. Additionally, Interstellar is now out on Google Play to the public. Here's the full list of new features and fixes that were included in this update:


    • General Lemmy support, including account login, feed view, voting, commenting, viewing communities, viewing user profiles, searching, and more. The main features not included in this release are viewing notifications, viewing/interacting with direct messages, and creating new posts. Thanks @jwr1 and @olorin99.
    • Support for editing your user profile, including the about and uploading a new profile avatar and banner; thanks @olorin99.
    • Huge improvements to the user screen, including being able to view a user's threads, microblogs, comments, replies, follows, and followers; thanks @olorin99.
    • A new user/magazine mention feature; if a user/magazine mention is detected in markdown, it tries to fetch the corresponding avatar and name and allows you to click to view the user/magazine page if available.
    • Support for blocking users, magazines, and domains.
    • Support for reporting posts and comments.
    • Show a copy button on the open link dialog.
    • Show an option for posts and comments to open them in a browser.
    • Add local filter to magazines explore.


    • Add post/comment deletion confirmation.
    • Fix account list sorting to go by host, then the local name.
    • Fix the coloring for the subscribe button so it's easier to tell when you're subscribed or not.
    • Hide the error snack bar for several common errors, including render layout issues and image loading issues.
    • Fix empty search error from the search screen.


    GitHub: Magazine: Matrix: Google Play:


    Just as a side note, those who have the app previously installed will need to re-signin into their accounts and might need to clear their app data if the app doesn't start up, as a few changes have been made with the way accounts are stored.

    2 KDE MegaRelease 6

    The KDE community proudly presents Plasma 6, Frameworks 6 and Gear 24.02

    KDE MegaRelease 6

    Feedback lets users give feedback by annotating a screenshot of the current page and adding text, all directly within your app. β†’ https://g...

    /kbin meta jwr1
    Interstellar testers needed

    Hello everyone,

    It's already been more than a month since I started Interstellar, and it's far from perfect, but it's definitely very usable for someone who's just browsing around and voting or replying to random things, so I thought now's as good a time as ever to "officially" publish it.

    I'm currently in the process of uploading Interstellar to the Google Play Store, but before it's considered "Production", I need to meet the following requirement: "you must run a closed test for your app with a minimum of 20 testers who have been opted-in for at least the last 14 days continuously". If any of ya'll would like to help test the app, please send the Google Play email address you'd like added to the test list through either a dm to jwr1 (on or, a dm to on matrix, or email

    I haven't done this before, but you might have to wait a few hours (or days) before anything shows up in your account once your added. If you do encounter any bugs please let me know on the GitHub page.

    Thanks for the help; let me know if you have any questions.

    /kbin meta jwr1
    Another Interstellar update: new icon, microblogging support, editing/deleting capabilities, youtube embedding, and more

    To start, Interstellar finally has an app icon; thanks to @BenjMathis1 for designing it and @dannii\_montanii for helping implement it into the app! (

    Additionally, microblogging support has now caught up to thread support, thanks to @olorin99. Now, viewing, voting, boosting, etc. is supported on posts. Also, @olorin99 has added support for editing and deleting your own threads, posts, and comments.

    A few other features added since the last thread here include support for replying to a thread, post, or another comment, a built-in YouTube video player, an interactive view for images (which supports scaling and panning), a collapse/expand button for comments with children, and a recommended instances section for kbin instances that support logging in via the API.


    Here's the link to the latest working build (a new Windows build is now included): (Android, Linux, Windows).

    If you've previously subscribed to the old Interstellar magazine, make sure to migrate over to the new one hosted on (for

    So as to not clog up the kbinMeta magazine, I probably won't post as many future Interstellar updates here.

    testing jwr1
    Test thread

    Test thread


    jwr1 jwr1

    Admin of, creator of Interstellar.

    Posts 16
    Comments 35