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What the best mastodon instance?
  • I also didn't use Twitter but wanted to try to get into mastodon. One thing to note is that the official mastodon app currently doesn't allow you to follow hashtags, only people. The FEDILABS app allows you to follow topics by hashtags. Since I'm new I didnt have any people I knew of to follow off the bat, so it was nice to be able to follow #scuba and automagically see a bunch of stuff I care about pop up in my home feed.

    The account is full of gems like that.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

  • After 3.5 years I finally got Covid
  • For years, I was hoping to be the very last American to catch COVID. I'd dodged a couple near misses, including being...close 😏... to my wife the night before she tested positive.

    When it finally got me it was quite mild. I tested + when I had very mild symptoms, so I went for a run before things got bad. Felt crappy the next day, but the day after that I felt good enough to get another run in.

    Not sure if it's related, but every time I got a vaccine/booster I thought for sure that the next one would kill me.

  • Share Your Favorite Linux Distros and Why You Love Them
  • Are you playing steam games that have Linux versions? Or is the "comparability mode" stable and fast enough that you don't really have to think about it?

  • Which is the best image hosting site?
  • That's really cool. Are they photos from a camera's sd card? Or do you pop them over from your phone?

  • Has a Famous Person Done an AMA on Lemmy Yet? If Not, Who Do You Think Will Be the First?
  • Ama's we're the content that got me hooked on Reddit. I think it was a lengthy Dan Harmon ama and I read it for hours. I think it's pretty telling that I haven't read through an ama in years.

  • What petty hill will you die on?
  • I'm in a tough spot here. I know I shouldn't knock it 'till I try it, and I REALLY want to tell you that this is absurd and ridiculous. But for me to say that,I'd probably have to try it first, what if it's really disgusting? Even worse: What if it's really really good? Would I have the courage to tell anybody about it?

    Instead,can I just how you ended up trying this in the first place? Were you desperate on a desert island? Or did you lose a bet?

  • Which communities you feel lemmy is lacking?
  • It's a a send-up of the supposedly "feel-good" stories about people that go above and beyond to make the horrors of some societal problem (usually capitalism) less horrifying for somebody. Like, when a child holds a 48 hr lemonade sale marathon to erase the lunch debt of his/her peers. Yeah, it's a nice thing to do, but it should NOT be necessary.

    The idea is that we would see stories talking about how great this person is for slowing down an orphan crushing machine, without questioning the need for an orphan crushing machine in the first place.

  • askBeehaw (not-so-serious edition): what's the dumbest thing you did as a teenager?
  • I've met some men from Florida before, but this is the first time I'm getting to meet the esteemed "Florida Man"

    It's truly an honor.

    (My apologies if I've incorrectly assumed your gender, but I have a hunch about this one.)

  • Are there any Reddit refugees spending more time on Lemmy than Reddit?
  • Not yet.

    For kbin I use what I've recently learned is called a "progressive web app" on Android. I tried to save a bookmark and put a shortcut to that bookmark on my phone's home screen. Now when I tap that, it launches kbin in a sleek looking browser but without any of the browser parts showing. You can even long-press on the app shortcut to launch straight into different sections of the website (eg. Microblogs, magazines, or people)

  • YSK: Googling for terms on all lemmy domains
  • Finding answers about Lemmy is an easy, 3 step process:

    1. Enter search query, followed by Lemmy
    2. Exasperated sigh, because apparently I haven't learned my lesson
    3. Enter search query followed by "Lemmy -motorhead"
  • I made an omelette this morning, and it didn't devolve into scrambled eggs with benefits. Whoo!
  • I actually decided to take thins in a different direction. I went to make regular scrambled eggs, but simply forgot the salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder, leading to the blandest scrambled eggs possible. I set the bar low and fell short. Whoops.

  • What are your weird use cases for a personal drone?
  • If you're brave enough, you could throw on some VR, have the drone follow you, and drive around in 3rd person.

  • Going back to Reddit feels bad
  • When people say "modders need those tools" does that mean:

    • modders like to mod from the 3rd party apps cause they have easy buttons for stuff like, PURGE and BAN?


    • Modders are using bots and stuff that use the API to find and auto-delete posts with racial slurs or something like that?
  • I'm really enjoying no down votes on Beehaw
  • That's nice to see. When I first saw the policy of having no downvotes, I wondered if that would leave no recourse against trolls and scumbags, but I guess strong moderation is the key.

    I probably wouldn't want the entire internet to be so strongly moderated, but I'm really glad there are some popular places that are. Thanks for doing that.

  • Why did you choose your instance?
  • I landed at I tried to register at a few bigger ones that gave infinite circles. By the time I got to vlemmy I wasn't really being too picky anymore, I was just trying to figure out if the problem was me or overloading.

    A nice side effect of landing there is that some of my very few subscriptions are on beehaw, and we haven't been defederated.

  • What is the thing that has surprised you the most about the Fediverse?
  • I think you're justified to be wary of the buzzwordiness of Blockchain though. For the 2 days I spent learning about what all this is before I signed up, every time I heard "de-centralized" I kept asking myself, "How sure am I that this isn't some weirdly elaborate crypto scam?"

    Bonus fear: I was also concerned for a while that this was just going to be a refuge for hate groups who have been kicked off of major platforms. I've been pleasantly surprised so far.

  • Any PSVR2 games you can play one handed?
  • I think C-Smash VRS is just about entirely one-handed. Last I saw there was a free demo so he can even try it to be sure.

  • jrubal1462 jrubal1462
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