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One of my all-time favorite wallpaper finds (LINK: The Waybar and Hyprland window borders are color sampled directly from the wallpaper itself. The other

One of my all-time favorite wallpaper finds (LINK: The Waybar and Hyprland window borders are color sampled directly from the wallpaper itself. The other color/icon/cursor/terminal themes are listed in the fastfetch output.

Just plain old XFCE with "off the rack" configuration. Just like how this background looks with the Kripton-GTK theme and Gruvbox-Plus-Dark Icons.

Just plain old XFCE with "off the rack" configuration. Just like how this background looks with the Kripton-GTK theme and Gruvbox-Plus-Dark Icons.

Playing with deep reds and greys on Hyprland.
  • @victorz
    My starting point was an old set of JaKoolit dot files. I think the latest can be had here.

  • Playing with deep reds and greys on Hyprland.
  • Maybe I'll post the style.css later if it's not too big...


  • Playing with deep reds and greys on Hyprland.
  • Well, here's the Waybar config (some things are commented out as I'm endlessly tweaking it...)

    // Reminder: The last statement in a module block cannot
    // be commented out or waybar won't launch.
    "include": "~/.config/hypr/waybar/modules",
    "layer": "top",
    //"mode": "dock",
    "exclusive": true,
    "passthrough": false,
    "position": "top",
    "spacing": 3,
    "fixed-center": true,
    "ipc": true,
    "margin-left": 0,
    "margin-right": 0,

    "modules-left": [

    "modules-center": [

    "modules-right": [

  • Playing with deep reds and greys on Hyprland.
  • @jol
    It's borrows from "Matrial-Black-Cherry, Kora Grey Icons, and "Derp" for the Foot Terminal theme. Also, you can use hyprpicker to sample colors as needed from the wallpaper or wherever.

  • Playing with deep reds and greys on Hyprland.
  • @sneakyninjapants
    The thing next to the clock is my own module that launches Gnome-Endeavour task manager on a click and Valent (implementation of KDE Connect) on a right click.

    Some of the other custom modules I originally got from JaKoolit but, I may have tweaked some of them a bit as I just kinda used him as a "startiing point". (I've also completely hacked-up the way the clock module works).

  • My first real attempt at ricing. Working with Hyprland. Color palette inspiration from Kripton-GTK with Gruvbox-Dark icon set.

    My first real attempt at ricing. Working with Hyprland. Color palette inspiration from Kripton-GTK with Gruvbox-Dark icon set.

    \#unixporn #shareyourdesktop #linux

    House Democrats introduce bill to rename Miami federal prison after Trump
  • Maybe he'll be staying there? They could call it "Mar-a-Uh-Ohh"?

  • Transcriber
  • Probably wouldn't want anything to do with a homeowner either...

  • Virtue Signalling
  • Nah, it's Genesis, she's holding it upside down....

  • Twitch is now blocking firefox
  • Seems to be working OK for me on FF with Ublock and Privacy Badger running.

  • Linux Newbie - Curiosity
  • I believe LMDE includes the proprietary stuff you might need and, as others have said, Debian 12 is starting to as well.

  • Linux Newbie - Curiosity
  • For a new user who just wants a good OS to start with, Pop_OS is a fine choice. A little surprised you had trouble with Mint identifying your WiFi card but, I see others have posted on it. Mint is typically my go-to recommendation for new Linux users.

  • Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads
  • Holy crap, how depraved do you have to be for PornHub to block you?

  • California Lt. Governor: ‘Explore Every Legal Option’ To Remove Trump From Ballot
  • As I understand it, so far, the courts aren't disputing that Trump incited an insurrection, they're disputing if the 14th Amendment applies to the office of the President.

  • California Lt. Governor: ‘Explore Every Legal Option’ To Remove Trump From Ballot
  • Well, should a Liberal incite an insurrection against the United States, that precedent should be used against them.

  • Further study is needed
  • cyberspace vs meat-space

  • Butt whole
  • Thanks for sharing....

  • Leave Me Alone
  • I feel this one.... This is why I flex some of my time to Sunday morning to work of the stuff the required focused concentration.

  • I like to use OpenRGB to monitor operating temperature. The CPU fan reads the CPU temp, the window in front of my graphics card reads the GPU temp, and, for now, I have my keyboard reading the NVMe te

    I like to use OpenRGB to monitor operating temperature. The CPU fan reads the CPU temp, the window in front of my graphics card reads the GPU temp, and, for now, I have my keyboard reading the NVMe temp (just recently installed the NVMe). My mouse color is set by Piper/libratbag so I know what preset I'm using.


    I think my favorite part of this is that "man rm" is probably a lot simpler than feeding this question to an AI bot.

    I think my favorite part of this is that "man rm" is probably a lot simpler than feeding this question to an AI bot.


    Gaming jkmooney
    Been Alpha, and now Closed Beta testing an new MMO, Palia. ([]( It's a "casual" MMO more around crafting and community building than the typical "Murder

    Been Alpha, and now Closed Beta testing an new MMO, Palia. ( It's a "casual" MMO more around crafting and community building than the typical "Murder Hobo" dynamic. If it sounds interesting, check it out. If you do sign up, use my link (below) because I can get some cool in-game stuff if you do and you'll get an in-game fruit basket when it goes open Beta.


    Older MEMEs.....

    Older MEMEs..... Stolen from Reddit..... Posted to Lemmy..... .... Your argument is invalid!

    Can I go faster on a road bike using less energy? ......yes

    Can I go faster on a road bike using less energy? ......yes Will a road bike climb better? ........probably Could I take a road bike where I took this one today? ........wouldn't recommend it ;)

    Gotta say, is looking more like what I wanted from Reddit in the first place than Reddit does.... I may be dropping that account soon.

    Gotta say, is looking more like what I wanted from Reddit in the first place than Reddit does.... I may be dropping that account soon.


    Brand new here. Been kinda "poking around" the past couple weeks but it's looking more and more like a viable alternative to Reddit. Just wondering if there's a way to display only the magazines I'm s

    Brand new here. Been kinda "poking around" the past couple weeks but it's looking more and more like a viable alternative to Reddit. Just wondering if there's a way to display only the magazines I'm subscribed to?


    jkmooney jkmooney

    Historical fencer, bike packer, friend of the Fae, it's gets complicated....

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