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These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into
  • OP doesn't seem to care to answer this question, so other people are trying to fill in answers as best they can.

    I like mozz's answer. The Hard Left is an amorphous concept that depends on the individual and their opinion in general. For some of us, they are the most progressive end of the left-right axis, motivated by working to protect the most disadvantaged in society. Many of these look at Project 2025 and the Trump administration of 2017 through 2020 and come to the conclusion that their priorities are best served with Biden in office and Trump on the sidelines, but quite a few get blinded by the Gaza situation and think that somehow letting Trump burn it all down will help them politically. Unfortunately, with how divided American society is, it won't take many people voting third party or staying home, especially in Swing States, to swing the election Trump's way.

    Of course, there are people who think that the Hard Left is anyone left of Atilla the Hun, or at least anyone left of the individual in question. OP peaced out so we're left speculating on them, but I suspect from their wording, the Hard Left is anyone left of themselves. And thus, the OP is being clued in that the Hard Left is NOT blindly voting like Biden like the Hard Right is blindly voting for Trump. Maybe it'll be an eye-opening experience. Sorry, I can't wave a magic wand and make OP answer this, though. That would be nice.

  • These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into
  • You miss DAMunzy's point.

    Every day we get hard lefties saying they'd rather vote third party, stay home, or even vote Trump because Biden didn't get them the shiny golden alicorn that farts rainbows that they swear they were promised. All it would take is for enough of them to vote Jill Stein or RFJ Jr. (who isn't very leftie when you look closely at him) and Team Pepe can steal the election. Biden has to appeal to both the moderates AND the hard left, an impossible proposition, while trying to make the point that both moderates and hard-lefties lose and lose hard if Team Nazi Frog gets into office.

  • Lauren Boebert rival releases ad filmed in Beetlejuice theater she was kicked out of
  • Irony is trying to hold Lemmy posters accountable for exaggeration while exaggerating yourself.

    Nowhere do I see any accusation that Boebert was having any form of sex in the theatre. We call it as we see it -- she was groping her date while he groped her, in a theatre with kids in it, during a family presentation, after accusing gays of immoral behaviour. We're not calling her out for her inappropriate behaviour. We're calling her out for her hypocrisy of calling others out for their inappropriate behaviour.

    What you're doing here is concern trolling. We hear your concerns. We are not doing what you're accusing us of doing. You're attempting to distract the conversation from the fact that Boebert got felt up during a family event while calling out LGBTQ+ folks for 'sexual deviancy'. We're not having it. Piss off with that nonsense.

  • Trump threatens to cut off aid to Ukraine 'prior to taking the White House as president-elect'
  • No. They won't. The United States has always had a taste for authoritarianism. There's a burning desire for people that serve in these not so United States, and everyone thinks that they deserve to be served and don't give two shits about their fellow Americans. It isn't stupidity that guides these people. It's assholery, and the desire to lord it over other people. Don't ascribe to incompetence what should be ascribed properly to malice where MAGA is concerned.

  • Sinclair floods local news websites with hundreds of deceptive articles about Biden's mental fitness
  • And it's a joke that has been played on Americans since forever. There's a way out of it, but it's not easy, and you better bet your ass that BOTH parties will fight to keep the status quo. If you want change, you need to do the following things.

    1. Vote for Biden because if Trump wins, he has plans to take over.
    2. Push immediately after the election for Ranked Choice Voting.
    3. Unless and until 2 is achieved, get your guys and gals running as Democrats and vote for them in the Primaries, then vote for the Republican in the general. The GQP showed how well that works as Team Pepe is getting exactly what they want.
  • A Majority of Voters Backing Biden Are Mostly Motivated by Stopping Trump — Poll
  • It is. Really, it is. Just look at what Trump did to everything you supposedly care about from 2017 through 2020. I said in 2020 that had we elected Hillary Clinton POTUS, we'd at least not have backslid as hard as we did from 2017 to 2020. But people had to express their displeasure at Hillary, and stayed home or voted Third Party, and from 2017 until 2020, they got what they voted for, hard, without lube.

    It's the same thing now in 2024. Biden HAS made concrete gains in areas I'm interested in, ranging from investing in green energy, pushing for domestic chip production, and standing up for minority rights in all areas. Trump plans on reversing all of that and then some with his Project 2025. Stay home and get Project 2025.

  • ‘Everything is a scam!’ Trump ridiculed after pics of Black church event show white crowd
  • Got called out for your bullshit here, I see. Biden is spreading it around, as other posters have said, touring this massive country of 300+ million fucking people as best as one man possibly can. And while I'm not thrilled with everything he's done, I'm still voting for him. Why? Because it's the best thing to do. I should do it. And so should you. Fuck off with the bullshit already. November is a choice between two visions for America. One gets us in line with other countries by reining in Student Loan payments, improving our infrastructure, and generally making progress fast enough to affect us in this lifetime, while not giving the Right extra motivation to go hate-vote our guys and gals out, and the Centre more motivation to stay home, vote third party, or even join the Right in voting our guys and gals out. The fucking Project 2025. Go look that shit up if you don't know about it. Apparently 2/3rds of the country doesn't realise how much of a threat it really is.

  • Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses name of doctor who tested him : NPR
  • Or as I like to put it: He could be in bed with a live boy, a dead girl, a half-eaten puppy, a half-eaten kitten, and then take a massive diarrhoea dump in the middle of the bed on live TV, and his supporters would still support him.

  • A Majority of Voters Backing Biden Are Mostly Motivated by Stopping Trump — Poll
  • Thank you for saying this.

    Team Red put in serious effort to drag this country hard right. They can taste victory in the air and have YUGE plans for remaking this country into the Authoritarian Right-Wing Dictatorship they've been craving since Bush's years. Fuck 50 years of Republican rule. They want a Permanent Republican Majority (for at LEAST 20 years), and they'll tear down Democracy (because that has to have something to do with Democrats, am I right) to get it.

    If the Right functioned like the Left did, the Republicans would be locked out of the political system at the first hint of adversity. But they didn't, because the Right-Wing Shitheads' answer to RINOs was to organise and work to push them out of office in favour of hard-right ideologues. Vote for the Conservative in the Primary and the Republican in the General. That's their motto.

    Right-Wing Shitheads win when people like go_go_gadget convince our voters they should sit home because they didn't get exactly what they want. It's all hands on deck to stop a naked Fascist takeover of the country, and we need to be calling the idiots on our side out whenever they push these memes that the best answer to feckless politicians on our side is to take your ball and go home.

    To all of you saying stay home or vote third party, this is exactly how the country keeps shifting Right.

  • The Biden Campaign is Courting an Unexpected Group of Voters: Republicans
  • Well, let's think about that. In 2023, only 27% of Americans identified as Democrats. This matched the number of people who identified as Republicans, while a massive 43% picked 'independent' as the party of choice. However, when you ask voters what political ideology they identify with, you get a more interesting numbers. 29% of people describe themselves as Socially Liberal or Very Liberal, and only 21% describe themselves as Fiscally Liberal or Very Liberal. This means that 71% of people do not see themselves as Socially Liberal in any way (and 38% see themselves as Socially Conservative to some degree!), and a stunning 79% do not see themselves as Fiscally Liberal in any way (with 44% seeing themselves as Fiscally Conservative to some degree!). So, is there some amount of wonder that Biden might try to tact in the direction where the majority of Americans are?

    44% of Americans lean in the direction of Fiscal Conservatism, and another 35% don't see themselves as Conservative, but also don't see themselves as Liberal. Biden's got to reach out to this group of people, because he can't win with 21% of the vote. So instead of bitching at him, maybe motivate more of that 79% who are Fiscally Moderate or Conservative but possibly Socially Liberal to embrace your policies, while turning out reliably for the leftest main stream party candidate between the Rs and the Ds until you can get RCV passed, then make sure to get your people to rank people from the left to the centre and not rank the right-wing candidates.

  • Biden apologizes to Zelenskyy for monthslong congressional holdup to weapons that let Russia advance
  • You can apologize for something you can't change. I apologize for people all the time, despite knowing I can't change them. And that's how this apology was. "We failed you because some of us are knuckle-dragging morons. I know this apology won't fix anything, but know that we're trying despite the fools trying to hold us back."

  • After the Trump verdict, most Republicans say they're OK with having a criminal as president | YouGov
  • Another voice calling you out on this bullshit.

    Team Blue has kicked and will kick members out who give the party a bad name. Hell, they'll kick 'em out before the conviction. That doesn't happen with Republicans, with only Santos (gee, Hispanic name, I wonder why) facing the music for his bullshit in all of the GQP.

    Fuck this Both Sides bullshit. It's not true, and we shouldn't stand for it.

  • After the Trump verdict, most Republicans say they're OK with having a criminal as president | YouGov
  • Nah, it's you missing the point.

    Trump wasn't convicted for who he was. He doesn't get a pass because of who he is or the fact he's running for President, either. A jury of 12 people unanimously declared that the prosecution proved their case 34 times. Any one of them could have said no to the charges. In fact, one seemed to be very interested in that course of action. But in a room with only 11 other people, he weighed the evidence, considered the charges, listened to the arguments made by both the Defence and Prosecution, and then, with all of that weighing on his mind, and with the added weight of his conscience, came to the conclusion that he couldn't get Trump off on a SINGLE charge.

    Put Trump's supporters on a jury for a trial of a Black man doing the shit Trump did, they'd ABSOLUTELY convict that Black man of the charges they insist were cooked up for Trump on the exact same evidence, WHILE protesting that Trump was unfairly convicted by "Demoncrat plants and lawyers and Deep State Operatives". Fortunately, our court system is designed to filter out these kinds of people, which is why I don't buy your bullshit about 'corrupting the legal system'. It's not corrupted, despite all the effort Team Pepe puts into it. Now buzz off with your nonsense.

  • After the Trump verdict, most Republicans say they're OK with having a criminal as president | YouGov
  • Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?! You don't really believe this, do you?

    To them, we're all a bunch of baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshippers, the most evil sort of evil, and you don't compromise with evil. Gawd is on their side, and we're the devil incarnate to be opposed by word all the time, and by action (with guns) when they feel they can get away with it. Don't believe me? See this article and know that these people are fucking nuts and fucking real.

    The only ones that can pull them out of the BS factory are they themselves. And unless and until they choose to do so, I am sure fucking going to keep ridiculing them.

    Our better play is to stop thinking that we can tolerate 4 more years of Trump just because we didn't get EVERYTHING we wanted out of Biden. The Trumpers are firmly devoted to their God-Emperor, and those who are voting GQP who don't like Trump are despicable and unreachable in their own rights.

  • Manchin leaves Democratic Party, files as independent
  • He is the least awful Senator WV will vote for. I guarantee you the next guy who sits in that seat will be an utter, abject shithead with Confederate and/or Nazi flags on his walls and a bible dogeared to all the parts that hates gays and advocates death to non-believers, with the pages that say love thy neighbours untouched and unstained because the shithead never opened his bible up to those pages because those are all liberal crap.

  • Democrats need to pull themselves together and remember: Biden is still better than Trump

    Democratic strategists, liberal pundits are making a living off doubting President Joe Biden's viability in the 2024 presidential election. Why?

    Democrats need to pull themselves together and remember: Biden is still better than Trump

    While rebutting another post here on Lemmy, I ran into this. This says exactly what I want to say.

    I am not a friend of Biden's Administration. I think they drug their feet over a variety of things ranging from holding Trump and his goons accountable for January 6th through rulemaking on issues like OTC Birth Control and abortion rights, and yes, I think he's too quick to please big business. But then I remember what the alternative is, and ... well, disappointed in Biden or not, I'm voting for him. Because my wife is a Black bisexual goth woman, four strikes under Team Pepe's tent. And I have my own strikes for marrying her as a White dude, and respecting her right to not have kids since she doesn't want them is another strike against me. And I care about my Non-Christian, Gay, Transgender, and Minority friends, and will never willingly subject them to Team Pepe.

    Trump allies launch secretive scheme to divide Biden support: report

    Saw this today, and ... well, I'm not going to be so forgiving to people suggesting to vote Third Party rather than vote for Biden. If Trump wants me to do something, and you want me to do that same something, that tells me you're aligned with Trump.

    151 Ad campaign targets conservative groups’ opposition to abortion, IVF

    Accountable.US is launching ads targeting a coalition of conservative organizations over their support of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and abortion restrictions. The nonprofit organization will sta…

    Ad campaign targets conservative groups’ opposition to abortion, IVF

    So, my thought here is that I really feel like this should be leading the effort to get Joe Biden returned to office in 2025. This shit really does scare me -- how efficiently the GOP has planned to do this shit, and how abjectly bad the Democrats are at bringing this up. Maybe it's because I'm not a political campaign runner and there's something I'm missing, but man, it feels like this would be IMPORTANT to get in front of the voters? What are your guyses' thoughts on this topic?

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