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"It's a mental health problem!"
  • If that were the case, you'd be able to point to a significant amount of daily firearm violence - above and beyond every other form of violence.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • I'm not sure how you'd argue a background check and being of age at a minimum as a lack of firearm control.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • But the problem is still solvable through gun control, because gun control can pervade culture, as demonstrated by many other countries.

    How likely do you believe it is to bring about the constitutional amendment necessary to ban firearms? To gain support of 2/3s the states in addition to a 2/3 majority in Congress?

    That aside, you could argue symptoms could be addressed through such extremes if it were possible to do so, but you couldn't argue such measures address underlying issues - solve problems.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • ammosexuals

    Ah, I see we're using conservative tactics in making an "other" group demonize and alienate.

    I always say that this is more cultural than anything else.

    In the sense that culture is a complete lack of social safety nets, affordable and accessible healthcare and community support resources, broken ERPO laws, etc., sure.

    You could argue rampant media oversensationalism of such violence glorifies it and further incentivizes it to those seeking to commit such a gruesome suicide, but that's less culture and more partisan wedge-driving and profiteering off ad revenue.

    I’m just criticising how they handle and view guns.

    How do you believe we view firearms? I'm interested in hearing how we can do whatever the heck [we] want.

    Just relax with the guns and emulate their Swiss brethrens who are self-disciplined about handling guns. Rights come with responsibilities.

    It's fortunate, then, that the vast majority of firearm owners are responsible.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • The solution is to address underlying issues.

    It's actually very simple. Neither party is willing to do it.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • In point of fact, many of us exist who are willing to recognize the unavoidable underlying systemic issues, continue to promote firearm ownership, and continue to promote community resources, social safetynets, and otherwise helping out their fellow human.

    The world isn't some purely partisan hellscape.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • Oh, cool - we're pretending there are no other differences between the countries listed, e.g. healthcare, social safety nets, etc. that may or may not have been shown to be an unavoidable majority of the underlying issues.

    Gotta enjoy the meme circlejerk though, eh?

  • ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
  • You're going to need blue team to be willing to pivot and actually address issues and to do so in a such a manner as to interest red team...

    You're right, they'll never go for it.

  • I really feel like the reddit Godot community just sucks ass.
  • Pretty much this; the politics subs put an incredibly fine point on it.

  • In fact I’d argue they’re more free as they don’t have to worry about being involved in a massacre just because some white male incel fuckup is having a bad day.

    Fortunately, the only reason to have such fear is media sensationalism and your personal failure to understand the statistics.

    Despite the fearmongering, you're still not even close to likely to experience one.

  • Conversely, anyone with an IQ above room temperature will understand the appropriate way to solve a problem is to address the underlying causes, e.g. actually addressing the reasons behind mass shootings instead of only caring because firearms are involved.

  • Yes you do enjoy high levels of ownership in the US. You also enjoy extreme numbers of firearm related homicide and spree killing all in the name of an antiquated and poorly grammarically construed piece of legislation made by paranoid rebels back before the average rifle had rifling much less high capacity magazines.

    I see we're going for most level-headed ex-Redditor - hit me up when you've got a point instead of a hyperbolic rant.

    The option always exists to ditch it as a right.

    Lol, good luck with that amendment.

  • Ah, falling back on the "dEaD cHiLdReN" parallel - neat.

  • As the other person highlighted that is a restriction on a thing which is quite the opposite of a constitutionally-protected right.

    You might want to brush up on the difference between the two subjects.

  • This is a lot of splitting of hairs on your part.

    I'm not sure I'd consider criticism of Johns Hopkins tendency to make assertions not supported by underlying sources and tendency to use sources with glaring methodological flaws and myriad biases to be merely splitting hairs - the distinctions highlighted are both substantial and serious.

    Are you a social scientist and a statistician? If not, I will defer to the experts on this.

    I am a software engineer. Analysis is my bread and butter.

    You'll note my criticism isn't of their ability to compute statistics, but rather the methodology used for identifying data points for consideration having flaws skewing outputs and for their survey being an exercise in confirmation bias.

    Feel free to defer to others - however, please understand you're also waiving your right to reference or discuss this study when you decide you aren't going to bother to understand it and what it's actually stating. I'm not comfortable opting to skip the critical thinking phase, but you do you.

    The amount of unreported domestic abuse dwarfs the amount that is reported.

    Nifty. I'm not sure how the homicides would be under reported, though - given that's the subject.

    Also, solely focusing on deaths is a misnomer. Being threatened by an abuser with a gun is rather common and also detrimental to the mental health of the victim.

    You may have meant methodological flaw.

    Either way, given the subject was deaths as raised by Johns Hopkins, feel free to provide them such feedback.

    I'm sure they'll get right on it.

  • You use the word privilege here and firearm ownership should be a privilege.

    It's downright nifty to feel that way.

    The reality is it's a constitutionally-protected right.

    There is nothing in the US Constitution that guarantees the ownership and free usage of a car.

    I'm not sure you thought this through; they're entirely unregulated in use on private property.

    Taking someone’s ability to drive has way more of an effect on the daily quality of life of a person than taking their guns away yet people often do not quibble over someone this happens to

    Lol - it's okay because occasionally people don't complain? Yikes.

    Have you heard of the danger of the indifference of good men?

    There are lots of democratic societies who apply this to guns. Iceland and Canada for instance still have a high level of gun ownership but it is a licencable privilege, not a right.

    Canada, in particular, is doing its best to do away with even that - it's not a great example. I'm also not sure you can find any example that even approaches the level of ownership we enjoy.

  • For everyone else:

    Yea the thing this article puts in the fine print is he has not been convicted of any crimes, he has not had his bail revoked by the judge, and none of the alleged crimes were fellonius. If any of these three conditions had been met, he would not have his weapons. The case was not struck down due to a 2A violation, it was struck down because it’s unconstitutional under the due process clause, and pretty black and white at that. If he endangered the public after his arraignment the judge should have revoked his bail.

  • One of those conditions is being someone who is capable of responsible ownership.

    Oh? Was that from the Lost Chapter of the Bill of Rights?

    Threatening the safety of another person is a lack of that trait.

    Then a person should have no difficulty with the assault and/or battery conviction or the significant evidence in support of an ERPO and proving it, justifying the infringement on a right.

  • Opinion: Squandering the water wealth of Iowa

    It looks like Iowa DNR - at best - was negligent in reviewing permitting for the water usage of the proposed carbon capture pipeline.

    There's certainly something to be said for how this somehow just keeps happening to things on the orbit of ethanol and corn.

    0 Proposed carbon pipeline project across Iowa is canceled

    Company blames 'unpredictable' government regulators in Iowa and South Dakota.

    Notable excerpts:

    > OMAHA, Nebraska – A company that planned to build a carbon pipeline through Iowa and four other states is canceling the project.

    > Navigator CO2 is blaming “the unpredictable nature of the regulatory and government processes involved, particularly in South Dakota and Iowa.”

    The rest is various statements from involved organizations.

    Iowa Governor announces $4 million investment in CDL programs


    > According to a release from the office of the governor, the Iowa CDL INfrastructure Grant program will award $4,844,092 to ten community colleges in Iowa. The funds go towards building new facilities or adding onto existing ones, as well as purchasing new equipment.

    > The release states that the investment in CDL programs will help colleges support an increase of 1,305 participants in their annual class size.

    > The release specified that the grants will be administered as reimbursement and programs must offer competency-based training or a training course that will allow a student to complete training and take the licensing exam within a 30-day window. Additionally, colleges that are part of the program will have agreed to a 5-year tuition freeze for their CDL programs once the project from the award is complete.

    I'm particularly excited to see the tuition freeze agreement to help offset the injection of funds.

    0 Iowa Democrats say they can reclaim U.S. House seats. Where are the challengers?

    Three of Iowa's four congressional seats — which Democrats held as recently as 2020 — are still winnable, Iowa Democrats say, but the party doesn’t have candidates for two of them thus far.

    Iowa Democrats say they can reclaim U.S. House seats. Where are the challengers?

    > “Democrats are struggling in Iowa because they’ve totally lost touch with Iowa values and our voters,” said Addie Lavis, Hinson’s campaign manager. “ … Ashley’s record of conservative accomplishments speaks for itself, and she and our team are working every single day to keep Iowa red and fire Joe Biden in 2024 so we can take our country back."

    Ironically, Red Team isn't wrong here.

    By party registration, Iowa is roughly a three-way split between Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. During the last major election cycle, the IDP ran multiple anti-firearm candidates. That same cycle, Iowa passed a ballot initiative to codify strict scrutiny on firearm restrictions in the state constitution. It passed with an unprecedented ~66% support. Red team wins here by simply not shooting itself in the foot in pushing something Iowans clearly reject. This should have been what one would call a sign, yet... they seem to have not learned from this.

    During the 2022 cycle, voters were polled for priorities. Most voters considered reproductive health important but not as important as economy/inflation, wages, and education. The IDP campaigned almost exclusively on reproductive health while Red Team won here by speaking to these priority issues voters highlighted - even where it was misinformation or lies. It was such a shit show the Libertarian Party managed to regain major party status. Specific to my district, we lost Axne (D) to Nunn (R) - and with Axne's throwing in with anti-firearm efforts while also throwing in with police-friendly efforts, it was entirely predictable.

    Twitter has been full of prospective candidates happy to criticize red team but fuck-all for those same prospective candidates and plans to actually, say, tangibly address Iowan concerns or make lives better for those Iowans.

    Locally, the running commentary is that these are all such obvious shortcomings and failings its as if the IDP is trying to lose - even incompetence should eke out a win here and there but IDP loses consistently.

    Abortion remains LEGAL in Iowa as Iowa Supreme Court splits 3-3 on Reynolds' effort to reinstate 2018 abortion ban.

    Despite appointing two of the three judges siding in favor of Reynolds' effort to reinstate a 2018 abortion ban, Iowa Supreme Court split on a ruling, leaving the ban blocked.

    Upside: This is a solid win for Iowans and their reproductive rights.

    Downside: The Iowa Democratic Party was utterly dependent on this as a wedge issue last election cycle and has proven inept at adapting strategy; unless they can find a way to win over voters, they're likely going to get creamed harder.

    Gardening Jeremy [Iowa]
    That feel when your tomatoes all have fusarium

    It's not a good feel.

    I suppose this plot will be strawberries next year...

    Gardening Jeremy [Iowa]
    June State of the Garden 2023-06: State of the Garden

    13 new items added to shared album

    2023-06: State of the Garden

    Our garden is in its third year. These are the current plots/plants as of the start of June.

    The goal was to have some form of soaker irrigation in place by the start of the month and we'd accomplished that, though it left much to be desired. We'll be improving on that for next month - one branching topology experiment is already in place and working well.

    The strawberries and beans have been getting wrecked by pillbugs and the tomatoes have been getting wrecked by whiteflies and aphids; the other goal for next month is introducing some predators and pest control.

    jeremy_sylvis Jeremy [Iowa]


    Just another person seeking connection, community, and diversity of thought in an increasingly polarized and team-based society.

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