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Did first cleric ascension
  • Ascended as well today :) Supporting works fine, yes but beside prisamtic image and the ghost there is not much to support right praying for sellswords that can be hired at the shops :)

  • Cleric Feedback
  • The Tome lvls up fast and with recharging equipment you got quite some attacks. The main target ist not killing enemies with the spells but to make it easier, i mainly use searing light in the beginning - just for the tougher enemies. Later on i use sunray to blind ranged enemies and close the gap to them. Both spelly only cost 1 charge. Later i used prismatic image and healed my buddy with hollowed ground and bless. Worked fine. So yes it depends on the dome, but some of the spells there are really usefull especially at early lvls.

    No matter what char you play - it mainly depends on some decent luck to find armor, weapon and rings. Most important thing is to find decent armor asap. Ring of evasion and elemental are also really helpfull. The abilities of the chars are a nice add on and make it interesting. The only char that is less depended on armor is the Mage.

  • Cleric Feedback
  • I guess i found a bug with searing, if you select the spell it shows the next enemy as target but if you click again to actually fire it goes somewhere else. Never had this with another attack skill or weapon so far.

  • Cleric Feedback

    Hello everybody, first of all i have to say that i love this game. I just finished my first Cleric run and overall im really happy with the character - thanx

    Tier 1 and 2 spells are great - i love the recall inscription spell!!! In Tier 3, cleanse and holy lance are my favs, cant see value in the other spells, i tried hallowed ground but havent found it usefull so far.

    Tier 4 - Divine intervention is nice especially in critical situations and in the final level. But i mostly used Tier 2 spells up to the end.

    The balance seems fine to me, wasnt any harder or easier to win the game - as with all chars it greatly depends on luck to find a decent armor and rings asap. I still find the first 8 lvls the hardest to survive - afterwards it gets easier.

    Already looking forward to the the other classes.

    2 ideas concerning future updates:

    What abaout a necro char? Would be great to raise enemies to fight with you. Let us hire sellswords from the vendor, would also make healing spells like hallowed ground or bless more usefull.

    Keep up the great work - Thanx


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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