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Every single rising post on Reddit is crypto spam
  • Essentially it's a giveaway/handout/distribution to people who fulfill some criteria. There was one coin that gave away significant amounts (>1k USD) to early users and since then it has become kinda popular. Because who would turn down something free?!

    Except its not free. For starters, you'd usually have to pay significant network fees to claim the airdrop, and second the money has to come from somewhere. It's the same with government printing money and distributing some to the people, in the end we all pay for it with inflation. So yeah, pretty scammy overall.

  • Poll by GSMArena shows Android Auto is the favorite car software
  • I want to have my own FOSS infotainment system, without proprietary garbage shipped with it. Replaced my head unit with an Android based one and don't ever want to go back.

  • Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
  • Yeah but they apparently don't care where this post is hosted, and the votes are shared between instances too

  • Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
  • This post got 80+ updoots, so it likely made it's way to top 6 hours.

  • Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
  • Credit cards transaction may only cost a few percent, but the cost to business can be significantly higher. For example visa forces you to no require a minimum for credit cards, and they charge a base fee regardless. Also if a customer issues a dispute, the business may have to pay the dispute fee, regardless of the outcome of the dispute. Louis Rosmann as quite a few good videos on this topic, eg:

  • Why ❤ ?
  • stop looking into my soul @fucker

  • no title
  • might be because it's relatable for people from other communities as well like !, ! or !

  • no title
  • this meme made it to top 6 hours :o

  • A generational gap on Wikipedia - 91% of WP admins started editing before 2010
  • After I noticed this bs the very first thing I did was checking if had a copy, which they did, and since then I regularly donate to them instead.

  • A generational gap on Wikipedia - 91% of WP admins started editing before 2010
  • I've lost all my respect for the official wikipedia when they deleted a page that I frequented regular. It was an overview about the generational differences between products from one large manufacturer. iirc it was dismissed as an ad or something.

    The infuriating part was that this page existed for 10+ years, had 200 different authors, and 100k+ monthly views. But yeah, mods went power tripping with no regard to the dozens of hours unpaid volunteers put in. Fuck this

  • now requires email verification - any alternatives?
  • They suddenly want me to verify the email I used for creating the account years ago, it was never an issue before. I cant access that anymore tho, so I'm now locked out of the (few cents worth of) funds, still on that site.

  • now requires email verification - any alternatives?
  • No, it was a throwaway gmail I used for multiple things. Yes, I probably could use some other service (your recommendation looks good btw), but if I have a balance on some site I don't what them to lock me out for any reason. This is not the kind of company I want to do business with.

  • now requires email verification - any alternatives?
  • Is there a swap service that can pay out as little as 3000 stats? trocador starts at 30000 sats, and I'd like to avoid lightning altogether.

  • privacy itsmect now requires email verification - any alternatives?

    In the past I’ve recommended sms-activate for easy, quick and low cost phone verification. When you want to log in, they now force you to click on a verification link send by email, meaning you are f’ed if you used a single-use email address.

    Are there any alternative options that accept monero and don’t have this restriction?

    Which proprietary software do you prefer over their open-source alternatives, and why?
  • For electrical engineering there is KiCad, which is pretty good overall. Only reason I'm still using proprietary software is because I'd have to recreate my libraries and it will be a huge pita.

    For mechanical design there is FreeCad, which is usable for simple geometries, but if you come from a proprietary CAD software you may find it lacking.

  • Which proprietary software do you prefer over their open-source alternatives, and why?
  • I highly recommend pdf-exchange editor. It's not FOSS either, BUT it does offer a perpetual offline license, has a portable version and works even better. They do have a free reader version, so you can try out if you like their UI before you buy the full version.

  • Which proprietary software do you prefer over their open-source alternatives, and why?
  • Same here. I wonder if there is an easy way to leave an old phone with whatsapp at home and forward the messages to my daily driver. Would prevent the zuck from reading out my contact list at minimum. I know he still has everybody else's but still.

  • What made you choose your instance?
  • Our community always cared a lot about decentralization, so naturally we had to have our own instance, even before the reddit api exodus. It only made sense to use the instance of the community I vibe with. Besides this, we offer:

    • closed signup to limit bot account creation, you need either manual verification or a signup fee for anonymous users
    • high performance instance which is entirely community funded with the signup fees + anonymous donations
    • unlimited access to the fediverse, there's no de-federation unless required by law
  • Saudi Arabia mandates all electronic devices to use USB-C charging ports from 2025
  • This is the issue, you can squeeze more money out of your consumers if you lock them into an ecosystem an license every single 3rd party device.

  • Saudi Arabia mandates all electronic devices to use USB-C charging ports from 2025
  • Unlike pretty much all other standards, all USB documents are open access and allow you to build compliant devices without 3rd party permission. You only need a license if you want to sell devices with the logo and/or need a official Vendor and Product ID (VID/PID). So unless all manufactures are forced to publish documentation for their IO in a similar level of detail, forcing one standard upon everyone is the next best option. Apple gambled on keeping their connector proprietary, and now get the backlash they deserve.

  • privacy itsmect
    PSA: Intel Graphics Drivers Now Collect Telemetry By Default
    itsmect itsmect
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    Comments 40