Hell yeah. The Honda Odyssey is/was peak minivan.
Loop.video is “currently not accepting new members”.
Never heard of the Irish Star before. I went looking for a secondary source. So far CNN and MSNBC are not reporting on this. But interestingly the Washington post is.
So don’t eat my watch band. Noted.
Bow tie for sure.
I wouldn’t give imperial that much credit. I think momentum is the only reason. Workers are trained to think in imperial because the older person training them thinks in imperial. And so it continues.
My guess would be never. I’ve been in construction for 20 years. Even the new kids coming in use feet inches, yards, etc. All the architects and engineers in construction also use imperial. I just don’t think it will ever happen.
I have a work phone and a personal phone. If I’m in the field I will text work related things to my work phone. Sometimes I’ll take a picture of things I need to remember to do instead of taking a note, these can end up in either phone. I have a notepad at my desk that I’ll take notes on if I’m at my desk. If I’m walking into a meeting I’ll take blank sheets of printer paper and write on those, sometimes I’ll take a picture of these notes after the meeting. I have a work account with one note that I use sometimes and a personal account on obsidian that I use mostly for taking notes on whatever I’m reading or ideas for projects. At the end of every week I’ll look through all my pictures, notes, pictures of notes, etc. and make a list of stuff I need to do next week.
It’s a mess.
What model made this? ChatGPT won’t create an image of real specific people or trademarked things.
I’ve bought every wallet I've ever had.
I remember being surprised by Lufia 2 rise of the sinistrals. It was my first RPG other than a Zelda type game as a kid.
Earns? A strange turn of phrase for a con.
Your mileage may vary, but I’ve had a ton of success with back market.com
Lots of interesting games in here. Thanks for sharing.
This is all I can think about every time he’s in the news. Yes fuck trump but this guy is weird.
This used to be true. However in the internet of today, if your email doesn’t come from a Microsoft or a google it will get rejected if the recipient is a Microsoft or google email address. They have taken over.
Even one more hour of sleep could change the course of your day. I vote sleep.
I’m surprised the machines that create VHS tapes are still operational.
The Office, Season 6, episode 20, “The Leads”. All the characters in this episode always seemed to me like they had a different personality for just this one episode. It really stands out IMO.
Would be so kind as to suggest a printer for me? I have no experience at all with 3D printers or 3D modeling. But I am super interested and have electronics and coding knowledge. I would like to print things like brackets, enclosures for custom circuit boards, organizers, keyboard plates, etc. Ideally I would like to spend around $300USD, but I am open to going as high as $500USD if it would save me headaches and make the experience more enjoyable and streamlined.
Please suggest something for me and let me know if I didn’t provide enough information. One final note, I live in range of a microcenter if that is a factor.
Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate them more than mosquitoes.