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Sorry I'm late, Tunnel Monster was doing its usual thing
  • There's also the small matter of all the signs that tell you what lane you want being jammed up in the girders, so you can't even see them except for 0.5 seconds when you're almost directly under them.

    ...of course there's not enough room in the picture to add that bit, which seems like a bit of a metaphor.

  • Patch Notes
  • Feels super bad, but if you still want to play, the upside spin is that you can frame it to yourself as the patch letting you out of the "Necro Jail" you created for yourself and try lots of wildly different options now.

    I mean I totally get the disinterest too, but basically that's what happened for me when they ground Chrono into dust after years of being the only real source for alac and quick.

  • The new legendary armor looks sweet
  • Not a fan of the look for any set but heavy, but I'm super pumped to have a pathway to legendary armor through content I prefer to play without being forced into content I don't enjoy at all!

    This may very well convince me to set a long term goal of unlocking full legendary armor and full legendary runes, which would easily keep me involved in GW2 for many more years to come.

    I've been on an extended hiatus since last fall due to burnout and some IRL difficulties, but seeing all this news about the new expansion has me ready to get back into it once I finish up my summer traveling!

  • What builds are you enjoying playing recently?
  • I've been playing since just before HoT, friend, I've taken most of it slow, but occasional burnout is just part of the game for me.

    Honestly the biggest thing that led to this one was that I've been working towards Bolt...only to find out that I can't just use my tyrian exchange vouchers for dungeon currency to buy gifts I need. Now I need to finish the specific dungeon's explorable path 5 times before they'll even sell it to me.

    And since I mostly play solo and dungeons are so buggy, I basically just gave up on it, which left me pretty aimless.

  • Feedback!
  • I can't really say much, but I did love reading that link about playing a fairy, so more of that sort of thing would be awesome.

    On the other side, I'm not at all interested in DnD Beyond, so having that content tagged makes it easier to filter out.

    Overall, this is one of the more active subs I'm subscribed to, so I think you must be doing something right!

  • Reddit usage metrics fall thanks to CEO's plan to boost revenue
  • I feel like the main step he's forgetting is that he wanted to install an interim CEO to make these unpopular changes so they didn't happen directly at his direction, so that the dust up can be laid at someone else's feet...after which he can swoop back in, replace them with himself again, not reverse the changes, and avoid the blame.

    Not that she was great, but I do kinda feel bad for the way Ellen Pao got dicked over by Huffman and hated by the community.

  • Reddit usage metrics fall thanks to CEO's plan to boost revenue
  • It's the classic catch-22 of internet communities, though: as a community grows, there's a gradual trade of quality of the average individual post in exchange for a higher population and the increased overall activity that it brings.

    The former attracts the latter and the latter provides the critical mass of buzz and activity that tends to foster longevity.

  • Basil as a weed?
  • Basil is pretty resilient, but I've never had volunteers from the previous year.

    My biggest volunteers are usually tomatoes, although last year, my neighbor had pole beans that went wild, got up into a tree, grew up over my beds, and dropped beans all winter, so this spring, while tomatoes are definitely my most pulled weed, now pole beans are in second place.

    Also had one volunteer nasturtium that grew exactly where I had one plant last year, so I'm happy to have it there again this year!

  • Beginner Tips and Tricks
  • Laranity on YouTube has some fantastic tips like this on the "things you probably don't know" videos that she occasionally does.

    One that lots of people probably already knew but that I learned of within the past year or so is that if you're moving things from your inventory to a stack of that item in your bank (not material storage...if they go there, use the drop down menu to send them), that you don't have to find the item stack in your bank.

    Just double click the stack in the inventory side of the bank dialog (not in your actual inventory window), and it'll automatically stack them on top of an existing stack of that item in your bank.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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