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Lemmy, what is your "I'm calling it now" prediction for the next 10 years?
  • I missed context on term limits and their timing with the war. I wasn't even that far off. I never said america was bad and I didn't lie towards making a prediction. As I welcomed your information.

    But thanks for reminding me, never interact with the Internet.

    I bet your kids call you captain_asshole

  • Lemmy, what is your "I'm calling it now" prediction for the next 10 years?
  • Last sentence being: "not the starting the war part"

    I was referring exactly to Roosevelt and didn't realize the term limit for presidents didn't exist then.

    Again, I specifically said that about not starting a war but holding office indefinitely while a war was ongoing. Don't know how to quote on mobile but, again, last sentence of original post.

    Sorry just bad at words. And history apparently.

  • Lemmy, what is your "I'm calling it now" prediction for the next 10 years?
  • Ameriscum here. Trump starts a war to create plausibility for holding on to executive power past current term limits. Which has happened in American history. Not the starting part as an ends to a means though. I'm scared.

  • Planter Box Contest Entry
  • My goodness that is smooth details. Any close ups on the joinery cuts before assembly? Sorry for delayed comments just jumping into this woodworking instance?

  • Sign I just made for a friend, done with a Dremel
  • If you like this, check out their mirror post!

  • Home owners of Lemmy do you have any advice on dealing with the stress of owning a home?
  • And the more you open up to fix the more systemic problems you find. In an old/fixer house. Try to pick one project at a time. Spend some money when u have too. Have seen some smart people locate home improvement grants for upgrades/HVAC. You'll need to spend money. No avoiding it. In a couple years you'll forget how bad it all seemed and get used to the minor annoyances you haven't gotten too. And don't forget to learn some things. Buy a bug pump sprayer and specific chemicals on line. Learn how important gutters are and getting storm water away from the foundations. Get some rugs to cover the gaps and caulk the cracks. Most importantly A good partner for the decorating to make u forget it's a shitty house no matter how much work you put in

    To answer your question I just drink a lot.

  • I just went outside and saw all the planets in our solar system.
  • Location? Hemisphere? I'm not much of an astrologer, but I haven't read anything about this line up yet?

  • Me_irl
  • Their baguettes are as far from France as you are.

  • My Deep Thoughts
  • I'd buy that book. And perhaps J. Krishnamurti has been resurrected.

  • humble_boatsman humble_boatsman

    A humble sailor

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