@Provider Written recipes where you didn't have any images or photos and didn't have to scroll down 14 pages of life story.
Just require a list of ingredients (using metric weights as only about 2 countries in the world use spoons and cups as a measure and every cook has scales), followed by a list of actions with time and temperatures where required.

\#Retired #Software #Programmer
\#Married 50+ years. \#T1 #Diabetic for 50 years. (The above 2 lines are NOT related).
Lives in #Wimborne #Dorset #UK Uses #insulin Drives #Subaru Plays: #MicrosoftFlightSimulator #TrainSim #MonkeyIsland Likes: #Art #Photography #Discworld #TerryPratchett #F1 #Cars #Caravanning #History \#BBC #Radio
Listens to: #60sMusic #FolkMusic #Bellowhead #ShowOfHands