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Steam is a ticking time bomb
  • My "best we got" was in regards to the potential to become a lot worse because of shareholder pressure. Given that CD Project is a publicly traded company, GOG is much worse in that regard than Steam.

    I fully agree that GOG, as it currently is, could be the better product for you depending on your values, but its defenses against enshittification are objectively much worse than Steam's*, and that's all I was talking about.

    *That is, until Gabe dies, I guess, who knows what'll happen then

  • Daylight saving creator left the chat....
  • Not really. Timezones, at their core (so without DST or any other special rules), are just a constant offset that you can very easily translate back and forth between, that's trivial as long as you remember to do it. Having lots of them doesn't really make anything harder, as long as you can look them up somewhere. DST, leap seconds, etc., make shit complicated, because they bend, break, or overlap a single timeline to the point where suddenly you have points in time that happen twice, or that never happen, or where time runs faster or slower for a bit. That is incredibly hard to deal with consistently, much more so that just switching a simple offset you're operating within.

  • New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now
  • It depends on where you live. In Germany, forced arbitration in general TOS is invalid and has to be separately negotiated and agreed to. In general, what you can put into your TOS is pretty restricted, anything you put in there that a consumer wouldn't reasonably expect is not gonna be legally binding.

  • Söder fordert Eltern via „Bild“ auf, gendernde Lehrkräfte dem Kultusministerium zu melden
  • Die Änderung an der AGO ist jetzt online einsehbar, und das Binnen-I wird tatsächlich nicht mit aufgeführt:

    Mehrgeschlechtliche Schreibweisen durch Wortbinnenzeichen wie Genderstern, Doppelpunkt, Gender-Gap oder Mediopunkt sind unzulässig.

    Die Liste lässt natürlich Raum für nicht explizit genannte Formulierungen, aber ich vermute mal dass du Recht hast und das Binnen-I hier auch nicht implizit mit gemeint ist.

  • Have you ever seen coal in real life?
  • You're not wrong, but the way you put it makes it sound a little bit too intentional, I think. It's not like the camera sees infrared light and makes a deliberate choice to display it as purple. The camera sensor has red, green and blue pixels, and it just so happens that these pixels are receptive to a wider range of the light spectrum than the human eye equivalent, including some infrared. Infrared light apparently triggers the pixels in roughly the same way that purple light does, and the sensor can't distinguish between infrared light and light that actually appears purple to humans, so that's why it shows up like that. It's just an accidental byproduct of how camera sensors work, and the budgetary decision to not include an infrared filter in the lens to prevent it from happening.

  • Söder fordert Eltern via „Bild“ auf, gendernde Lehrkräfte dem Kultusministerium zu melden
  • Update: Der BR hat falsch berichtet, der Binnenmajuskel wird im neuen Wortlaut der AGO nicht explizit erwähnt

    Laut BR ist tatsächlich auch das betroffen:

    Damit soll explizit klargestellt werden, dass beispielsweise Gendersternchen ("Bürger*innen"), Binnenmajuskel ("LehrerInnen"), Doppelpunkt ("Arbeiter:innen") und Gendergap ("Verkäufer_innen") unzulässig sind.,U7T9VzC

  • Omar going crazy
  • I mean, this is one of the few cases where you actually can reasonably say that you might not have to give a damn about GDPR. Assuming this is in the US, there's a high chance that no EU citizen lives in that building, and thus GDPR doesn't apply.

    (Yes, I know this didn't actually happen)

  • Not buying a shaver from Philips again..
  • One plugs into line voltage

    Well, but that's not what's coming out of the end that you plug into the razor. The wall plug for it contains a transformer that steps it down to 15V. Would still be a bad idea, but it's not line voltage.

  • Männer verstoßen häufiger gegen Verkehrsregeln als Frauen
  • Das ist keine Doppelmoral, es sind einfach verschiedene Kontexte. Gleichberechtigung ist der Idealzustand den wir erreichen wollen, und es gibt keine inhärenten Eigenschaften der Geschlechter, die dagegen sprechen würden. Es gibt definitiv beobachtbare statistische Unterschiede, die aber hauptsächlich strukturelle Probleme des aktuellen Ist-Zustandes widerspiegeln, und eben nicht "natürliche" Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern. Und außerdem sagen statistische Unterschiede, selbst wenn sie von Natur aus direkt kausal am Geschlecht hängen, immer noch nichts über einzelne Personen aus.

    Das heißt also: ja, es gibt Unterschiede, aber diese müssen primär als gesellschaftliche Phänomene wahrgenommen werden an denen strukturell gearbeitet werden muss, und dürfen nicht als Grund genommen werden, Menschengruppen ungleich zu behandeln.

  • The Lego Movie - Rebuilt

    The Brickfilming community has taken it upon themselves to recreate the entire Lego Movie, scene for scene, in stop motion, in celebration of the movie's ten year anniversary! Last Wednesday, the project was officially announced and a first trailer released, and we're extremely proud of what we've already achieved so far. It's an ambitious project, but we have lots of fantastically skilled people on it, and it's shaping up nicely :)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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