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'Just devastating': New data confirms Gardiner Expressway construction eroding commercial travel times
  • Most moneys cities spend are in the continued maintenance of traffic signals/lights.

    Do you have a source for this? I work in capital projects, and given the amount of money spent on road reconstruction and sewer/watermain rehab, I'd be surprised. I've got ~30mil of work in the GTA this year for like 1.5km of roads with no lights

  • Investors reshaped Canadian home real estate. Something similar is happening in agriculture
  • Makes sense this is how capitalism will grow - once you've refined and streamlined things as best as possible and maximized your market, your next way to continue to grow is to buy up more companies (or farmland) or expand their operations into more sectors so line goes up.

    Seems like we need to figure out a way to prevent this from becoming a race to the bottom in terms of quality (and a race to the top for company profits), or turning into mega-corpos only.

  • “It’s Like a Cult”: Breaking Free from the Far Right | The Walrus
  • Oof, this guy seems easily swayed.

    Was it really just boredom that had brought him here [,the first far right v. antifa] rally, I asked him. “Yeah,” he said emphatically. He hadn’t felt any prior urge to join a protest movement? “I didn’t know what it was. Like I said, the security guard just told me that there was going to be a protest.” If he’d gravitated toward the anti-fascist side, would he have joined their organization instead? “For sure.”

    I'm glad he got out, but there's got to be something more going on in his life, searching for meaning or guidance. In this, he's going from ethnic (but not practising) jewish, to fundamental christianty, to far right, to antifa, to judaism.

  • I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out.
  • It's an interesting read - a lot of her experiences she's discussing boil down to feeling she was ignored or her voice minimized because of her perceived gender identity and assumptions about how she was raised and what she would feel.

    I liked her discussion and thought her perspective on purposely not transitioning was an interesting view. This was a really good analogy and drove home the point for me:

    Imagine, dear reader, a cis-woman evenly saying:

    “I wish I looked like that but I don’t and can’t. It sucks and it makes me feel really awful if I brood on it. That’s why I focus on my writing—I’d rather make things. Investing in and building things that aren’t my body helps me cope with the body issues I’ve been saddled with against my will.”

    She doesn’t sound like she needs advice on how makeup will actually fix her core problem, does she? She seems like she’s doing alright. I’m her and I’m trans. That’s all.

    Some big quotes that hit home through this post were

    Do I need to be inspected and dissected by the people who laughed at me in order to receive my credential?

    “I play along,” one of them told me, “because in the queer community the only people who defend cisboys are cisboys. I don’t want to give up finally being read as a girl.”


    I don't know if it's just the sections of the internet I frequent these days, but this intense, misandrist views don't seem to be as common as they once were, and not as accepted.

    I was born into that shitty town, maleness, in the remains of outdated ideals and misplaced machismo and repression and there are some good people stuck living there. They are not in charge. They did not build it. And I don’t feel okay just moving out and saying “fuck y’all — bootstrap your way out or die out, I was never one of you.” I want to make it a better, healthier place—not spend all my time talking about how shitty it is and how anyone who would choose to live there deserves it.

  • Question regarding meridian lines, and magnetic north
  • Depends on how accurate the map is. If possible, align minutes and seconds. Basically what you're doing is drawing on your own longitude line.

    For anyone else who stumbles across this, All longitude lines are true north lines, meaning they point to the "true" North Pole, or the top of the globe, and converge there. However magnetic north moves year by year- due to the molten core of the earth shifting and other factors. Maps will typically come with a year they're printed, and sometimes with the declination you need to adjust by (is, 0.3deg/yr since it was printed), otherwise you need to look it up.

    If you're enjoying learning and want to put your skills to the test, check out orienteering races, or adventure races. They run across most of the world, and the shorter ones are a great way to test out your skills. I'm a huge fan of them.

  • Question regarding meridian lines, and magnetic north
  • In theory it's straightforward - your meridian line would be ANY true north line. For their method to work, the map needs to indicate the longitude degrees, minutes and/or seconds across the bottom in increments. Then you basically line up the two numbers that match (ie draw a line from 86W on the top of the page to 86W on the bottom). Then that line becomes your meridian, and you create new "magnetic north" lines from there by adjusting for declination.

  • The Hard Facts About Palestinian Terrorism Debunk Western Narrative
  • Did you read the article? Literally the first sentence:

    While Israel and the West repeatedly and incessantly insist that Hamas is nothing more than one of the most deadly, formidable terrorist groups in the world, the data collected and published by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs debunks that narrative.

    The posters point is that Hamas is not a threat to the Israeli gov't/people, which is backed up by the lack of deaths/injuries posted from Israel.

  • Insulation scandal: ‘I have to scrape mould off the walls every two weeks'
  • Civil engineer with a number of courses in building science (aka this).

    Can't tell for sure without seeing what kind of insulation it is, but there are a few factors.

    First, as other people have mentioned, having temperature gradients cause moisture issues. Typically, in modern construction in cold weather climates like Canada, we install a single waterproof layer. Cold weather, this goes inside of the insulation (between the insulation and the drywall), and in hot weather places, it'll be installed outside the insulation.

    Explanation why

    The reason (simplified) for this basically boils down to hot air holds more water. As the air cools, it drops off the extra water it can no longer carry on nearby surfaces. You want to make sure hot air stays hot, and cold air stays cold. If you allow air that is hot to cool down, it will create moisture.

    My understanding of the houses this is being done in, there is no vapour barrier, meaning damp+ moisture can accumulate.

    Second, new houses in NA have a "minimum air exchange", which is a specific amount of air that needs to move through the house within a given time frame, typically air changes per hour (ACH rating). This is usually accomplished by means of a central heating/ductwork units, and bedrooms are generally somewhere around 4-8, meaning all the air in the bedroom should be refreshed 4 to 8 times per hour. My understanding of many of these houses is that there is not central air system. Before the insulation, it is likely that small gaps or holes in the walls/exterior siding were sufficient to allow enough air to move through, however that air slows down when there is insulation sprayed into the cavities. Any slowdown will exacerbate moisture problems, as still air is bad. More air exchanges also would allow the house to dry out more, as evaporation would help.

    Those are the general situations that would likely be a problem.

    In this case, from reading the article, it seems like she has a hole in her roof, which is either new or was not caught by the installers. ANY source of water ingress would cause mold problems. The issue here is that previously, it is likely that the water trickled down the inside of the cladding (likely brick), and out at the base of the wall. Once you add insulation to that cavity, it'll hold water and cause mold problems. Seems like a shitty spot to be in.

  • How a Toronto police complaints officer belittled a criticism about bike lanes — and why advocates say it’s a problem
  • Some choice quotes from the official Toronto Police email response:

    The police can park where they need to. If they wanted to park upside down, inside out, or on top of a building, that would be acceptable.”

    “Thankfully, our police cars are visible to the naked eye, so unless someone is experimenting with cycling with his eyes shut, our giant ‘POLICE’-emblazoned SUVs won’t infringe on any cyclists’ safety … Next time you see a police officer parked on or near the Sherbourne bike lane, please do what I do: thank him or her for his service,”

    “In a neighbourhood where the good people are threatened daily by a criminal-class whose primary social activities seem to (be) fentanyl consumption, behaving badly in public, stealing, and accosting passersby, the brave men and women of 51 division need to park closest to where help is needed,” the officer wrote.

    “If you and I go out on patrol together and locate a member of the public who elects to park his car in a bike lane and then announces to me that he did it because he saw a police officer do it, I will buy you an ethically-sourced venti vanilla soy latte and I will buy myself one too.”

    Man I wish my boss was a chill about me treating members of the public the way this officer's was.

  • How a Toronto police complaints officer belittled a criticism about bike lanes — and why advocates say it’s a problem

    "The police can park where they need to. If they wanted to park upside down, inside out, or on top of a building, that would be acceptable."

    How a Toronto police complaints officer belittled a criticism about bike lanes — and why advocates say it’s a problem
    14 Riding Mountain National Park’s zebra-mussel problem | The Narwhal

    The discovery of invasive zebra mussels in Manitoba’s Riding Mountain National Park prompted fear of further spread — and a boat ban in the park’s iconic lake

    Riding Mountain National Park’s zebra-mussel problem | The Narwhal
    Corporations are buying local vet clinics — raising questions about price, choice and quality of care
  • I swear, how did we get to this point, where we have massive (effectively) monopolies that are able to continue to merge and buy up smaller companies and grow?

    I know we have anti-trust laws, but if companies are able to keep doing this, we need a review of those laws.

  • Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study
  • Interesting.

    I wound up doing more of a dive into per capita GDP as a metric, and see more of the benefits of it, as well as why its used. I'm still not entirely sold on its benefits overall due to concerns over wealth inequality and "living standards" being averaged.

    Thanks for pointing out CPI vs GDP/C differences!

  • Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study
  • Beyond the issues of it being NaPo and the Fraser Institute being the main interviewee, using per person GDP as a measure of living standards seems.... Wildly out of touch. There are no comments on consumer pricing index (with all its flaws).

    Literally they hinge their proof of "living standards" on average GDP.

    I don't even know how to begin addressing that.

  • Alberta claims renewables pause wasn’t political. Emails, texts say otherwise | The Narwhal

    Previously undisclosed internal communications raise more questions about Minister Nathan Neudorf’s latest claim on the origin of renewables moratorium

    Alberta claims renewables pause wasn’t political. Emails, texts say otherwise | The Narwhal
    'It's just been a nightmare': Gardiner restrictions are Toronto's traffic tipping point
  • Oof, they need to find better people to interview.

    Brandon Parent lives 14km from his work (Leslieville to St Joes)- a 45min bike ride down by the water along the waterfront trail. Definitely doable for 8ish months of the year. TTC shows ~an hour.

    “I know that the work they are doing is for safety, I get that.” Parent said. “I just feel like it wasn’t well-planned out.”

    As a civil engineer, this is the go to complaint by alllll residents who are impacted by any construction. Driveways are inaccessible for a few days while concrete curbs cure? Poorly planned. Big trench that narrows a residential road down to 1 lane? Poorly planned.

    With how large of a project this is, I promise you that a dozens of people have spent hundreds to thousands of hours reviewing the best way to reduce the impact while not spending 20 year to complete the works.

    It boils down to people wanting infrastructure to work without the inconvenience of the upkeep it requires.

  • When Housing First fails landlords and tenants
  • Typically most grants from the government come with strings attached. Those strings are typically a minimum amount of the money going directly to the people it helps.

    In this case, that means going to pay the rent on these houses (or the subsidized amount), and setting some aside for the repairs to the program. I'd guess the way they're worded would likely force the organizations to choose to either pay good wages, and keep good social workers, or skimp on the wages and get more bodies in seats, and in theory, more people helped. But paying poor wages means there are fewer good people to work for you, and you wind up in other troubles. Pay them too much, and a news article about cushy governmental jobs catches peoples eye and the program gets shuttered. Those strings are supposed to prevent massive bloat of admin/staffing costs that eat up all the cash without providing a full benefit for the people it should be helping. Which makes sense - its easy to see how funding without those strings could easily lead to poorer and poorer outcomes for those its supposed to help. The tricky part is finding the balance, and the way the article phrases it, it seems like there isn't enough support for these people available.

  • Feds blame Ontario as some daycare centres pull out of national child care program
  • That seems like an odd take. Literally any tax or incentivization would be "punishing" those who can't/don't use it.

    Is providing school funding via taxes punishment for parents who want to homeschool their children?

    Is providing any kind of child care/child education funding punishment for childfree people?

    Is increases in funding for rural internet or road reconstruction punishment for people who choose to live in cities or don't drive?

  • When Housing First fails landlords and tenants
  • Article claims about a 75% success rate, though success isn't defined. But that means for a guy with 13 units, he's basically guaranteed at least one failure (98% chance).

    If failure means his place gets trashed with minimal support from the original agency due to understaffing or budget problems, then we need to reevaluate the setup, because that's not a level of risk that seems fair.

    I know people don't like to see their tax dollars going towards people's salary, but this sounds like a pretty good case for more social workers.

  • ‘Guerrilla policy by a populist government’: Koch Industries still wants payback for Ontario axing cap-and-trade | The Narwhal

    At a World Bank tribunal, the global conglomerate is challenging Ontario’s right to change environmental policy in a case observers fear will set worrisome international precedent

    ‘Guerrilla policy by a populist government’: Koch Industries still wants payback for Ontario axing cap-and-trade | The Narwhal
    Preppers/survival healthetank
    Prepping in an Urban Setting

    Hi All,

    I'm going to be moving soon from an outbuilding on a family property with plenty of space, gardens, and a clean creek into renting a 3-storey condo- style townhome in a small city 30mins away. There is no yard space, though I do have a small balcony.

    What are some of the key preps that you all have or would recommend for a place like this? I have a number of things at my current house that I'll bring - mainly 1+week of food/water stores, but you never know what you don't know, so I'd appreciate input from anyone with other thoughts or ideas of things I should get.

    Basic Bike Maintenance

    I've been biking for a number of years, primarily single track XC or gravel riding. I do adventure racing, which is incredibly tough on the bikes, but am hoping to improve my bike life.

    What are some of the important bike maintenance things that you all do?

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