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DeviantArt’s Downfall Is Devastating, Depressing, and Dumb
  • AI generated content is great and all but it drowns out everything else on there. Anyone can type a prompt and generate a great looking image with a couple of attempts these days it seems.

    The people spending days, weeks, months and more on a piece can't keep up.

  • Apple, Android, IETF, Launch New Network Around The World.
  • When it comes to WiFi Mac's mobile phones have fudged them for "privacy" for years, if this goes main stream I see the same thing coming in for Bluetooth.

    They promise the macs are random but I don't have much faith in that.

    Looking up a real Mac to see what manufacturer it came from is something I do almost daily sorting out network issues for customers and really is not difficult. From there it takes a leap to guess what the device is if it's name doesn't help but more often than not it's easy enough to see what's out there, the random macs of phones stick out like a sore thumb as they don't come back as anything usually so you can then track that around the network and see what they are up to that way.

  • Astounding absurdity
  • To be fair, they may have a rule about anything without the original plug/cord I know places near me do. Still a shame it ends up going to waste.

  • They recently added a picture of Skuntank opening its tail on Bulbapedia.
  • Isn't that an animation in one of the 3DS titles?

  • Need help with cheap simple meals without a microwave
  • No problem, hope you get things sorted. The formatting sometimes goes screwy posting on mobile so I try to space things out.

    I'm intrigued by pasta and and strawberries, gonna have to do some research now

  • Need help with cheap simple meals without a microwave
  • Boil pasta and drain.

    Add tuna/sausage/vegetables (sweetcorn/cucumber/carrots work, pineapple if you are daring)

    Add sauce, BBQ, Mayo, sweet chilli

    Add cheese to taste.

    Pick a combination that sounds good.

    Tuna, mayo, sweetcorn

    Sausage, cherry tomatoes, BBQ sauce

    Eat enjoy. Got me through many tight times.

  • GAME staff told to expect redundancies, as most workers move to zero hours contracts
  • Yup, killed the one reason I had to go in there apart from the Pokémon codes.

    Merch is overpriced, they won't part-ex anymore. They closed stores and moved to crappy corners of sports direct and what not. It's dying. It'll be an online portal where kids send links to grandparents at Christmas soon.

  • New bots!
  • I might get to see them if the game would stop crashing 😕

  • Despite Microsoft's push, Windows 11 and Edge see decreases in user share
  • It always used to be gamers and direct-x versions that pushed onto the newer versions of windows just to get the latest and greatest. Maybe it's just me but the difference is minimal at best on the newer games and pointless on the older ones. Windows 11 enforces stricter rules on driver signing by default so older hardware, mainly niche peripherals need extreme jiggery pokery to get working if they work at all. Couple that with the general you'll do it my way or not at all attitude Microsoft has taken with 11 and I'll stick to windows 10 and keep using it the way I want.

  • The fans have spoken. Get to it

    That sums it up a little, need to find a better source.


    That's better.

    It would have involved the Stargate being public, Jack and Sam getting together and l left the door open for a new series where the old cast still could appear without it being weird.

  • The fans have spoken. Get to it
  • First episode would be the press release saying it was a weird meteorite lol

    Seeing the original plan for SG1 play out would have been nice, if they do something now it'll lack the spirit of the old show IMHO. I'm ready to be surprised though.

  • Rip Yuzu
  • Nintendo being Nintendo. They've killed websites, device vendors, projects and more. Otherwise Liksang and Bung would still be around. They take the same destroyer of worlds tactic to any meetings. Crush the opposition, no survivors.

    This time I think the internet may surprise them, unless they just get a blanket order on anyone hosting copies of the code or related materiels.

  • Spotify paid users hit 236M, but losing money, amid Apple battle
  • I acquire the MP3 of the song I want from where ever I can find it. Be that buying it, YouTube converter or elsewhere. Then copy it to the SD card on my phone to listen to. No ads, no data connection needed. I even bother to set the album covers and tags up so it is all searchable in the Oto app I use on my phone.

  • What do you use to track BMCs/KVMs/IPMI?
  • Thinking out loud but wouldn't chrome bookmarks for the URLs backed up to a file/account work better than a sheet of it's just for access?

    As we have mostly Windows based machines we look after everything is in Pulseway or TeamViewer. Routers and misc tend to be on specific ports on their connections IP and we have a shared Keeper repository for passwords and notes.

    The company I work for has been buying other companies and customers like is silly season in the last year so we are digesting all the extra crud that came with it and trying to streamline half a dozen CRM, RM and Monitoring systems at the moment.

  • What are some 3D platformer/3rd person shooter hybrids aside from the Ratchet and Jak series?
  • It may be a stretch but Spyro, Tomb Raider and Portal may scratch that itch it thier own ways. Rad Rodgers is a side scroller 3D shooter and anything in the Contra style is going to be madness. The old Skylander games depending on the characters you used could be played as shooters I suppose.

  • Andre Braugher, ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ and ‘Homicide: Life on the Street’ Star, Dies at 61
  • 😞 he will be missed, never seen another actor like him.

  • The Day Before Discord mod says Fntastic threw “us under the bus”
  • And since they are shutting down they won't be in touch at all

  • This toilet paper at my work
  • RIP you butt

  • ‘Squid Game: The Challenge’ contestants threaten lawsuit over injuries, trauma - National |
  • Was it filmed in the UK? Or some shady bit of land covered by a country that has no ability to force Netflix to do anything?

    The only people winning here are the law firms raking in cash, as usual.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • If it's gonna use a load of memory let me theme it, colour schemes, skins based on games and let me switch off the community feeds that are full of shitty trying to be funny guides and crap.

    Custom toast popups that pair with the game you are playing.

    Reminders for the free stickers in the mobile app during events?

  • haywire7 haywire
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