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Quansheng UV-K5

As you've probably heard, the Quansheng UV-K5 is the hot new HT. And there is a good reason it is so popular. I've been having a lot of fun with mine, and I would highly recommend getting one. 2m FM is fun, and 2m SSB or CW is even funner. And if you choose the same firmware to load as I did (uvk5cec), it will transmit APRS and SSTV.

I made a video going over how mine is setup. Hopefully it helps if you have one. And I'm sure there'll be more videos coming with it in use. The CQ VHF contest is just a week away....

MFJ is ceasing its on-site production
  • Hopefully someone or some other business will buy them. Hate to see them go.

  • Log dilemma; seeking your input
  • For POTA contacts I'd just fix it.

    In a contest that would be cheating.

  • Regaining interest in amateur radio
  • Some clubs meet in person and on zoom simultaneously, does your local one? I'd get in contact with them anyway, someone might have a loaner rig you can use to get on the air and see what interests you the most.

    Parks on the Air and Summits on the Air are popular an a lot of fun, but you'd need a radio first.

    With some basic tools you could build your own radio from a kit.

  • Fishing for 40m NVIS antenna ideas.
  • My reading of the state park map is that the park is on the ocean side of route 1, so that'll eliminate going up any real hills. I'm not really familiar with that section of the coast, though.

    It also sounds like you want an excuse to expand your antenna collection. Go for it! Antenna experimenting is fun. Set up two, and try some A/B testing, or use WSPR or RBN.

    Its an interesting problem you've found. As a frequent SOTA op, its not one I encounter :D

  • Fishing for 40m NVIS antenna ideas.
  • To get NVIS just use your regular 40m antenna, but set it up closer to the ground. Depending on your mast height, it might be NVIS already.

    What park is it? Maybe there's a spot off the beach you could operate from?

  • Digital-only QRP transceivers
  • I'd get an SSB capable radio unless you're only interested in FSK modes.

  • Capacity Hats

    I made and tested a couple of capacity hats for my loaded whip antenna to see how they'd do in the real world. Could you use one instead of paying Elecraft for their 40m coil? Maybe. Could you get on 30m and 40m with your KH1 whip? Might be a stretch...

    Anyone who knows antennas that can explain this j pole to me?
  • A j-pole is a half-wavelength vertical with a quarter-wavelength matching section on the bottom.

    It turns out that the 70cm band is about 3x the frequency of the 2m band (150MHz * 3 = 450MHz, close enough to each band). So the 2m the long leg of the j-pole is 3/4 wavelength (1/2 + 1/4 matching section), and on 70cm the long leg is 2.25 wavelength (3/2 + 3/4 matching). Both are an odd number of quarter waves, as we expect. The ham who made that briefing probably discovered in their testing that the matching stub wasn't good for both bands, so they added a second one for 70cm.

    This is not a novel design, Arrow Antennas has been selling one like it for years (

  • Baud rate replaced by bandwidth limit
  • I'm excited to see the new digital modes people bring to ham radio, or invent.

  • Community for Software Defined Radio?
  • It's pretty easy to create it if you want it. I've made a few communities 🤷‍♂️

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This has been my experience using multiple HTs on the same band.

  • 10GHz and Up Contest

    The first weekend of the ARRL 10GHz and Up Contest starts tomorrow (August 19) at 0600 local. There will be plenty of activity in California, and probably other regions. It's a fun contest, and everyone should get on the band!

    I'll be on a SOTA summit (W6/NC-151) on Saturday, not sure if I'll be able to get out on Sunday.

    222 and Up Contest

    The ARRL 222MHz and up contest is this weekend:

    I'm planning to get on from a summit with the lower four bands. Probably won't be as much activity as the regular VHF contest, but should be fun

    [US] ARRL's gone done it. Raising dues.
  • This is the reason to support ARRL

  • KPH Enigma Crypto Broadcast
  • Haha, that or there's a new "enigma" coin

  • KPH Enigma Crypto Broadcast
  • MRHS (the group running KPH) has a newsletter you can sign up for. Check out

  • KPH Enigma Crypto Broadcast

    The KPH coastal station near San Francisco sent a special message this weekend. It was encrypted with an Enigma machine and sent for everyone to try and decode. If you missed it, and want to try I posted a video of it:

    Have fun!

    Enigma Crypto Transmission from KPH - July 22
  • If you missed the broadcast, I got a recording: The CW ends ~4:22 and I decode it after that, so stop there if you want to do it yourself.

  • Old school grass roots: where are the classic circuits one could build from RadioShack basic discrete components?
  • If you're just looking to build stuff, there are plenty of circuits to find on the web.

    And +1 on building being more fun than operating!

  • CQ VHF

    The CQ VHF contest starts soon. Sadly, I'm not able to get on the air, but if you have 6&2 meters you should give it a try.

    Kits and Parts back in business

    Diz W8DIZ has retired from running, and KU4QO had taken over.

    Good news if you need toroids and other small parts. And the 5watter is a great radio if you need a kit.

    10MHz Video

    Finished cutting together some clips from my 10MHz reference box construction:

    RF Power Meter

    I was inspired to copy W1GHZ's power meter from April QST (pg 52). Seemed like it would be nice to know if my 10GHz rig (or any of them!) was putting out power. Got some bargraph boards from him, the rest of the parts from the internet, and finally built it today.


    I had a bit of trouble cutting a square hole with only a hand drill, but I can see the bars. (If anyone likes designing and printing cases, let me know!)


    Turns out I don't have any 9v batteries, so testing will have to wait until I go to the store. I don't expect to have any problems though, since the bargraph circuit is pretty simple, and the AD8317 board had everyone on it already.

    New 10MHz Box

    Finally mounted the 10MHz OCXO in a box. Now when I go do microwaves, I should be on frequency. 🥳

    Now I have to set up the 10GHz system and look for the local beacons to see how it works.


    Your Projects

    Anyone working on anything fun or interesting?

    Best DX

    What's your best VHF DX?

    For me, I've gotten QSOs 280km on both 2m FM and 1296 SSB.

    On 10GHz my best so far is 213km, SSB.

    All those contacts were from mountain tops, mostly to people on other mountains or ridges.

    I'm starting to get sick of YouTube everything
  • I make videos of my SOTA activations, but I still write trip reports for the summits for people who like to read.

  • The Pixie2

    For some reason (probably price!) the pixie is considered a good beginners kit. I would disagree. It is small and simple to the point of being practically useless. Get a Forty 9er instead. For a few bucks more you will have a decent radio when you're done.

    But since it is popular, I made a few videos trying to explain how it works:

    I think the way the designer was able to use a single transistor as both a mixer and power amplifier is pretty clever. Maybe some day I'll think of something that neat :D

    June VHF Contest

    The June VHF contest was this weekend. How'd you do?

    I hooked up to a SOTA peak and brought 6 bands. Stayed on for about 6 hours, made 89 contacts. 6m was open for a while, and worked AZ and CO from northern California. Overall, a great day!

    !(the sun did come out later)

    New Communities

    Are users allowed to create communities on this instance?

    ham_bitious ham_bitious

    AA6XA, but also KN6REU.

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