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  • It's an Android setting. Assuming you're in the US, you can disable all warning channels (including Amber alerts) except the National one, which I believe has to be on by law, but is only supposed to be used in apocalypse level emergencies. The Hawaii thing was triggered by accident, iirc.

    On my S24, it's in Settings > Safety and Emergency > Wireless Emergency Alerts.

    I don't know if it's even possible to disable the National warnings, but you'd likely have to use adb or root your phone to do it.

  • Anyone else excited for the Plasma 6 rulease tomorrow?
  • OpenSUSE user here, "patiently" waiting for it to hit the repos.

  • Weird 🤔
  • The amount of anxiety I'd get just posting comments on reddit was insane. I'd spend a stupid amount of time rereading and editing my comment, and then there was still probably a 50% chance I'd discard it anyway. On Lemmy, after an adjustment period, it's much easier. I don't think I realized how hostile and toxic a lot of online spaces really are.

  • I hope others consider doing the same
  • 60-100 tabs is a ridiculous amount of tabs. My husband makes fun of me for my "tab carcasses" pretty regularly, but I'm usually hitting the Onetab button around 40 open tabs. What this person is doing that they legitimately need hundreds of tabs open is beyond me.

  • Landlord torches New York home after tenants stop paying rent, become squatters
  • Non-Fox link:

    What kind of a ghoul do you have to be to commit arson and attempt murder (of two adults and six children) over unpaid rent? Like, you're a landlord. Get used to rent issues or get a real job.

  • Texas Republicans Ban Women From Using Highways for Abortion Appointments
  • Idk, I get the feeling that they want OB/GYNs to leave. I think they want women to suffer and die in childbirth, just as God intended.

  • "Do you live in the Midwest?" by self-report
  • I'm from Western PA, and while I wouldn't say I see a lot of people calling themselves midwesterners, we're more alike than we are different. Western PA is hard to classify in terms of region. Most of us just say we're from Pittsburgh/Erie/whatever and leave it at that. But since it is hard to classify, 10% or so of us saying that we're "Midwestern" does not surprise me.

  • [Baby Journal] A private and open source app for tracking your baby activities
  • So I took a look as I'm always looking for good FOSS alternatives to apps that I use. I'm super stoked about this app! I don't have a baby to track anymore, but we are planning on kid #2, and an app that doesn't require anything is a plus.

    The first thing I see that you might want to change is that the button to start/stop the feeding timer needs to be big. Like really fucking big. When I was nursing I was starting my timer one-handed and I have small hands as it is. My kid also wasn't the best at nursing, so I'd often spend a lot of time in the beginning getting him positioned/latched. I could see the "small" button being a problem.

  • What do all the people do (for work) in rural area towns and unincorporated areas?
  • My husband is an engineer that works in plants and factories. The last three places he's worked at were rural, or at least further from the city center. COL is typically lower in these areas, too, so lot of people get by on lower paying factory or service jobs, and as someone else said, a lot of retirees, too.

  • NSFW
    Who has been feeling less su****al since migrating to Lemmy?
  • My depression and intrusive thoughts actually got worse during the redditpocalypse. But that was, at least in part, coincidental. A lot of life stress stuff started happening at the same time, and my usual coping mechanism for when things would become too much (scrolling through reddit) was seeing a rapid drop in quality. After approaching a new low, the stressful stuff started subsiding, and things are mostly better now. There are some aspects about yourself that you can't change, but you do ultimately choose how you react to, cope with, and manage these issues. I will have depression and ADHD for the rest of my life, I but I can choose to manage things in such a way (taking more time for myself, having a better diet, being more active, etc.) that these "attacks" are less frequent.

  • h0usewaifu h0usewaifu
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