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Howdy, Y'all fellow americans!
  • I know! It should be "hot diggity dog".

  • It's wild how many job listings might be fake
  • Could also be job postings to convince current workers that their overwork will soon end because the company is about to hire new folks. I've seen that theory floated to explain the "help wanted" signs at fast food places that never come down.

  • Priorities
  • And sometimes those recommendations get implemented in awful ways in public buildings. And that's why my office will be hot and humid when I get to work on Monday--the A/C gets turned off over the weekend and it takes forever to catch up on Monday. Never mind that I work in a library and books do not deal well with changing temperature and (especially) high humidity.

  • Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • I'm too pale AF to have a loving relationship with the sun. I've been burned too many times. I always use protection, but last weekend the sunscreen failed me :(

  • Imagine, if you can.
  • I still get that when I buy things secondhand, from Mercari, Abe books, or other online thrift stores. I'm waiting for a cute tokidoki vinyl figure to show up. Maybe this week, maybe next. Who knows?

  • McDonalds removes AI drive-throughs after order errors
  • They have butter for their hot cakes. Sounds like it was adding butter packets to the order.

  • This union was not meant to be.
  • Must end in an even number or 5, but cannot end in 4 or 6.

  • ‘Everything is a scam!’ Trump ridiculed after pics of Black church event show white crowd
  • And iirc the historical reason it's not disrespectful for women to keep their hat on is that hats were much more integrated into women's hairdos. So, it'd be a whole production of removing hat pins, re-arranging curls, etc.

  • someone mentioned tattoo parties?
  • That's quite fair. People don't tend to react well to becoming suddenly not-high. I don't even react well to becoming suddenly not-asleep.

  • someone mentioned tattoo parties?
  • The Rhode Island Department of Health was giving away free Narcan at Providence Pride this weekend, so I picked some up. I'll keep it on hand in just in case someone needs it. Go fuck yourself :)

    Everyone else: Narcan's readily available in states and there's very little risk to administering it. It's a spray up the nose.

    (eta: context. My brother overdosed and you pretty much wished that others experience the same pain.)

  • someone mentioned tattoo parties?
  • My grandma watched Fox News and wasn't a moron. To be fair, she was also wicked deep into her dementia.

  • someone mentioned tattoo parties?
  • Or set off the fire alarm by vaping in the bathroom. I hated when teen boys did that. It was always belligerent teen boys.

  • ‘Everything is a scam!’ Trump ridiculed after pics of Black church event show white crowd
  • I thought it was disrespectful to wear your hat in church. Huh.

  • someone mentioned tattoo parties?
  • Well, it's more public than your own home and everyone there consented to being around potential strangers having sex. Consent is sexy!

  • someone mentioned tattoo parties?
  • Yes, but my local dungeon closed during the pandemic so I don't know where to point folks anymore. I'd check on FetLife if I were you. There's also the Queer Liberation Library if you're in America and looking for "objectionable" reading material online.

    And I've never been hip with the drug scene, as I imagine the young'uns say.

  • someone mentioned tattoo parties?
  • As a former public librarian and current person who walks their dog, I'm of two minds.

    1. I've seen less drug use and public sex at local public libraries than at interstate rest areas and on hiking trails.

    2. If you're going to overdose, I'd rather you do it in public where you can get help. If you're going to engage in public sex please don't do it around people that aren't into that. There are private clubs for that.

  • Telehealth executives accused of $100m Adderall scheme
  • It was surprisingly easy to get my dextroamphetamine prescription through a (local) telehealth doctor. Of course, I know I have ADHD because I'm not addicted to the meds and, in fact, keep forgetting to take then.

  • Bacon is overrated
  • Yeah, it's just because I've removed pig (and cow) from my diet, for environmental impact and cute cow video reasons. Had some really nice venison stroganoff last night, though. I grew up seeing too many roadkill deer to really feel for Bambi.

  • Cupholder.exe
  • My dad used to disable the motherboard speaker because the noises games made back then were more annoying than fun. We eventually got a soundcard, and that was awesome.

  • I just finished this kit today

    I started it to keep my hands occupied during a class. I love the simple 2-color pattern. I picked the kit up from Stitched Modern.

    Reddit Was Fun grysbok
    Sadness. Joey stopped working today

    I'd been using the Joey app to keep tabs on a few subreddits I'm fond of. It finally stopped working today.

    Thinking of visiting a pawn shop. What should I know?

    So, I've never been to a pawn shop before. I'm curious what's there, but TV makes them seem shady and odd. What should I know before I visit? I'm sort of expecting a cross between an antique and a thrift store, that sort of vibe.

    I'm in the USA and don't intend to pawn anything.

    Samson shoving a lion in the face. Woodblock print. Thomas Bewick. ca 1785

    Woodblock print of a grumpy-faced man in a tunic shoving a lion in the face. The lion's head is turned towards the viewer and he has a goofy look on his face. His tail is held high. The man holds a club in his left hand. Surrounding the lion and man is a tree, an embankment, and foliage.

    Found at: The British Museum

    "Daikyokuba" (English: "Big Circus"). Japanese print. ca 1871.

    Image description: Japanese print with orange background. Print shows various circus performers, including people interacting with horses, an elephant on a barrel, a man standing on a tiger holding a second tiger's mouth open and a third tiger resting on his arm, clowns tumbling, acrobats, and horses on a teeter-totter.

    Found at: Library of Congress

    "Swallowed by a Wolf". Jessie Oonark. 1970

    I post a lot of pre-modern-era art from European artists. So, I thought I'd mix it up a bit with this work by Inuit artist Jessie Oonark.

    Image description: Work is on paper. Forms are defined by bold swatches of color. The main figure is a side profile of the green head of a wolf, with brown eye and an open mouth filled with point black teeth. In the mouth of the wolf is a man. His purple-brown legs stick out of the wolf's mouth. His torso is visible through the wolf's mouth as a white man-shape. A smaller animal's head--maybe another wolf-- is defined by an orange outline. The orange animal has its nose touching the throat of the green wolf. Its teeth are also showing. Below the artwork is the title, caption, and signature of the artist.

    Found at: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

    Always look a gift horse in the mouth. Magazine cover. 1909

    Image description: a white-haired man in a blue coat with stars on it and red/white striped pants (Uncle Sam) looks inside a horse's mouth while a man in a white coat looks on. The white coat man is labeled Aldritch. The horse is labeled "Central Bank". The horse's teeth are labeled "Wall Street Interests".

    Found at: Library of Congress

    "Lion tamer". ca 1873.

    Image Description: a man with a very large, dark moustache stands in a cage surrounded by 3 lions and 2 tigers. The man stares straight at the viewer. The man wears what looks like plate mail on his torso, with fancy gold shoulder thingies, red sleaves, a short red skirt, white tights, and fancy bejeweled boots. His hat is red with a blue feather. The big cats are all in fierce poses. A maned lion stands with his paws on the man's shoulder. The man holds open the other maned lion's mouth.

    Found at: Library of Congress

    “When It Comes to the Lion, Business Between Ben and Jim, It’s Nip and Tuck”. Political cartoon. Thomas Nast. 1884.

    Image description: etched political cartoon. A lion is on a wheeled pedestal labeled "British". A man in a suit and befeathered top hat twists the lion's tail. A bald man in a suit twists its head. The lion's mouth is open. Behind the men and lion is a storefront labeled "furs". A man watched open-mouthed through the window. Next to the cartoon is a colored registry thingy, for calibrating colors.

    A detailed explanation of the cartoon is at HarpWeek (and TBH their image of the cartoon is clearer than the one I uploaded. I chose the LOC one because the permissions were clearer). In summary: In American politics, the Republican presidential nominee and the Greenback-Labor nominee were both critical of Great Britain (represented by the lion).

    Found at: Library of Congress

    Samson and the Lion. Woodblock. ca 1498

    Image description: woodblock carved into the form of the Biblical Samson holding open a lion's mouth. The carving is fine and the wood is dark with the ink used in printmaking.

    This is the woodblock used to make prints similar to the one previously posted, .

    Found at:

    marginalia of Samson and the Lion. 1254

    Image description: 2-column handwritten text. Small doodle of Samson holding open a lion's mouth, in the upper right corner.

    Found at:

    Samson opening the lion's mouth

    Image description: statue of Samson attempting to open the mouth of a lion whose mouth is firmly shut.

    Found at:

    Samson and the Lion. Candlestick. ca 1850-1900

    Image description: black metal candlestick. Samson sits on top of a lion and holds its mouth open. A column to hold a candle comes out of his back.

    Found at: Candlestick: Samson and the Lion - Rijksmuseum, Netherlands - Public Domain.

    Hercules and the Nemean Lion. Ceiling of King's Inner Chamber, Stirling Castle Stirling Head, Hercules Slays the Nemean Lion

    The first of his twelve labours. On the ceiling of the King's Inner Chamber, Stirling Castle.

    Stirling Head, Hercules Slays the Nemean Lion

    Image description: Image is straight up at a ceiling. There is a center circular medallion with a naked man sitting on a lion. The man is holding the lion's mouth open. There are two other lions partly in frame--one left and one right of the scene. Around the circle is gold and red braid. Outside of the circle are filigree decorations. Overall colors are red, white, blue, gold.

    Found at:

    Samson and the Lion. Oven tile. ca 1490.

    Image description: Item is an unglazed terra cotta tire. It looks a bit dirty or sooty, but is clearly still yellow-tan. It depicts a 3d scene of a man with long hair, a hat with big feather, and tunic. The man is sitting on a lion and holding open a lion's mouth. Behind the man and lion is a stone (or brick) wall about waist high. Above it is an archway. Outside the archway is a floral decoration.

    Found at: Met Museum___

    Samson and the Lion. Cup made out of coconut. Hans van Amsterdam. 1533/34

    According the the Met Museum, coconuts were exotic to Europeans and a cup made from a coconut could be used to neutralize poisons.

    Image description: Tall silver and coconut goblet with lid. The bowl is made of most of a coconut, the base, stand, and lid of the goblet are made of silver. The coconut is engraved with biblical scenes, including Samson holding open a lion's mouth. Cherubs look on and there's filigree. There are also silver rams and roman? soldiers connecting the silver base and the top of the goblet.

    Found at: The Met

    Photograph of statue "Samson and the Lion". 1939 NY World's Fair.

    Image description: a statue of Samson (with stylized hair in coils?) holding a lion by its lower jaw and its tail. The lion is suspended in the air. Image is black and white photograph. In the background is a flag with a spoked wheel on it.

    Note: statue was in the "transportation" area of the NY World's Fair, in front of the Ford building. Other flags included air planes, propellers.

    Related images: NYPL: scrapbook page of the fair (where you get a better view of the flag in the background--them emblem is a wheel, not the swastika I worried it was)

    !Further away view of the statue, with transportation-related flags in the foreground and the ford building in the background

    NYPL--image of lady in 1930s garb standing on the statue. The statue is huge.___

    Found at: New York Public Library

    "Feeding the Cubs". Oil on canvas. Paul Meyerheim. ca 1890.

    Image description: Oil painting framed in an ornate floral frame. The painting is of a black-haired woman sitting on a wooden travel trunk or bench. Next to her is a lion cub. Another cub is cradled in the woman's lap and she bottle-feeds it. In the background there is a cage on wheeled (like for an old-timey traveling circus) with three adult lions in it--2 female and 1 male. The adult lions are watching the cubs. On the ground nearby is a black metal contraption that might be a food bowl on an arm, so that the adult lions can be fed from outside the cage, and the bowl retrieved.

    Found at:
