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Installation is such 2010s: try Joplin Web demo

Installation is such 2010s: try Joplin Web demo

Henry just published new Proof-of-Concept #Joplin version allowing access to your notes via browser. No more installation needed!

Try it here


Got feedback? leave it in official thread


\#pkm #notes #notetaking

πŸ›Έ πŸ“ Your notes are about to land: Joplin progresses on filesystem mirror

πŸ›Έ πŸ“ Your notes are about to land: Joplin progresses on filesystem mirror

In proposed PR Joplin creates a folder mirroring your notes as plain text files and notebooks as (sub)folders

To learn and more and watch the progress subscribe to the PR:

\#Joplin #PKM #notetaking

Want to break free from OneNote? help Joplin test the experience

Want to break free from OneNote? help Joplin test the experience

Joplin team-member, Pedro, is giving OneNote import finishing touches and to test it he needs real life data. So, if you can provide real life data for its testing, you'd make it the experience of moving to Joplin so much easier for thousands users breaking free from OneNote

see more on official forum:

\#OneNote #Joplin #pkm #notetaking #foss

graphito graphito

I pass butter and love-hate software for a living

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