Found it on Florida keys. This is the back:
On the back says: 'Keep or Rehide' 'WPG Rocks'. Just found there is a fcebook group, artists hide them to be discovered. Not an English speaker so I am not sure if that 'keeps' means that I could bring it with me, so I rehide it to be found by another person :)
Take a look at Portulacaria Afra. Its a suculent, but you could manage to prune it like a tree. There are peple that shape it like a bonsai. There is also a variegated type that looks stunning
What about Jungle Speed? I always get ungry with friends/family with this game, bit it could work forma you!
I think you can find it everything on RTVE alacarta ¿? I would try there with some download software líke JDownloader or something like that
After-Poop Shower (comforting^2) Having Sex Shower (dreamy)
From Spain, with english vocals:
- Dover (not newest albums)
- G.A.S Drummers
- Adrenalized
- Toundra
The 3K Took My Baby Away
Anyone into bonsái will say the same, Bonsái are trees and should be outdoors.
Soo, if you still want to give a try, go for tropical species. Think about plants people usually have indoors, and check if they could be converted into bonsái.
I am actually growing with succes for a pair of years Azalea, Ficus and a Chinese Elm. I would strongly recommend Ficus as your first option.