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Battery Input Manager

Battery Input Manager is a DBus service managing charging input on your phone.

It is able to set a start and end input threshold. It will charge until a max input threshold if an alarm is detected.

GNOME Clocks >= 45 is supported (flatpak or not).

If your phone looks unsupported, please look at and send me a merge request to add support for it.

Don't use Appimages (a writeup about all the reasons they are a pain for users)
  • what are flathub issues? IMO it's easier than putting your app in Debian...

  • Vous reprendrez bien un peu d'huile sur votre feu ?
  • Des fringues H&M, de vrais flambeurs...

  • Is there a downside to Flatpak?
  • some devs don't want to debug last arch/ubuntu broken setup.

  • The overlap between package managers and automation frameworks
  • We use Puppet to manage Linux and Windows servers + Linux, Mac and Windows client (drives, registry/defaults/dconf, ...). A package manager can't handle this properly ;)

  • Does Wayland really break everything? (Nate Graham's OG post ref'd in the Phoronix article)
  • On the other hand X11 is missing an important feature: security

  • How to fix?
  • Written by an idiot who never contributed to free software.

  • New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks
  • TODO since KDE 3...

  • Red Hat paywall?! How the Raleigh giant divided the open source community.
  • The code is available as git, you just don't have access to src.rpm.

  • Vanilla OS 2 Orchid—Alpha #82 Released
  • Looks bad in comparison with Silverblue where I can pin many previous version. Thanks to OSTree, you can downgrade to any point in the history or even switch back to an older release.

  • the reverse DNS scheme used by flatpak - do you like it or do you dislike it?
  • Looks you're talking about flathub, not flatpak...

  • What feature are you dying for to come to your DE - Linux?
  • Nightmare GNOME screenshot

  • Did we kill Linux's killer feature?
  • It does the update here, on Fedora

  • Did we kill Linux's killer feature?
  • It does background updates for flatpak. For system, just move to Silverblue.

  • Did we kill Linux's killer feature?
  • Silverblue here with automatic updates enabled, I do not care anymore, it just works.

  • Secure distro for daily use
  • Yes it does

  • Red Hat stops all upstream and downstream work on desktop Bluetooth, multimedia applications (namely totem, rhythmbox and sound-juicer) and libfprint/fprintd
  • It's FUD, redhat is a major contributor paying developers. It's a sad news but it's crazy to say redhat just profits free contributors.

  • which linux distro do you NOT like, and why?
  • RHEL code is available with git. Stop this FUD.

  • gnumdk gnumdk
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