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A Better Question
  • @Shkshkshk create dedicated holes for the pin? maybe even with an extra layer in the immediate surrounding fabric for added strength?

  • When editing #OpenStreetMap on the go, @everydoor is my hands-down favorite, but I'd hesitate recommending it for more new mappers.
  • @strypey @MapAmore @openstreetmap @everydoor but everydoor should be able to take this roll too. and its a little bit smoother in the workflow than the OsmAnd plugin. I didnt know about everydoor back when i started and got quite used to the OsmAnd way.

  • When editing #OpenStreetMap on the go, @everydoor is my hands-down favorite, but I'd hesitate recommending it for more new mappers.
  • @strypey @MapAmore @openstreetmap @everydoor if you haven't contributed to osm at all i recommend starting out with street complete get a little feel for what data can be atatched to what kind of nodes.
    would recommend anyways, no matter what way you want to contribute by.

    if you are willing to do a bit of reading in the wiki, i like the editing plugin for OsmAnd, there you can add some other tags that are not implemented in SC (yet) on the road, i addition to SC.

  • When editing #OpenStreetMap on the go, @everydoor is my hands-down favorite, but I'd hesitate recommending it for more new mappers.
  • @strypey @MapAmore @openstreetmap @everydoor they are. there is although SCEE (Street complete Extended Edition) that allows for a lot more tags to be edited and some more nifty customization options. Its on F-Droid too.

  • glowl GlOwl Octopus-Faenby


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