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Ripping Podcasts
  • I have considered dling via yt to make use of sponsor block as you suggest. Does it work?

    Podcasts are extremely neglected in this general area. Few torrents exist. They are at high risk of disappearing off the internet forever because they cost a lot to keep hosted while producing zero revenue. Archiving is not happening as far as I know.

    Add removal would be great. TIP if you use a VPN you might gets ads targeted to that country. Which in some cases is actually no ads. Hop around and see if you can kind the right one. It'll be different per distributor.

  • AudioBook sites?
  • had a massive collection of audiobook torrents. 1 torrent per letter of alphabet according to author last name. I assume it's still in there somewhere

    I had some luck with this project I plan to re install soon.

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • Well I don't know how much pull youse have, but do you think your employer would notice you the bricks stopped for a little while? Maybe at a very strategic moment. it might even be more spooky for them.

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • set them on fire

    Don't be afraid to leverage that.

    The great thing about being frontline workers with strong community relationship is that sometimes people who feel strongly in solidarity take actions which would be "in bad faith" or even illegal if the workers themselves did same action. You can't be held responsible for what independent people do.

    A comrade was organizing at a nonprofit when they were fired. Big union did not back them up. Bricks started being thrown through the windows of the nonprofit by discontented service users. Comrade went on to another job but none of the other organizers were fired and now org has a contract.

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • I went to look up a video that would convey Labor Law for OP at least in part and learned that Staughton Lynd died in November. Found this but unsure as to relevance.

    OP, here is a PDF of Labor Law. It really is #1 to read. At least assign it as homework to your union rep. ;)

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • A comrade was employed as an organizer with a union. This employer exclusively hired from a recent immigrant community in an attempt to break the unions previously established in the white/settler community. When it came time to start taking actions, the workers began listing the managers that most especially got on their nerves and debating which ones were the highest priority. Comrade had a hard time following the discussion for a little bit and eventually asked for clarification. Was told: "Oh we know how it goes. We knock off some of theirs; they get a few of ours. We are not sure which ones we will go after." The agenda item was Union Hit List. Back home, unions were serious business and everyone had engaged in organizing with this understanding. Suddenly for the first time, comrade was in the position of not being the militant fringe of the labor movement. But as is inevitable for any union staffer, trying to reel the workers back in line. But it was not without ambivalence.

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • won 98 percent of the vote.

    In my union we still have 2 employees who refuse to talk about it

    Is your unit 100 people? If so at least you know exactly who is on side.

    If it's less than 100 people, 1 of the 2 is full of shit I guess?

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • Don't forget about good work strikes.

    Find a way to to keep doing the important part of the job while neglecting the components that serve to generate income. Stop tracking and reporting your numbers. Etc.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Here is how your -16 vote post looks on hexbear:

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • they're evaluated by how the affect the people within

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • You can't second it because it isn't a motion. It's a discussion.

    One day if we get our way you might have the chance to participate in a democracy. :) So you too can know the joys of a well run meeting, be it by Robert's Rules or some other system.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • you want to ban extremists?

    do you want to ban ham radio nerds because of how extremely retro they are?

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • How do you manage ULPs in such a way that people don't become focused on them?

    I've seen so many organizing campaigns lose power because of some BS legal strategy. ULPs take like 2 years to go through the system so the fact that they are bound to fail won't be clear for some time. But they kind of let people procrastinate doing challenging, scary organizing/action because that ULP is on the back burner.

    It is the case especially with people who have some sort of deep down belief that that state will protect them. Even if you know in your brain that's fake shit it is sooo tempting to relax into it. Because of how egregiously unfair the practices of the boss really are. This time even the pigs at the NLRB will see through the lies!!

    Also I think union staffers like them because they have all the expertise so it kind of makes the workers reliant. The boss likes them because they know they will win.

    With really good inoculation it's possible. I've seen it too, once in a long while. Where ineffective tactics are pursued on purpose just to let people get it out of their systems and teach about power. Not easy to pull off and requires knowing the situation backwards and forwards.

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • Unionizing is a good way to keep the work going. Otherwise people get laid off, burnt out, move out of the industry etc.

  • Any organizers/bargaining unit members in here?
  • Doesn't directly address the contract aspect or the NGO angle but you could do worse than reading Wages so low you'll freak by Mike Pudd'nhead for general left union ideas. Although I only read the first book of several in the series so maybe it comes in later.

  • Emiliano Zapata Salazar “It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.” - New General Megathread for the 8th and 9th of August 2023
  • It sounds like you are recruiting to an "intentional community" farm type thing. Is that correct?

    edit: or maybe doing mutual aid? I got thrown off by

    our built community

    Sort of sounded like you had buildings there.

  • Emiliano Zapata Salazar “It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.” - New General Megathread for the 8th and 9th of August 2023
  • I have two findings but not sure where they go or what to do with them.

    Beehaw the whole fediverse is wholesome ❤

    • ctrl-f "hexbear", "tankie" etc
    • Does anyone know what "the Sync discussions" is? missing from Lemmyverse index

    • Looking for an emoji conveying jealousy
    • Best I found was this greensicko
    • deserves a C at best, if the teacher is happydrunk today
  • Transgender People, the Nazi State, and the Holocaust | Laurie Marhoefer @ Museum of Jewish Heritage

    Shared June 5, 2023 > - 0:00 Intro > - 2:11 Before Stonewall-Trans history and Magnus Hirshfeld > - 14:00 Berlin Queer Subculture > - 22:54 Nazis goes after LBGTQ+ community > - 28:20 Laws used against trans people > - 38:17 Trans survival > - 48:06 Q+A > > In the 1920s, Berlin was home to a thriving transgender community, with trans-focused magazines, famous drag clubs, and Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science, where some trans people went for gender-affirming care. Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 changed everything. In this talk, Laurie Marhoefer (he/they) explores what happened trans people under the Nazi state, beginning with pre-war Berlin and then under the repressive Nazi regime. Marhoefer will look specifically at violence against trans women that was recorded in police files from the era. > > Laurie Marhoefer is the Jon Bridgman Endowed Professor of History at the University of Washington. His work has been influential in international debates about the Nazi State and lesbians and transgender people, and in the public memory of the early gay rights movement, Magnus Hirschfeld, and the Weimar Republic. He is the author of two books, most recently a biography of Hirschfeld and his student Li Shiu Tong, Racism and the Making of Gay Rights: A Sexologist, His Student, and the Empire of Queer Love, and of a number of essays and articles on queer and trans histories. >

    To all new users checking out Hexbear after this federation fiasco w/
  • bananas are supposed to be cheap.

    but if you subtract the weight of the skin, which is inedible, unsmokable and otherwise not consumable, it is not particularly cheap actually.

    plantains have thinner skin and bigger meat so there is less waste.

    mini bananas are ++++expensive

  • [CW: self-harm] TIL employer-mandated anti-racism training is so awkward it can be lethal (to canadians) Education minister orders review into allegations of TDSB principal who died by suicide | CBC News

    Ontario's education minister says his staff will review the allegations of a principal who died by suicide months after launching a lawsuit against the Toronto District School Board for allegedly failing to support him when he was accused of racism during a professional training session.

    Education minister orders review into allegations of TDSB principal who died by suicide | CBC News

    Bilkszto died by suicide which according to his family was 100% caused by an online anti racism training.

    >Bilkszto filed a lawsuit against the [Toronto District School Board] TDSB earlier this year, related to a 2021 online anti-racism training session where he claims to have been implicitly referred to as a white supremacist by the trainer and berated in front of his colleagues when he disagreed that Canada was more racist than the U.S. > > None of the allegations have been proven in court ... > > The claim says Bilkszto acknowledged the country's own anti-Black racism, but suggested Canada was a more just society than the U.S., making reference to different approaches to public education and health care. > > He alleged the TDSB failed to investigate his workplace harassment claim and then retaliated by disinviting him from a graduation for a program he helped create and revoking a temporary contract offer. > > He started a sick leave shortly after the training sessions and was diagnosed with anxiety secondary to a workplace event, according to the claim and a copy of a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board decision provided by his lawyer, lightly redacted to omit the names of medical professionals and the case manager, along with addresses and phone numbers. > > The WSIB decision dated Aug. 16, 2021, concluded Bilkszto was subject to workplace harassment and bullying. The case manager wrote the trainer appeared to intend to cause reputational damage and make an example out of him. The decision granted him loss-of-earnings benefits up to July 1, 2021, noting the medical evidence on file indicated he could return to work at that time.

    Interesting how an outside trainer is apparently responsible not only for a brief interaction during a workshop but also for subsequent actions taken by TDSB's management. Somehow (not explained) she was plotting behind the scenes to have this guy's hours cut. No one is safe from the embrace of precarious work, not even alternative school ex-principals.

    Not that is matters much, but for some context: Toronto is a minority white city with some areas being <25% white. So it's extremely on topic for anyone in charge of a highschool to know about how people see things even if he didn't happen to agree.
