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I refuse defeatism
  • The issue with nuclear is the extremely high initial cost, and it's not as set and forget it as the propaganda wants you to think. In short, because of nuclear decay chains the power can't be just ramped up and down willy nilly, some of the byproducts poison the chain reaction and power needs to be managed. Having nuclear as the bearer of the minimal load with solar/wind/battery power for the variable load is the way I think works the best, but I'm not an expert.

  • Ary Toledo, humorista popular no rádio e na TV, morre aos 87 anos

    Nascido em 1937, Toledo fez carreira na televisão e no rádio contando piadas e histórias engraçadas. Ao longo da carreira teve trabalhos em emissoras como TV Tupi, Record e SBT, além de ter escrito vários livros de piadas e gravado vários discos.

    Ary Toledo, humorista popular no rádio e na TV, morre aos 87 anos
    These are the weather machines you are looking for
  • I've seen a great idea of reusing those oil rigs as wind farm platforms.

  • Atualização sobre o acesso ao XMPP
  • Acho que aconteceu algum problema, o Photon virou a interface padrão?

  • For here am I sitting in my tin can
  • Don't forget Sierra Space's Dream Chaser