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Destiny 2’s Zavala Recasting Was A Tough, Correct Choice
  • Weird thing is that Fillion is back as Cayde in the final shape promos.

  • Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this
  • Lots of weird incorrect answers in the comments. MS 100% has changed CPU architectures and needs to emulate old games. The 360 was basically a PowerMac.

    My guess - the Xbox One’s launch catalog was trash, and MS doubled down on emulation to build it out. Then they never stopped. They kept plugging away at it, and now they have a giant asset for GamePass.

    MS got a head start because they were desperate for good games in the early days on the One.f

  • Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this
  • Or you do what MS does. Put the old games in your subscription service. Make money with monthly fees from people who don’t have the disks or don’t have an optical drive.

  • Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this
  • As other noted, this is not true. The early 360 development kits were literally PowerMac towers purchased from Apple.

    360 games require emulation, and MS has been slowing plugging away at expanding its emulation library for years. None of this was easy.

  • Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this
  • The original Xbox, Xbox One, and S/X are all basically x86 PCs, but the 360 was basically a Power Mac. Microsoft was literally using PowerMac G5 towers as early development kits for the 360.

    Supporting 360 games is pretty time consuming and requires emulation. MS has been slowly chipping away at it for years.

  • US scientists achieve net energy gain for second time in a fusion reaction
  • Why do people keep saying the NIF experiment was a net gain? People focus on the laser input at the end of the line, which was 20MJ and produced 25MJ. But the input power to charge the capacitors was 422MJ.

    The whole experiment produced 5% of what was put in.

  • Which are you?
  • Back where?

  • Which are you?
  • None of the above.

    I’m the humble contrarian.

    You might have a good point, but you’re being self-righteous and smug. I’m ordering a turkey sandwich because your lack of humility irritates me and I want to piss you off.

  • What game mechanics do you love and hate?
  • Love - auto health or shield regen. When I first experienced that in Halo it made me instantly hate other games that didn’t have some form of that mechanic.

    I hate managing health inventory items. It breaks gameplay flow with tedious bullshit that isn’t nearly as fun as focusing on the a combat mechanic.

  • How to stop hating work?
  • What type of engineer?

    If you’re a software engineer, then you can probably start to look around for remote work. You will also have the luxury of looking at tech companies that also have nice offices and campuses that aren’t soul sucking cubicles.

  • Logo was changed, Beehaw~!
  • Not great, but here is a bigger version.

  • Stop Trying to Make Social Networks Succeed [Opinion]
  • To be fair, often times that question is code for “how can someone contribute to that platform while also paying rent, feeding their kids, etc.”

    I think that’s a fair question and IMHO, for a fedi project to succeed, we need some people who can get paid a reasonable wage to focus their full attention on the work.

    We’re likely going to continue to see folks who ask for Patreon donations and set up fedi hosting businesses, like Ruud at Lemmy World. We’ll also probably see more folks like the Tapbots gang selling fancy clients for a price.

    Individual people will make money so they can live life, but cash cow corporations likely won’t be a thing.

  • Meta’s Twitter competitor launches on July 6th, according to the App Store
  • According to Apple

    Such as racial or ethnic data, sexual orientation, pregnancy or childbirth information, disability, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, political opinion, genetic information, or biometric data

  • Should political extremism, far-left or far-right, be an allowed part of Lemmy's Fediverse?
  • Exploding heads is a good example of a far right instance. A lot of folks have defederated from them. The biggest instance,, just cut ties and they’re furious.

  • Twitter is down, users getting Rate limit exceeded errors
  • Not a great day for social media. Twitter down, Reddit has not 3rd party apps, Lemmy is being hugged to death by people bailing Reddit and Twitter.

    I guess I’ll go outside.

  • Beehaw's Demographics survey of June 2023!
  • Thing is, beehaw is pretty loud about being a safe space the neurodivergent and or folks with different gender identities and sexualities. That stuff is race agnostic and those people will likely fall in line with national percentages for race.

    Given that most of folks are from the US, which is about 75% white, and another big chunk is from nations that are 80-90% white, I can’t say that I’m surprised buy the numbers. If anything, given the users from Canada, western Europe, and Australia, Beehaw is probably a hair more racially diverse than the general population.

  • Any plans to integrate the functionality of or into Lemmy itself?
  • Hiding subscriber counts is intentional at They were being displayed about 2 weeks ago, but new users saw them, viewed actively as a form of social proof, and only signed up with large instances.

    Problem is, those large instances are starting to break now. They can’t scale fast enough to meet demand.

    Moreover, if you signup for a small instance, you can still subscribe to communities from another instance. Communities are shared between instances.

    IMHO, we should be displaying stats like response time and integration with the federation network. That’s what is actually important for most folks. If you only focus on local activity, you’re going to have a bad time.

  • 2 people killed in mass shooting near Washington's Gorge Amphitheatre during Beyond Wonderland music festival 2 people killed in mass shooting near Washington's Gorge Amphitheatre during Beyond Wonderland music festival | CNN

    Two people were killed and several others were wounded in a mass shooting at the campgrounds near Washington’s Gorge Amphitheatre during an electronic dance music festival Saturday night, according to the Grant County Sheriff’s Office.

    2 people killed in mass shooting near Washington's Gorge Amphitheatre during Beyond Wonderland music festival | CNN
    Admins, you’re doing great, but please - fewer sticky threads.

    Mobile web for beehaw support is a page and a half of stickies. It’s not a particular great user experience. 😬

    I feel like, Lemmy’s default sorting would've naturally given many of these posts some organic prominence.

    Is a compact list view on the Mlem roadmap?

    Over the past few days many admins have been stickying giant posts, which makes scrolling through Mlem a little rough.

    Any plans to have a feed that truncates or completely hides the body of posts?

    7 Ukraine's army says it has regained control of a frontline village between Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk

    The Ukrainian army claims its soldiers have regained control of the village of Blahodatne, located along the front line between Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk in southeastern Ukraine.

    Ukraine's army says it has regained control of a frontline village between Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk

    They also regained control of a second village

    Reddit Ghostalmedia
    Lemmy on June 12th
    Stupid question. Can you a create a community without hosting a server?

    For example, I would love to create a community about home automation in Apple's ecosystem. How would I do that?

    Share Funny Videos, Images, Memes, Quotes and more Ghostalmedia
    When you use AI to assemble the Meme Avengers
    ghostalmedia Ghostalmedia

    Product Designer

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