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Debian used to be so good. What happened!?
  • I have been an Arch user for years now and anytime I touch a debian based distro it is such a headache: weird patched packages that don't compile anything past or present, insta dependency hell with PPAs, package names of 200 characters because apt doesn't have a good way to represent metadata... It made me a strong believer that trying to fight the bit rot and stick to the old stuff is counterproductive: a consistent head based development with a good community fixing bugs super quickly results in less hours of work fighting the paleolithic era dependencies, safer (as security fixes are faster to get in, packages are foreign to hackers and constantly changing etc), easier to find documentation as you don't need to dig into history to find which option existed or not, recent stuff is also easier to support for the developers of the various packages as it is fresh in their minds. Another point is to look at it from a tech debt lens: either you fix your stuff to work with current deps now or you just accumulate tech debt for the next engineer to fix in a way larger and combining a mountain of breakages in the future that of course IT and SREs will never want to do until the 15y old software is a disaster of security issues...

  • [YT] Overcoming Modern Challenges: Revitalizing coreboot Porting in the Age of BootGuard
  • The presenter banging on the keyboard, seemed totally distracted for minutes to say 2 sentences. It doesn't need to be perfect but that level requires way too much good will to not just close the video... There is nothing wrong to say, ok let me regroup for a couple minutes then fully jump in for your audience.

  • (Newbie question) Did i handle my system crashing correctly?
  • Your overall process is perfect: first try to solve it from the UI, then the console, then the magic sysreq key.

    The fact that your kernel was not responding to the sysreq key could mean a couple things: is it enabled on your install? (cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq to check)

    Before trying to understand why the kernel locked up, are you sure everything is solid on the hardware side? ie. Did you overclock anything? If yes did you burn test the PC on some GPU demo?

  • Apple, SpaceX, Microsoft return-to-office mandates drove senior talent away
  • I have seen another contributing factor in CS: it is really hard for the management to keep a good senior to junior ratio ie. A lot of juniors are trying to enter the workforce today. It means that during covid and shortly after the companies definitely relaxed as much as they could the geographical constraints for senior remote roles, also being senior they trusted them to work remotely not needing too much direct supervision. And now it backfires when your company is in silicon valley and you ask your senior developer from the boonies Colorado to move to an industrial concrete jungle.

  • What distros have you tried and thought, "Nope, this one's not for me"?
  • I use paru and the default is "paru" with no parameter for the upgrade. But I am on your team here: I have to Google every single time the -Q params for all the queries and I have been using arch for almost 2 decades now: "who owns this file?" "what are the deps of this package?" "Which packages are installed?" "Which packages I explicitly installed vs dependencies?" Not a single one of them is intuitive to query with the pacman command line for some reason.

  • Just install EndeavorOS lol
  • For me: Gentoo is a meta distro, you are the distro maintainer then the power user of that specific distro you created for yourself which can definitely be fun. Arch is more like: let's give you one instance of a Gentoo distro when you are tired of being the distro maintainer.

  • Just install EndeavorOS lol
  • Funny how it is all relative...

    Red hat for a few months -> Gentoo for 10 years-> Arch for another 10 years

    For me this is the opposite: Every time I am forced to use Ubuntu I feel like I am in a torture chamber especially with 3rd party packages.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Neovim (nvchad) with copilot to write Rust. Why? The terminal environment is super flexible: I have 2 desktops and a laptop running on Arch Linux, all the same dotfiles with tmux to keep my sessions alive.

    It all depends on your application domain: I mainly build embedded Linux code for a transportation drone.

  • Transitioning /r/rust to the Threadiverse
  • Agreed, why throwing more programming, delays and complexity to it while the main goal is just to first find a new official home, P0 is to pick an instance, move to it and announce it. Then P1 if you want to federate better subcommunities: sure! do it! and the larger lemmy community will benefit from it.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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