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YSK the full scope of the recent US presidential immunity decision
  • To this point, the military has remained an independent institution that has followed rule of law--the Iraq War, however awful, was legally authorized (note: I am not saying that soldiers haven't done illegal things, but the military writ large has been beyond the reach of the president to be wielded like a weapon to do explicitly illegal things).

    Trump mused bombing antiquities in his presidency, and the military swiftly responded that they are bound not to follow illegal orders.

    My fear now is that if military leadership falls into the wrong hands, immunity can be used to argue that the conduct is no longer considered illegal, or the line becomes so blurred that it ceases to functionally exist.

    If that happened under a president like Trump, God help us, every horrible nightmare outcome could be on the table.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • That's a funny way to misspell 7 million.

    Hell, Clinton won the popular vote by over 3 million.

  • It's exhausting...
  • Yeah, it was too much voting by the young and lefties in 2016 that put Trump in power, don't you remember?

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Some of us are old and still think of him as stoner frog. I'm not in the spaces where he's used as a fascist icon and forgot they hijacked him.

    Man having to remember every permutation internet bullshit gets exhausting.

  • Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs.
  • ? Have disc qualities been declining? Most of mine last 5-10 years easy, but I also avoid the cheapest option if I can. I also am talking from 10-15 years ago, as practically speaking I rarely burn things to disc anymore.

    Agree its not great for very long term storage though.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Most online debates are a waste of time, and I just choose to spend minimal time on them. Have a nice one and have fun with the anti-Biden shilling!

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • I'm rejecting your false dilemmas, lies, and accusations.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Nah, but this site is lousing with them lol

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Its the position you are falsely accusing me of, and nothing else.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Yeah no one should take them seriously. I just feel bad for the real person I dismiss by accident who has legitimate criticisms and thinks the moral thing is to vote for who they like even if that person has 0% to win.

    There are just too many trolls though to endlessly engage all of them though just in case some of them are engaging in good faith.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • You see Israel is brutalizing Gaza and somehow it is exclusively Joe Bidens fault. Oh, and people voting Biden over Trump in November, its our fault too, half way across the world making zero decisions about it and the like.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • That's the part these fucks don't understand. Accusing me of supporting genocide because I'm voting against a fascist doesn't make me question if I'm secretly pro-genocide and I don't even know it, it makes me question if they are a real person engaging me seriously or just more bad faith online accounts.

    Keep riling the tankies, I enjoy it.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • LOL I'm enjoying these tankie rants.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • I didn't watch debate but have been enjoying tankie and pundit hyperventilating that alot of us grassroots dem supporters don't give a shit about the debate and realized Biden was old before it even happened.

  • Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • America is not the world my friend. I mean Irish people in Ireland have been historically repressed and reviled in and by UK and Europe. I dont know how prevelant it continues to be, but there is a deep history.

    Humans beings the world over find ways to categorize and class each other on ethnicity in all sorts of ways that is fundamentally working with similar power relations to racism without it being reducible to skin tone.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Bernie wound up having a far greater political impact in the country than anyone would have believed 10 years ago. He didn't have to become president to influence a shift....democrats have gotten alot better overall on domestic policy and the way Bernie inspired millions of us to demand this from the dems we vote for was hugely impactful imo.

  • Journalist shot by Minneapolis police during 2020 protests dying from injuries
  • "No offense, but if they cops don't feel like respecting free speech and protest, you probably should expect them bullets".

    The 2020 protests were largely non-violent, and when that was breached it was typically because the cops brought so much violence. Its amazing to me that people can see a civil rights image and see the police oppression, but videos of cops cornering a crowd and then inundating them with tear gas and shit gets rationalized.

  • Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • I presume you are being ironic but just in case the Irish have experienced alot of racism LOL.

  • Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • The history of forcing slaves into limited food choices, and then caricaturing an entire race based on people adapting to those arbitrary forced limits....there are alot of layers of historical racism in play that could make doing this in a way that highlights those foods would probably play into that racism. Chicken and watermelon aren't "black" foods, they were common staples of Southern slaves that had limited choices.

    That said, those stereotypes are stupid, those foods are delicious to people of all races, so if those foods are served as a broader celebration or feast and its just part of the day without any emphasis or indicators of meeting (i.e., chicken and fruit are common foods for celebration so why not have them), I don't think anyone would care.

  • Detroit pastor thanks Trump for visiting the 'hood' as Biden, Obama who ‘never came’ attend LA fundraiser
  • You know any pastor praising Trump has to be a grifter lol.

  • gardylou gardylou
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