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The children who remember their past lives
  • Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. More then likely kids love to play act and role play. It is one way they learn. Is it possible too that some kids have multiple personalities?

  • Israel Attack on Iran Is What World War III Looks Like
  • Drones are important sure. I am not sure how important. It is no surprise that Ukraine cannot do large scale combined arms maneuver warfare though. Neither Ukraine or Russia is trained in that and Ukraine does not have conventional air support to a large extent. I would not attribute it entirely to drones.

  • Israel Attack on Iran Is What World War III Looks Like
  • I think he is trying to say this is the way it is and implies that this is where it is going. I do not buy it. This may just be a run up. We have not seen major powers engage and I hope we do not. I also do not agree with his characterization of the Russia Ukraine conflict.

  • I am a victim of the network effect who wishes to degoogle. What do I do?
  • The DGI Mini 3 Pro. Looks pretty cool. For that. Frankly you could just buy a separate cheap phone or tablet to use with just that or use an old one you already have. When you buy something to replace it later you could also consider openness and compatibility too.

  • I am a victim of the network effect who wishes to degoogle. What do I do?
  • Also decide what apps that you must have. If you can use the browser version or the progessive webapp version which is just the browser version installed that is probably better. Or if you do not need it on your phone use the browser version on you laptop.

    In the end though you will have some of these platforms for network reasons. Mostly things like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn. Google is not one of them though except for android itself. You also do not have to spend a lot of time contributing to these platforms. Use them when you need to nothing more.

  • I am a victim of the network effect who wishes to degoogle. What do I do?
  • Also decide what apps that you must have. If you can use the browser version or the progessive webapp version which is just the browser version installed that is probably better. Or if you do not need it on your phone use the browser version on you laptop.

    In the end though you will have some of these platforms for network reasons. Mostly things like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn. Google is not one of them though except for android itself. You also do not have to spend a lot of time contributing to these platforms. Use them when you need to nothing more.

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • Well that is the point isn't it. Companies are not very reliable. The only thing they can be relied on to do is whatever butters their bread and that can change at any time. There is also a PR component and a fact component and they do not always agree.

    Proton is really no different. I seem to remember they changed what they said on their website after outing that activist. Presumably to be a little less misleading. Again, I am impressed with Proton but not infinitely impressed.

  • Standard notes: what about don’t put all your eggs in one basket rule?
  • Security audits do not guarantee security. They are just the best we have. Just as code reviews do not guarantee good and trustworthy code. In the end, we do not know what we do not know. In the end, every system has its weaknesses.

    Sure I believe Proton is a reasonable supplier. Even with that Proton for example is on the record of giving out user info to governments. I am sure they did not meet the expectations of that activist.

  • My Experience with Tax Filing Software (Spring 2024)
  • This is one thing I never liked about many of the providers. They do every marketing gimmick in the book. Tiers so you really end up needing premium or business at some crazy price, prices that shift through the filing season, discounts through various paths so it is an Easter egg hunt, not showing you your return until you pay.

  • My Experience with Tax Filing Software (Spring 2024)
  • Did you do the web or PC version? Just curious regarding what you thought of the web version if you used it. I think going back to H&R Block would be my next jump if I cannot work with FTU or OLT. H&R Block was pretty reasonably priced this year too compared to TurboTax and TaxAct. TaxSlayer for some reason was not listed as certified on the MN tax site this year. Do not know if that is a trend or just a one of.

  • My Experience with Tax Filing Software (Spring 2024)

    Well I finished my taxes this year and they are finally accepted. Every year, we look at the market and the issues and decide on what provider to use. So here is a summary of our experience. Happy to hear your experiences too.

    Over the years I have used TaxCut/H&R Block, TaxAct, FreeTaxUSA, and now this year OLT. They all have done the job, but they have all had issues too. I left the PC version of TaxCut/H&R Block (often considered the #2 software out there) in 2003 primarily because I wanted to move to the Web and use Linux. It was also a huge cost savings at the time. My last H&R Block return was $61.30, and TaxAct was $17.90 in 2003. We used TaxAct (maybe the #4 tax provider, and #3 provider in the high-end market) for many years, but their price hikes over the years were way beyond simple inflation and sanity. By 2020, our last return cost $134.90. They also had issues with calculating underpayment penalties so we sometimes payed penalties when we did not have to. If they had just followed inflation that $17.90 in today's dollars would be $30.16. So I strongly believe that paying more then $30 regardless of how complex your taxes are is a rippoff. So in 2021 we moved to FreeTaxUSA (FTU) which was $21.98. As far as I know they are the #3 tax provider and the #1 value player. We actually like them quite a lot. The main issue we found was their treatment of MN Exempt income from mutual funds is a bit suspect though it can be worked around. The other issue we had was particular to this year. Turns out that we needed K1 support with certain boxes and codes, and the state part of that which for us is MN KF. FTU just could not do it. So we tried OLT. The cost of OLT was $15.90. What I really appreciate about OLT is support of a wider range of filing situations for a price under $30.00. Also like their lack of games including no price tiers based on your return, and being able to see your whole return before paying. What I am less sure of is thier MN state returns. My experience is that you may have to know what your doing and know to manually enter certain things, and manually override others for MN State returns. I had no particular issues with Federal though. So it seems like OLT is good for more complex returns for people that know what they are doing. Overall I liked OLT because of many added capabilities and I do hopefully know what I am doing.

    I'll close with the list of tax providers I personally considered in the order of decreasing market share based on relative web traffic: TurboTax (60%), H&R Block (23%), FreeTaxUSA(7.4%), TaxAct (6.4%), TaxSlayer (2.3%), OLT (0.59%), 1040 dot com (0.48%). I did not seriously consider CashApp Taxes, FileYourTaxes, 1040Now, eFile Express, IRS Free Fillable Forms, or Sprintax for various reasons. I also did not consider TaxHawk or Express1040 or consider them in my web traffic estimates as they are from the same company as FreeTaxUSA which is more well known. I wanted a provider with fairly good support, that had some popularity, had a reasonable reputation, could file taxes of reasonable complexity, was focused on US residents, is web based and can use with Linux and Firefox, and could file my state return. I also wanted a provider for under $30 which left only FreeTaxUSA, OLT, and 1040 dot com on the list.

    Anyway, hope someone finds this somewhat interesting or useful. Best to you all.

    1099-DIV: Cash Dividends + Box 7 Foreign Tax Paid Not Equal to Box 1a Ordinary Dividends, Please Help Me Understand

    I have one mutual fund where cash dividends (there were no short gains this year) plus Box 7 (Foreign Tax Paid) is not equal to Box 1a (Ordinary Dividends). I have never seen such a thing before. Talked with the mutual fund company and they say it is correct. They claim in this case it includes and "interest adjustment" as well so that Box 1a = cash dividends and short term gains + foreign taxes + interest adjustment.

    What exactly is this interest adjustment. I'd like to know for two reasons. One is an accounting one for my accounting program, and the other is tax and anything I should know about it for tax purposes.

    Maybe I am just confused but if it appears as a Ordinary Dividend I would think it would it would either mean I get some value for it be it a pass through tax credit (like Foreign Tax paid), a basis change (like a reinvestment), or maybe something that has accrued (something earned but not yet paid). As it stands, it seems like I am paying tax on something I get no benefit from so it kind of blows my mind.

    So I am confused. What is this thing. The fund is T. Rowe Price International Stock.


    Is the problem Putin’s Russia or Mother Russia?
  • Never forget that Russia was also an instigator in WW II and stared as an axis power and later partially switched sides but then kept the countries they had conquered so really they were just the surviving axis power.

    In that sense WW II never really was completed until the 80s. In fact I have a relative that served in WW II in the 60s or maybe 70s. Now they want to reopen it basically.

  • Email service that integrates well with Thunderbird?
  • Pretty much any IMAP mail provider combined with Nextcloud for sync will work.

    Keep in mind too that Proton Mail has a commercial offering that should work with thunderbird. I have no experience with it.

    We use our ISPs mail with our Nextcloud instance but long run will probably move to domain mail with maybe Fastmail for the mail component. Not sure yet. I will be interested in what you find.

  • Question: Alternative tax forums?

    Any ideas for alternative US tax forums or discussion boards similar to say Reddit Tax? Ideas?

    OLT Tax Service Experience OnLine Taxes at OLT.COM - Federal and State taxes Online

    Online Taxes tax preparation service provides simple, fast and secure tax preparation software and online tax help for online filing of your income tax return. Online Taxes offers both Federal income tax forms and State income tax forms for IRS efile.

    Wondering if anyone here has used and what their experience has been. They do not appear in the lists of commonly hyped providers most of the time.

    Normally I use FreeTaxUSA, but this year after entering most everything I found out it did not handle Estate state pass-through withholding.

    So I spent yesterday on OLT entering everything again. They seem to handle more stuff at the cost of more complexity. Anyway got it all in this time. Still waiting for some final source documents but may file with OLT this year.

    Anyway, wondering if anyone has done a full prep and filing with them and their experience. Thanks.

    Oath App: An Algorithm to Stop Democratic Donors From Wasting Their Money An Algorithm to Stop Democratic Donors From Wasting Their Money

    A new fundraising tool looks to optimize political giving for Democrats.

    An Algorithm to Stop Democratic Donors From Wasting Their Money

    Does anyone have thoughts or experience with the fundraising site: .

    The article talks about it but I have not tried.

    Jerboa Issues Again

    Anyone having issues with Jerboa on Beehaw today? Mine just opens and crashes. Did the clear cashe and storage thing. No effect. Have not tried reinstall.

    Android App Search Strategies?

    I have been noticing that Google Play is overrun with adware, trialware, and freemium kinds of apps. Really hard to find FOSS and truly free apps.

    Curious about best strategies to sort though Google Pay. I typically start with F-Droid and AlternativeTo to find apps then try to find them on Play.


    Remote Control Software For Media Center

    I've been looking at options for controlling my Ubuntu Media Center computer from Android. Mainly Mouse, but Keyboard is good too. Looked at a lot of stuff but the most interesting ones were:

    • KDE Connect. This is the one I decided on because it is common, readily available and Ubuntu has the GSConnect package to work with Gnome. . F-Droid also has a version that I have not tried.

    • XMouse (In F-Droid, Not in Play). This actually was a dream to setup and worked well. The downside is that it is not in Play. .

    • remote-touchpad. A cool app that is server side only and uses the a browser on the Android side. The biggest issue is it is not that secure. Also only on Ubuntu as a snap and not on Debian.

    • Bluetooth Keyboard & Mouse (serverless). Fremium and not FOSS. Should have been good but I could never get it to work. The Linux Bluetooth system sees the packets, and the USB, Input, and XInput subsystems see the keyboard and mouse but no data flow. .

    • WiFiMouse. Have not tried this one. It seems like another FOSS app. Just added for reference and if anyone has tried. .

    So in short I found KDE Connect was the most obvious but I really liked how XMouse worked in terms of ease of setup and simplicity. Frankly probably would have used it if it was in Play too.

    I was thinking that BlueTooth would be better and more universal. The issue I found was FOSS apps seem to be missing and I could never get the one freemium app I found to actually work. This seems to be an area that needs a good FOSS alternative that actually works. Let me know if you have any idea of other options OR why I loose the data stream somewhere between the bluetooth stack and the Linux input subsystem.

    iPhone Photo Rejected from Photo Contest for Suspected AI Use Woman’s iPhone photo of son rejected from Sydney competition after judges ruled it could be AI

    Suzi Dougherty’s photograph of 18-year-old Caspar deemed ‘suspicious’ by judges, even though it was taken on her mobile

    Woman’s iPhone photo of son rejected from Sydney competition after judges ruled it could be AI

    Always love when self agrandized authorities act like idiots. Feels like the box wine wins wine competition article.

    I have a friend that does photo competitions. They say winning is more about knowing the judges than anything else.

    Question: Electric Stove Options

    We are looking at new electric stoves. Does anyone understand the options?

    Specifically wondering the types of surface units (burners). Are there various options or modes: constant current (constant heat flow), or temperature control (on/off cycling, or variable current). The old stoves were mostly constant current surface units. The new flat top stoves seem to cycle somehow (temperature controlled?). I have no idea how inductive works. We have gas now which is constant heat flow of course.

    Why I ask is I'm not very interested in this cycling stuff at all, and temperature control only.

    Thoughts, recommendations, or experiences?


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Interests: News, Finance, Computer, Science, Tech, and Living

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