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  • MicroOS (and its flavors) update the same way Android does; as a full image

    They don't. They update with regular packages. The updates are atomic though and are only applied at next boot, so there's less of a risk of weird breakages.

  • Germany Has Too Many Solar Panels, and It's Pushed Energy Prices Negative
  • I guess that depends. If the costs to invest in storage is cheaper long term than losing money from excess energy, then energy companies would lose less money and thus could offer cheaper prices. But it would definitely help decrease or get rid of negative prices.

  • Germany Has Too Many Solar Panels, and It's Pushed Energy Prices Negative
  • In isolation, it's very obviously a bad thing, because it makes solar less profitable and might slow down the switch to renewables.

    In a wider context, it can still be seen as a god thing as it means there has been a significant pivot to solar already and luckily it's also a very solvable problem. There just needs to be more energy storage.

  • Germany legalises cannabis, but makes it hard to buy
  • The law does make sense, if you put it into practice. In practice the dry weight amounts will probably just be checked on the street. Checking your home will require a warrant which isn't easy to come by, so they're not gonna bother about cases where it might be three or four plants or this or that many grams.

  • Germany legalises cannabis, but makes it hard to buy
  • Well, who's gonna pay for your medical care when you inevitably develop drug problems/health issues. So in a socialized healthcare system, you are harming others with it.

    (And not offering treatment or making the patient pay for it which they often won't be able to, would be very inhumane imo)

  • Question related to Lemmy and AI , I want to know if there are solid implementations or plans to combat the massive AI crawls and protect lemmy users data. Like post, comments and even the users info
  • There's a convention for websites to use robot.txt files that prescribe whether bots should be allowed to access the site. But it's just that, a convention which malicious actors don't need to feel beholden to. Depending on the legal framework, you could also just threaten to sue anyone using one's data for AI without permission, but that's probably not feasible for the average lemmy server operator.

  • Indigenous voters tipped Taiwan's legislative race to the KMT
  • Indigenous groups have always fairly reliably voted KMT. The DPP tends to have much more progressive policies and portray themselves as more concerned about the indigenous struggle. But the KMT being the direct successor of the authoritarian government that ruled Taiwan for decades tends to have much deeper local structures and have thus been present in indigenous territories much more/for much longer.

    (Also portraying the parties as Chinese or Taiwanese nationalists probably is a bit strong, as they've both moved towards more moderate, pro-status quo positions, although from different ends of the spectrum)

  • Germany’s Days as an Industrial Superpower Are Coming to an End
  • Nobody is surprised. The FDP knows exactly what they're doing, which is make as much politics blatantly in favour of their donors as long as they're in power. They don't care about what that does to the general populace or even how they're perceived for it. One or two elections later everyone will have basically forgotten about it again anyway and the whole shtick repeats.

  • [Feature Request] Search via Instance X/universal search

    (Hoping this post will finally make it throug now that federation issues are fixed) One of the main pain points of lemmy imo is that it is hard to find/be aware of communities your instance hasn't been connected to. In my previous app, Liftoff, I was kind of able to get around that by quickly switching to the default mode (basically guest mode for and search for communities via, as that is one of the biggest and most well connected instances, and then subscribe via my regular account.

    I wonder if there could be a way to implement something like that in Voyager. Voyager already has a guest mode that also defaults to, but it's not really easily accessible anymore once logged in. Being able to add a guest account to the switcher could be a quick way to make that a bit easier. Or maybe it would make more sense to add a "search via instance X" option to the search interface directly. There's also stuff like lemmyverse that aggregrates all instances and has an even more complete community search, but that would I assume be the most labour intensive way to implement a broader search feature like that.

    Verdacht auf Betrugsversuch bei Rentnerlaptop - wie vorgehen?

    Moin, ich biete ab und an für Rentner etwas grundlegende Computerhfe an: Umgang mit Browser und Email, Drucker einrichten, unter Unständen Installation von FF mit uBlock, nervige Pop-Ups ausschalten, so etwas halt.

    Nun hat sich heute ein älterer Herr bei mir gemeldet, hauptsächlich mit den Use Case Internet surfen und Kartenspiele spielen ^^, der meinte er hatte schon einmal jemanden, der ihm geholfen hat, seinen neuen Laptop einzurichten und ihm alle möglichen tollen Sachen versprochen hat und sich irgendwann nicht mehr bei ihm gemeldet hat.

    Habe mir dabei erst einmal nichts weiter bei gedacht, vielleicht hatte der Typ ja einfach keinen Bock mehr, einem Senioren bei seinem Kleinkram zu helfen oder sonst etwas. Ist natürlich absolut möglich. Werde jetzt aber den Verdacht nicht los, dass es sich dabei vielleicht auch um einen Betrugsversuch gehandelt haben könnte. So nach dem Motto, installieren wir dem Ollen mal etwas Spyware und hoffen da Bankdaten o.ä. abgreifen zu können und geben dann irgendwann frustriert auf, wenn sich herausstellt, dass der Typ nur Solitär spielen möchte.

    Ich muss jetzt sagen, dass ich bis auf die Basics mit Windows gar nicht soo bewandert bin und schon seit einem Jahrzehnt ausschließlich Linux benutze. Von daher wollte ich fragen, was denn so die gängigsten Praktiken sind, um zu gucken, ob das System irgendwie kompromittiert sein könnte oder irgendetwas Suspektes aufgespielt wurde?

    Patternz - a global mass surveillance system that harvests digital advertising data on behalf of 'national security agencies' Wolfie Christl (

    Attached: 1 image As part of a new report on digital advertising as a security threat published today by and me (, and previously unreported: We reveal 'Patternz', a global mass surveillan...

    Wolfie Christl (
    2 China’s disregard for small state agency hampers its foreign policy | East Asia Forum

    China's most recent dispute with the Philippines shows how Beijing frames smaller states as agents of US containment, write Greg Polling and Jude Blanchette (CSIS).

    China’s disregard for small state agency hampers its foreign policy | East Asia Forum
    Steht das Deutschlandticket auf der Kippe? Verkehrsminister beraten über Zukunft des Deutschlandtickets

    Bund und Länder beraten über die weitere Finanzierung des Deutschlandtickets - allerdings ohne den Bundesverkehrsminister. Bis 2025 sehe er in dieser Frage keinen Handlungsbedarf, so Wissing. NRW-Minister Krischer warnte vor einem Aus des Angebots.

    Verkehrsminister beraten über Zukunft des Deutschlandtickets

    "Wissing sagte im TV-Sender ntv, die Bundesländer sollten sich lieber an nötige Strukturveränderungen machen statt Finanzdiskussionen zu führen."

    Was für'n Clown.

    7 Macron launches ‘ecological plan’ to end France’s use of fossil fuels by 2030

    50-point plan also aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% and includes new offshore wind projects

    Macron launches ‘ecological plan’ to end France’s use of fossil fuels by 2030
    Good FOSS 2D animation software

    I occasionally do some 2D animations, mostly just simple silly emotes, and gimp is proving to be a bit limited. So I looked at what 2D animation stuff flathub has to offer and there are several. The ones I found and that looked promising were synfig studio, pencil2D and glaxnimate.

    Does anyone have any experience with those (or woud recommend somethibg else)? How do they stack up in terms of features, user-friendliness and maturity of the software. My only real requirement is that it should also be able to do some stuff with regular image files even if many things will probably work better with vectors. I will mostly be doing very basic beginner stuff.

    (I also posted this post here: )

    Good 2D animation software

    I occasionally do some 2D animations mostly just simple silly emotes and gimp is proving to be a bit limited. So I looked at what 2D animation stuff flathub has to offer and there are several. The ones I found and that looked promising were synfig studio, pencil2D and glaxnimate.

    Does anyone have any experience with those? How do they stack up in terms of features, user-friendliness and maturity of the software. My only real requirement is that it should also be able to do some stuff with regular image files even if many things will probably work better with vectors. I will mostly be doing very basic stuff.

    Mongolia: Rise and fall of an empire

    Documentary about the general history of Mongolia starting with Genghis Khan and its impact on modern Mongolian society and culture.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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